Just posted this in another thread but by Jove am I angry right now....
DYJHIW you get denied another holiday request?
No I do not work for finance, I assist when I'm not busy... But seeing as you got rid of the rest of my department and I am now running it entirely by myself I do not have many dealings with finance because I am swamped with my actual job, so your staff holiday has no bearings to what I want to take.
And no, I currently do not have an 'actual' holiday booked, but seeing as I have had to compromise every holiday request so far this year (even down to only taking 4 half days when my friend flew over from Sweden so as to ensure I was in every day and nothing would get missed) it shouldn't matter whether I do or not.
And YES I really do need the break. I haven't taken a full week off this year due to staff leaving/new starters required training, I am single handedly rolling out a new operations system in the new year up and down the country to all members of staff and end of February was the next available date that doesn't interfere with anything!
Yes finance are having a new system implemented also BUT I'M NOT RUDDY FINANCE!!!! And you've said that it may not even happen that week?!
If I was to walk out now you'd be screwed so be a bit nicer to me ok??
(now someone gimme cake