"Minimins Fallen Angels"

New fallen angel alert: after great success at the start of the year I have been sheepinshly hiding from the site - why didn't I come back sooner - I forgot all this support and inspiration was waiting here for me! I will try to update everyday (web connection not withstanding, as I am expecting to be cut off shortly!). Today - doing ok, day 3 of reducing food and trying to get to 790, but shocking headache keeping me low. I know its just my carb come down but still pretty horrid. Had a chocmint sachet and pint of water, will keep up the water and o to bed with heatpad on me poor head! checkin later!
Love 2 all,
Welcome clairabell! Your signature shows you've had loads of success so i'm sure this will continue now your back on minis. :)
Isis - That's brilliant. You deserve a BIG spinning star!! Well done. :)
Im back after having been alittle naughty, but i want that star at the end of today!
me too artemis - with you all the way :D

Well done Irene :p and everyone else who has collected stars :)

Well peeps, just claiming my star - of course I have to be extra and have a falling star lol mind you not sure how many stars are falling, moves too quick to count lol - tis probably a full weeks worth - never mind eh!

How's everyone else doing???

Ok, I have been quiet but have been ok, with the exception of Sunday when I baked for lots of people, and had a little try myself! Due to the extended celebrations we are having for my little girl's birthday! I have been good (790) but not seeing much loss on scales and am drinking water for England - feel bloated with it all. I noticed after I had just one day off from being strict with myself, I had headaches the next day trying to get back to diet properly - has anyone else had this after such a brief departure from diet?
ps, How do I get a star?
Thank u!
Fallen Angel reporting back for duty. Have been back from holiday for five days, and been back on track since Tuesday, hence my five stars :cool:

Spent the day doing my hair which always helps with the food situation - hard to pick and snack all day when you are surrounded by synthetic hair!! :p :silly:
3rd good day for me. I am back in control and no longer binge eating. I am trying to get back onto 790 and am almost there. Hoping for a good weight loss this week. x
Well with my last one and half stone to go I seem to be completely sabotagging myself and cannot get back on track for the love of me!

Going to start today again from scratch and hope tonight I get my first star - I need it - I am moving nowhere at the moment.
DQ finally yesterday I did manage one good day - first for 3 weeks so awarded my star - I hope it continues on.....
aw DQ if only I could have resisted last night. Did so well during the day, even went home cooked the kids and hubby dinner, walked away after served it, went up had a bath, all good. Had my last pack, went on my computer for a wee while and then went to make a cup of tea. Remains of the macaroni cheese were sitting in kitchen - ate about 6 spoonfulls of it.... No star for me yesterday then!!
I think I need to join you all on here. I was going great for a month but have struggled ever since. Really need to get back on track and think this thread will help. How does it work with the stars? :)