ooh, Just found your thread tracey. good luck and will be following yoru progress from now on
Hi hun
This is def def def 100% something I need to address as well, I've been reading Sam's post and now found yours as well - cant wait to hear how you get on!
Its a bloody nightmare this entire 'binge' word/situation/problem - you name it...
Easy to control when you get that 'flick of the switch' right whilst SS'ing and 790 type thingying - I worry that I have done this before - got to within a st of goal and resorted back to previous ways because of the draw that food has to me!
Its all very well knowing that you have control issues but being able to control the control issues is the way to go!
Cant wait to hear how you get on luv.
All the best....
Thanks Clare for taking time to read my witterings
I thought that CD had miraculously cured me of my food problems:sigh: I found ssing really quite easy, in fact I loved it and after the first 2 weeks hardly ever craved food, in fact certain foods I'd loved smelt awful and I no longer wanted them. Then moving up the plans was hard as I still didn't want to eat, I'd been so happy in my keto heaven
I did follow the plans to the letter and enjoyed the foods I was eating and at the start of maintenance although I was scared of putting on weight I didn't feel the need to binge and thought or hoped that I'd never binge again. This state of mind lasted about 4 weeks
and then the first binge happened, it wasn't a massive one and I thought ok I've had one, but all is ok. Since then they've worsened and the amount o sugary, fatty crap I consume each time is getting more and more. Of course to compensate I have days where I hardly eat a thing and rely on Cambridge products instead of a meal (I guess that's the downside of being a cousellor, I have an abundant supply of CD)
I don't want to carry on this way, it was bad enough yoyo dieting for years, I don't want to yoyo maintain too.
Thanks for your encouragement
Hypnotherapist cancelled my appointmentI was a little disappointed as I'd psyched myself up for it. I have rebooked for Monday so hopefully it will go ahead then.
Had a lovely nght out last night with Hubby and a couple of friends, we went to watch a local band Tortilla Army, they are greatSomething else I've noticed not only do I binge eat, I have a tendency to binge drink too
So today am feeling slightly iffy
Have to work at 5.00 today so hoping to feel a little better soon, not sure I can stomach the smell of all that chinese:jelous: (I deliver for a local chinese as well as CDCing
Tomorrow is my son's 12th birthday so a morning of bowling is planned and then we're going out for dinner with some of the family.
Haven't binged this week so far, so am happy about that, but although I haven't binged every evening has been filled with thoughts of having food I so hope the hypnotherapy helps to prevent this. Last night in my drunkenness I decided to cook prawns in garlic butter, OMGmy house this morning absolutely stank much to the disgust of the kids, when I cleaned up the mess I'd left, I realised I'd used 5 garlic cloves!!!! I may have a headache but my blood is lovely and cleansed
Hypnotherapist cancelled my appointmentI was a little disappointed as I'd psyched myself up for it. I have rebooked for Monday so hopefully it will go ahead then.
Fascinated to hear how it goes,whqat he thinks he can or cannot help with etc.
Had a lovely nght out last night with Hubby and a couple of friends, we went to watch a local band Tortilla Army, they are greatSomething else I've noticed not only do I binge eat, I have a tendency to binge drink too
So today am feeling slightly iffy
Have to work at 5.00 today so hoping to feel a little better soon,
Haven't binged this week so far, so am happy about that, but although I haven't binged every evening has been filled with thoughts of having food I so hope the hypnotherapy helps to prevent this. Last night in my drunkenness I decided to cook prawns in garlic butter, OMGmy house this morning absolutely stank much to the disgust of the kids, when I cleaned up the mess I'd left, I realised I'd used 5 garlic cloves!!!! I may have a headache but my blood is lovely and cleansed
Hiya - dont think I've ever posted on your thread....but I do read !!
just wanted to say - good luck with the hypnotherapy....look forward to hearing how it went...hope it helps with your binges.....![]()
Debz xx
bet your house smelled gorgeous to you last night but today erm well!
The house smelt terrible, but not as bad as my breath
Shame about your session getting cancelled, least you don't have to wait too long for it though.
I was a bit disappointed, but roll on Monday!
Got to say I'm jealous of your drunkeness - could really go a good session with a couple of bottles of red wine - ahh well, am sure it must be nearly July :sigh:
It's so worth the sacrifice, you're doing brilliantly, I love reading your losses each week and knowing how great you must feel.
If you can resist all that chinese without hypnotherapy you're a bloody good un!!!
Lol I love my little delivery job, I've always worked in banks or in an office with finance related jobs and decided enough was enough, I didn't need the added stress anymore, once I lost weight I gained the confidence to make the decision to be a lady of leisure for a whileI do have a 1/2 portion of king prawns and cashew nuts every now and again, but to be honest smelling it all night sort of puts me off, plus it's not a favourite of mine. Now if it were indian I was delivering
Don't work too hard![]()
Interesting that when drunk you chose prawns & not a series of carb stuff like you'd choose on an eating binge. also that the drink didn't trigger an eating spree.
Do you see the problems as linked? interchangeable? both part of the same problem? or separate?
Boy do I envy you getting out of finance jobs Tracey, especially at the moment with year end ---- I can see me working 12 hour days from now to mid April ..... and that doesn't take into account that I've now got this new job so need to have everything where I am completely up to date and spot on .... think I'll come and deliver your chinese with you!
Funny that you should mention king prawn & cashew nuts as that's my old faithful - in fact that was possibly the first thing I ever had from a chinese takeaway ---- when hubby and I started going out with each other many moons ago we used to go to this particular takeaway and I'd get that and he'd get fish and chips, LOL he was oh so adventurous then!
You're welcome to join me anytime KatieWait til July and we can share some king prawns!
Hope tomorrow goes great for you - what time is your session?
Oooh I'll think of you at 11.00 --- am sure it will be great. I'll be on here before going to weigh in tomorrow evening so will check to find out how you've got on. Re the binges - maybe your mind is halfway there with the positive feelings and that's why they've lessened, therefore the hypnosis should cement those feelings for you.
My weekend has been adventurous! I decided to bite the bullet and call a driving school for motorbike courses - they are calling me at 6pm to take my car licence details to book my theory test and to arrange for me to do the course - it's a 5 day one where hopefully at the end I will have my motorbike licence. I've wanted to do it for ages and decided now is the time! So following on from that I got on the back of hubby's bike today for the first time in what must be 14 or 15 years - was fabulous --- now I know I'm def doing the right thing.
Hubby has a Yamaha Thunderace --- I can't ride his as I'm too short and feet won't touch the ground. I've been advised that a Kawasaki ER5 and a Suzuki Bandit are good for shorties so will go test them out at some point.
When the guy phoned back this evening he took my licence details and booked me in for my theory test there and then - so that's on the 27th March .... and he's booked me in for my CBT next Sunday - my first day on a bike and I get to spend all day on it and then be tested!!!! Got to be there at 9am --- think I might need to pinch your hynotism session tomorrow to calm my nerves LOL
Am looking forward to weigh in but not expecting great things as I just can't go to the loo this week - though you'd have thought today would have made me![]()
good luck for today Tracey. Ive got my second session today and still going strong. xx