Minerva's on a mission!!

Pvp all the way!

Glad to hear you are feeling so good and I know you will do well tomorrow x
How are you Min?
Have you gone back to the packs today or have you decided to stick with calorie counting. It's amazingly inspirational to read how great you're coping with going back to 'normal' food and how in control you are.
And we'll done on the weight loss last week. How much did you lose in the end?
Have a great day my dee :)
Hi everyone :D

I've happily gone back on the packs today - the SnS porridge was tasty! (if I can say such a thing? :p)

I'm a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttleeee bit annoyed with my loss - I stayed at 13st0 (since Wednesday morning ...*grumble*...). Still, it's -3lb this week, which makes up for last week's STS. I just wanted to see the 12's so much!!

Calorie counting is fine, but having said that I know that it was easy because I didn't have any of the dreaded processed carbs. I didn't cross that line. If I did - a) it would chemically induce me to want more and b) it would have broken a "you shouldn't have X" rule - and if that's out the window, then it's much harder to get back on any wagon at all.

All in all - food experiment was a success, I gained some insight into how I should eat in the future. I always thought it was the VOLUME of food that kept me full... no. Now I know it's about SUBSTANCE. Protein keeps the hunger at bay for far longer - than "empty-calorie" salad/vegetables (in any quantity). Technically we always READ about it in food/diet journals/magazines and whatever... but having forced myself to do it, I see that it's true. :) It's easy to know things, but to do/apply them is always harder in practice... It's not like I'm revealing some sort of secret - EVERYONE knows this. I just had to discover it for myself I guess. :)

So onwards with SnS - with the slowing down of losses, I doubt I'll reach my goal in August, which is frustrating to say the least... Oh well, it's better to be close to target than not at all though, right? :D :D :D

Hope everyone has a great day!!

Hi everyone :D

I've happily gone back on the packs today - the SnS porridge was tasty! (if I can say such a thing? :p)

I'm a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttleeee bit annoyed with my loss - I stayed at 13st0 (since Wednesday morning ...*grumble*...). Still, it's -3lb this week, which makes up for last week's STS. I just wanted to see the 12's so much!!

Calorie counting is fine, but having said that I know that it was easy because I didn't have any of the dreaded processed carbs. I didn't cross that line. If I did - a) it would chemically induce me to want more and b) it would have broken a "you shouldn't have X" rule - and if that's out the window, then it's much harder to get back on any wagon at all.

All in all - food experiment was a success, I gained some insight into how I should eat in the future. I always thought it was the VOLUME of food that kept me full... no. Now I know it's about SUBSTANCE. Protein keeps the hunger at bay for far longer - than "empty-calorie" salad/vegetables (in any quantity). Technically we always READ about it in food/diet journals/magazines and whatever... but having forced myself to do it, I see that it's true. :) It's easy to know things, but to do/apply them is always harder in practice... It's not like I'm revealing some sort of secret - EVERYONE knows this. I just had to discover it for myself I guess. :)

So onwards with SnS - with the slowing down of losses, I doubt I'll reach my goal in August, which is frustrating to say the least... Oh well, it's better to be close to target than not at all though, right? :D :D :D

Hope everyone has a great day!!


Good for you Minerva. I'm already worried about what I'm gunna eat on week 13. Brilliant info and good luck with reaching your goal. Excellent :) have a good day :)

Batty x

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Thanks Batty! I'm so happy to see that you're doing well!! It's very inspiring :D


I just discovered that I finally got TOTM today. O_O This doesn't sound like a big deal, but it was about 5 weeks late (before you think it - pregnancy wasn't an option here).

This diet and calorie deficiency really wreaks havoc with my periods; seems food week gave the body enough energy to get one going. So - maybe that's why it stalled slightly after the initial losses. ... Mystery solved I guess!
No wonder I had the random pizza craving last week!! I don't usually care/remember such things :p
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Thanks Batty! I'm so happy to see that you're doing well!! It's very inspiring :D


I just discovered that I finally got TOTM today. O_O This doesn't sound like a big deal, but it was about 5 weeks late (before you think it - no THAT wasn't an option here).

This diet and calorie deficiency really wreaks havoc with my periods; seems food week gave the body enough energy to get one going. So - maybe that's why it stalled slightly after the initial losses. ... Mystery solved I guess!


Yes I know VLCDs can cause period problems. Haha I must admit when you said 5 weeks without one that was the first thing I thought. So will you carry on? Thanks I'm not inspirational am I ? Haven't got far yet time will tell. I've had a period last week so I'm fine atm. Glad you've solved the issue Minerva :)
What will you do just carry on with packs or carry on eating low carb? Xx

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You ARE inspirational Batty - every success (every day that you do 100%) is inspiration to someone out there. :) Especially in this first week!

