So worried about my girl
Oh I'm so bloody angry

Why are there so many horrid people in this world

My eldest daughter was followed by a van last year and was extremely frightened by this incident. Luckily she managed to get away, but it has left her very wary, she tries not to walk anywhere alone and if she does have to, she is very nervous.
She also suffers from OCD and one of her rituals is she has to read number plates, but only reads the numbers not the letters.
Last night she walked to a friends house, literally at the end of our road, when she got there her friends Dad told her they had gone to another friends place to watch DVDs, so she txt'd her friend and arranged to be met. She started to walk to meet them and noticed a car parked up with headlights on etc. as she approached it made a turn in the road and drove off. Once she got to the end of the road she noticed the same car but didn't really think anything of it. As she neared it a middle aged man got out went right up to her face and spat in her eye

she ran off screaming and the man got in his car and drove off. She knocked on the nearest house, called her friends and waited there for them to come and get her.
Can you believe this

Why did this man do it
My poor little girl is beside herself, she didn't go to college today as she wanted to stay with me. Police have been here this morning and Kim has told them everything, she knows the make and model of the car and the numbers from the number plate. It has a strange number plate as there is 4 numbers in a row, usually there are only 3. Police are hopeful about tracing the car.
She's been crying and asking why has something like this happened to her twice. I just don't know what to say. I had to pop to the town so she came with me and we went into a shop, there were 3 guys in there and she burst into tears. It concerns me deeply that her OCD will be affected by this and made worse, she's started getting so much better.
I want to get my hands on him, he wont be able to spit at me with my fist in his face