Weighed myself today and only gained 3lb after my weekend of naughtiness, very pleased

So now 5lb off original goal.
I went to the hospital today to see the consultant about my varicose veins. They have agreed to operate

I asked about having them lasered, but they will only strip them

:cry: I've agreed to have the procedure but am now really scared!!! I've never had a general anesthetic before. Also panicking that I'll get MRSA
I have to wait for an appointment for an ultra sound and then another appointment for the actual operation itself. They couldn't give me any ideas as to how long the waiting list is, so hoping it'll be sooner rather than later so that I don't have so much time to worry and convince myself something horrid may happen.
Exciting and scary all at the same time, be well worth it though hun but I can understand your nerves, will keep my fingers crossed you're not kept waiting too long xx
My car broke today too:cry: Poor little mini just didn't want to go anymore and decided it had had enough at a busy roundabout

I was terrified

People were bibbing and looking angrily at me, at first I apologised then after about the 10th car I'd had enough and started behaving like a fish wife back

Eventually I managed to start her up again and get off the main road out of the way and waited for the lovely RAC to rescue me
Scott's had a look tonight and there are a few problems but nothing he can't fix so mini is back in my good books

Only 3 more years and she'll class as a historic vehicle

, so I guess I shouldn't be too hard on her.
Gotta love minis, they just never want to give up and are really easy to fix. I often miss the purple monster, but defrosting the inside in the winter used to really p*ss me off, I used to scrape the windows with the heaters on and I looked like a human size snow globe!