I'll carry on with the packs. My TOTM is buggered anyway even without the diet. When I was on the VLCD/calorie restriction first time, my periods stopped for 2 years or so, until I went on the mini-pill. Apparently my oestrogen levels reached that of an 80 year old!

The pill regulates my hormones for me, but I ran out a few months ago and haven't had time to get a new prescription... Meh, I'll sort it out after exams are done. :p
You ARE inspirational Batty - every success (every day that you do 100%) is inspiration to someone out there. :) Especially in this first week!

I'll carry on with the packs. My TOTM is buggered anyway even without the diet. When I was on the VLCD/calorie restriction first time, my periods stopped for 2 years or so, until I went on the mini-pill. Apparently my oestrogen levels reached that of an 80 year old!

The pill regulates my hormones for me, but I ran out a few months ago and haven't had time to get a new prescription... Meh, I'll sort it out after exams are done. :p

That's great that the mini pill helps. If I get a problem I shall bare that in mind. I've got a smear test after seeing doc who's keeping an eye on my moods and that. I shall speak to him about it. I've also read that some ladies have one long period on these diets like every 2 weeks. Omg. Oh you poor thing oestrogen levels of that of an 80 year old. That's not too good in later life is it? Like osteoporosis and things so I'm glad you have sorted now. I've always had them very heavy and used to have severe pmt. I'm not too bad now with it. Although sometimes it still catches me out. I will shout and oh how nasty I am then the next day that's it I've come on. My sisters like it too. Haha. Wish I could know the signs when I'm due. I do sometimes. Oh it's a mans world eh? Haha :)

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Lol ! Well don't worry too much about the VLCD affecting your TOTM too much - mine went away after 2 years worth of 800 calorie days!! The other lady seems to have had a bad reaction from those hormone injections which is also awful. :( Poor her.

I wish there WAS a way to predict it coming, that way I'd lock myself in a room so that I'm not such a massive cow to everyone :D

Lol ! Well don't worry too much about the VLCD affecting your TOTM too much - mine went away after 2 years worth of 800 calorie days!! The other lady seems to have had a bad reaction from those hormone injections which is also awful. :( Poor her.

I wish there WAS a way to predict it coming, that way I'd lock myself in a room so that I'm not such a massive cow to everyone :D


Haha hugs back babes xxx oh I could eat a domino's anyday of the week diet or no diet hahahaha :) have nice day Minerva :) xx

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Well done on a 3lbs loss!! That's amazing!!! And with a little experiment and totm starting too??? Excellent :) xxx
Awesome loss my lovely, well done h and what a fantastic trial run x
I think 3lb is a pretty good loss! Well done chick
3lb is brilliant!!! Well done!!!!!!!!
Thanks everyone!! :D -3 lb is definitely a respectable loss after a food week. Sod's law said that - this morning I lost that extra 1lb and am now "unofficially" in the 12st's!! Ahhh! Excitement. :D I'm so close to BMI 30 - only 8 lb (or 7!!) to go. CAN'T WAIT!! :bliss:

<3_cat - I'm glad to see you back!! :D x


I'm still craving the forbidden thing - I think it's hormones and TOTM doing the craving! It's never usually this bad! I even had my first "food" dream - you know the type - where you eat something and you're like "Oh, no!! I've broken the diet now!!!" ... it was a bag of grated cheese of all things. :confused: I woke up with myself thinking "A small blip doesn't have to ruin the whole day"...

It's something I've struggled to get my head around when I was trying to diet last time - if I started my day "badly", then the whole day would be out the window. I do need to work on that aspect when I get to doing this food thing properly.

I bought some clothes online yesterday :eek: As incentive not to give in to my craving! Bought a size 12 dress among other bits, which I know I won't fit into until August - but for some reason, I'm confident that I CAN get there. I KNOW I can. After exams are done will be my real test, as the summer will start... and stuff will start happening.. maybe going abroad somewhere... house decorating...

I'm just focusing on the wanting to feel and look better, fitting into clothes I haven't worn for a very long time to combat any feelings of wanting some sort of instant and momentary gratification in the form of food!... I don't need it!!

Here's the dress... I wonder if I'll be able to pull it off! :p : Kelly Brook Navy Floral Print Sweetheart Dress

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Woohoo! Well done on reaching the milestone!
And I love the dress. Kelly Brook is one of my clients in the spa (I shouldn't be disclosing that info but what the hell) and she is one of the loveliest and the most beautiful girls I've seen.
I'm sure come summer if we ever get one you'll look amazing in it! :)