"Minimins Fallen Angels"

Welcome Nat as you know me and Karen polished a litre on saturday and the scales have shown that this morning....I am no longer a teen...but I will be by the end of the week.
woah didnt realise u drink a litre between u???
OUCH flippin heck i only drun 1/2 a quarter bottle
i dont think i wanna go out with u 2 binge drinkers now hahahahahaaa

oooh sorry about the scales sonks, i went up 2 lb from my voddie but its gone already phew
I am really struggling with my water

hey Gen , thanks for the welcome hun, yes we will have to keep each other on track, Im not having any more voddie till august now
I have gone up but it will be off soon...well it better be

Just having my lunchtime drink....banana...yum.

So can anyone recommend the tetras....I have heard some say choc is nice.....but what about the banana......I want to take some to sheffield with us so I dont slip.
Lesley if you started on a different day that is fine...just most of us started on the tuesday.
You need 7 straight days to earn a spinny.

Now you've confused me. I thought if you start on a Tuesday then the following monday your stars get wiped unless you have been good all week and then you get a spinny.

I mean you can't cheat Tuesday to Thursday then be good for 7 days (Fri to the following Thursday) and claim a spinny as your stars would have been wiped on the Monday - so it's not actually that you get a star for 7 good days straight but seven good days from the day your week starts?

Is that right?
I think i've explained that the way i meant :confused:
Hi all

Hope you're all well? just a quick flying visit to check in. not been doing very well the past few days, unfortunately not well at all:sick::sick:. The whole family has come down with a nasty cold & it's just not shifting at all. Been in bed since Saturday and have only managed to get out of my pit today as i'm going to see Ozzy at wembley tonight but to be really honest i don't feel up to it at all. :(

I'm shoving every cold remedy i can think of down my throat to try & shift this, at the moment i'm a walking chemist....

Lost my stars....:( As i've not been able to follow CD due to feeling so sh!t, got a doctors appointment this afternoon hopefully he'll be able to give me something to help?!

I'll be back as soon as i feel well enough, take care lovelies i'll speak to you all soon....xxx
talking of which i need to wipe last weeks stars but i will hold onto them until you replay (just in case ;))
Sonya... I think the banana tetras are nice as are the choc tetra... and soooo handy when you can't make a shake!!!
Now you've confused me. I thought if you start on a Tuesday then the following monday your stars get wiped unless you have been good all week and then you get a spinny.

I mean you can't cheat Tuesday to Thursday then be good for 7 days (Fri to the following Thursday) and claim a spinny as your stars would have been wiped on the Monday - so it's not actually that you get a star for 7 good days straight but seven good days from the day your week starts?

Is that right?
I think i've explained that the way i meant :confused:

Yeah it is confusing...... but I joined 5 days ago... so sounds like I get another 2 days before I reach the end of the week? However... I really don't want to confuse anyone or myself so if it's ok I'll class today as day 1. If that's ok, and if it continues as it's been so far, I won't bother wiping this single star off, but will claim it for today instead. Hope that's ok? I just think it'll be easier if we're all on a tuesday start?
:D:D makes sense - will have to go wipe my hard earned stars then :sigh:

Better crack on with this week, at least i am on target for one today
Now you've confused me. I thought if you start on a Tuesday then the following monday your stars get wiped unless you have been good all week and then you get a spinny.

This is correct Sally, but some people started a few days after the tuesday starters...so are a few days behind.....If they wanted to start on the tuesday those that did, have changed. Though a few wanted to carry on from when they joined.
Yeah it is confusing...... but I joined 5 days ago... so sounds like I get another 2 days before I reach the end of the week? However... I really don't want to confuse anyone or myself so if it's ok I'll class today as day 1. If that's ok, and if it continues as it's been so far, I won't bother wiping this single star off, but will claim it for today instead. Hope that's ok? I just think it'll be easier if we're all on a tuesday start?

Thats fine Lesley.....well done.
Hope you're all well? just a quick flying visit to check in. not been doing very well the past few days, down with a nasty cold & it's just not shifting at all. Been in bed since Saturday and have only managed to get out of my pit today as i'm going to see Ozzy at wembley tonight but to be really honest i don't feel up to it at all.

Oh Mandi, I hope you will feel better soon! And enjoy Ozzy, let us know what the concert is like!! :)
Thanks Janey.....

I'm off to grab another star.... day 2 just finished!!!!!

Feel grand... bit headachey today but nothing much!!

Am chuffed :D:D:D:D
I'm back!!!!! Hi all!! :wavey::wavey:

Managed to get through a day of ssing, at last! Just hope i can keep it up as it's ten days until my hol! So i want to do ten days of ss. Wish me luck!

I deserve a star for today, but i'll just leave my last one there, lol.

Nice to see everyone doing so well!
Well done Bex....great day for you .....fabulous news...well done and keep up the hard work.

I have got my first star too a great start to the new week.....hopefully will get my first spinny star next week.

Helloooo - can I come in? - have you got room for a little one?

I am following PMK, I am doing okay at the moment as I have been unwell recently which has helped subdue my appetite, but as I am making a gradual recovery, I am worried that my appetite will be back with avengeance and I will fall off the wagon - especially as I have a holiday looming - I need to get some weight shifted
I have been very good today (honest!) - can I have a star purrlease?