Well it has finally happend, I leaped off the wagon last night.
I had all the classic signs (I hadn't had hardly any water) and I chose to acknowledge them and jump off anyway
I told myself that all I needed to do was aim for distraction until it was bed time but instead I made up an excuse that the dinner I was making for hubby and daughter was too tempting and I shot out of the house to secret eat
I got a small chicken shish (my nemisis from last diet which I successfully avoided last time) which was all well and good as it was small and fairly healthy as far as fast food goes but I also ordered a bit of southern fried chicken to eat in the shop because I couldn't wait! I then asked for garlic mayo on the kebab which I never have because off all the cals and ate that in a dark car parked in a quiet spot where nobody could see me.
I felt so much like a criminal that I didn't enjoy it so to console myself I drove to the co-op. I bought their individual sherry triffle and a pack of 3 giant cookies and ate the triffle using my finger sat in the dark car and then ate the first cookie. I was completely stuffed after that but I couldn't stop as I had the other 2 cookies to get through (I have never been able to throw food away) so I ate those those too and then went home feelng really awful
I felt really sick all evening and put my daughter to bed in my bed, lay down next to her and fell asleep at about 9pm.
This morning I am back on the wagon for today.
I will stick to the packs today to detox and stop the sicky feeling but I won't be on Weds, Thurs and Friday morning. My dad is having my daughter for a couple of nights so I have someone looking after Joy (my horse) for me and hubby and I are going off on his Motorbike for a couple of nights away.
At home I can ss with as little impact as posible on my family but if it is just me and him at a restaurant then he will need to eat out with just me watching on. If dd is there then she obviously has to eat so it is the 2 of them and he doesn't feel the same pressure to support me.
So I have made the decision to eat on the trip but to get his support with this so I make sensible choices.
The one thing that struck my last night is just how intimate it is to sit down and eat with the person you love. Hubby and I need to feel closer because he has been working so hard over the past few months. He has been late home, if at all, and soending lots of nights away. He has been working weekends too.
We are looking forward to our time together so much, I just want a couple of days of normality before I hop back on the wagon again.
Because of my experience last night I KNOW I am stronger than I ever was last year and I do have what it takes to see this through :bliss:
So Girls, thank you all for teaching me that I don't have to be an all or nothing girl for the rest of my life. I have learnt the lesson I keep posting for everyone else because I wanted so much to be able to understand it for myself. :grouphugg:
Now I just need to be able to have the self control not to use my new found powers as an excuse to jump on and off the wagon at the slightest thing. I need to exercise this power with the greatest of caution!
I don't know, you learn one thing and it throws up other challenges just to keep you on your toes
Another plus to all of this is that it has cured the lure of the scales that I have been battling with. I weigh myself again on this Sunday and then shall need you all for moral support