We're all doing well aren't we and have a new friend in Storm Survivor too :welcome:
Today has had me thinking more about things, how I have slipped uncomplainingly straight back into adaptive child mode
I have a lot of thinking to do to make the most of this time to relearn what I learnt the first time around and maybe a bit more too for when I hit goal again. I know that I will be ssing until xmas with no slipups. I had decided to make the most of my golden time the first time around and this golden time is no different for me.
Getting to the stage where I was ready to commit again was the hard part for me. I have made that decision now onwards and downwards.
I have been thinking about what will happen over xmas and using xmas as my focus. I had to choose my xmas meal today as we are going out to a pub and I have choosen the healthiest options *I need an annoyingly angellic smiley for here!*
That outing to the carvery is now happening tonight so that will be my first step outside of my comfort zone. My friend is supportive though and I am looking forward to catching up with her.
I chucked myself on the scales this morning and have lost another 2lbs taking me to 9lbs lost in only 4 complete days :happy036:
I feel so cold this morning but then it IS cold compared to how it has been (am considering rugging my horse) so I can't say that it's down to ketosis. I don't long for ketosis as it won't make me feel any different to how I have been feeling anyway.
What I am going to be interested in is just when the weightloss will slow down as I should be in ketosis about now.
The trouble is that my binging consistented solely of carbs and I went straight into SSing without cutting out the carbs first so I would expect my glycogen stores to be humungous!
When I did LL last year I lost 6.5lbs in the first week but I had been Slimfasting before that so my glycogen stores had already been depleted.
At the end of my week 1 this time around I will be at my week 8 weight or thereabouts from last time. Using the same loss projections as from this weight last time in 9 weeks it is posible to be a normal BMI again for xmas which would be fab.
I also got a better nights sleep because I stopped drinking at 8pm. I was up and down to the loo that many times the night before but slept right through last night
:cry:My one down point of today is that we have run out of loo roll so I have to go get some more. I forgot just how much loo roll you go through when you ss and do 5l's of water