hello all - can i join u guys?
i did ok for a while & lost 22 lbs

but only really stuck to ssing for about 4 weeks then fell off the wagon good style

the only saving grace was that i didnt really put any weight on till i went on holiday and came back 4 lbs heavier which i was really quite chuffed about it could have been much worse!!!
Anyway ive been back for a fortnight and have tried to get back into ssing restarting practically every day since but cant seem to manage any more than 2 days - so tommorrow is the next restart day - again:sigh:
I have another 21 lbs to go and would like to lose at least a stone before a family party on the 29th sept cos i will see some of my family that i havent seen for nearly a year and would like to be thin by then
I have also said that if i reach this goal i am going to have all my hair cut off into a short bob like posh spice, my hair is long now -way past my shoulders and it has been like this for at least 5 years and every now and then i say i will have it cut off but always chicken out but i think if i ever reach my target weight it will be a good reward!!
one last thing - has anyone else had a problem with the distribution of weight lost? - it seems to me that all the weight i have lost so far has come off my hips and bum (i can get into a size 8 jeans and do them up(ok so they dont look great - big rolls of flab hang over the top, but my bust and waist are a size 14/16)i have started exercising this week to try and shift it from my waist and bust, 20 mins rowing, 15 mins LTT 15 mins of walking/alternating running for 1 min & walking for 1 min & 200 crunches on the ab roller - is this enough? too much? all advice graetfully recieved, sorry for the long post hope everyone else is doing ok, i am trying too catch up reading diaries but feel a bit shy posting