Today has been quite stress free

All my clients today were happy bunnies as their weight losses were good, this always gives me a warm feeling inside, let's hope the rest of the week produces more happiness.
My son has got a girlfriend

Poor little chap has been grilled all evening, the main thing the girls wanted to know was if she was a minger!

He used to beg me to give him a baby brother, even told me once that if I let him have one he would live with me forever

Needless to say he never got one

I do feel for him though, living with 3 sisters can be tough.
Anyway we've managed to find out her first name, age, hair colour and eye colour, to which I told him it must be love if he knows the colour of her eyes. Aaahhh how sweet it is

I should have read the signs really, he's been showering without being asked, his bedroom stinks of deoderant in the mornings and he's asked me if I can get some teeth whitener!
Foodwise today I have been fine. Ate healthily all day and have felt full! However tonight it did cross my mind to have the last piece of birthday cake, but I haven't touched it and have only just reminded myself about it whilst writing this
I had hoped I wouldn't think about food at all after my dinner so was a little disappointed that the cake had tried to tempt me. But thinking about it, the craving wasn't too bad and I didn't eat it and actually thought to myself that I wasn't hungry for it really, would only be eating it because it was there. So I guess some progress is being made.
I have just ordered Paul Mckenna CD and book and have thought that perhaps if I listen to it in the evenings this may help too.