...we're sinking deeper.
Minerva, I've set out mini goals for myself too, they go 1. Next stone bracket 2. Single lb digits in said stone bracket 3. Half way through said stone bracket 4. Only a few lbs in said stone bracket which then leads us back to 1. The most I'm counting is 4lbs in front which is so much more achievable than what I started with. Not saying it works for everyone but it certainly does for me. Well done on persevering though, your really made of stronger stuff than you give yourself credit forxxx
Thanks Carrie - how are you doing? How's Exante?
I have set out mini-goals, they're 7 lb intervals. I might aldso do a flower diagram - maybe for each LB lost and put it on my wall! Quite cheesy though
(example here: http://www.minimins.com/slim-save-off-topic/302237-weight-loss-tracking-flowers.html )