MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

Holiday update!!!
Christmas eve has been approved - waheeeeey!
Feb holiday - pending that another guy is in the office that week (and I've already checked he is!) then they will approve that too. Ha! They will listen to me!

Dinner was epic. Added some more chilli powder and flakes when I got home and stirred through while the slow cooker was on high, lid off. Absolutely delish.

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Yay to the holiday being approved, no messing with minky! :)
Yum to dinner xx
No one messes with minks and her holidays! ;)

Nice loss again, you've made me realise I need to tighten up and get another loss!!! Want another 3lb then that's two stone in total this year , then I'd be half way there!!!!!
I need some minky motivation - think you could bottle it?!?!?!
Well done Minky for getting what you deserve - so they should listen its not fair to deprive you of leave your entitled to
Yay to the holiday being approved, no messing with minky! :)
Yum to dinner xx
:D dinner was gorge and plenty left over for me and The Boy to have a pot for lunch today - win! xx

Well done for getting your holidays - you deserve it.
Thanks Rosie, I am just glad that they listened to reason xx

No one messes with minks and her holidays! ;)

Nice loss again, you've made me realise I need to tighten up and get another loss!!! Want another 3lb then that's two stone in total this year , then I'd be half way there!!!!!
I need some minky motivation - think you could bottle it?!?!?!
I think tbh, I have had my last loss of the year! Next couple of weeks are going to be full of celebrating :S If I could bottle it hun I would (and ensure I keep a vat of it for myself for when doughnuts and biscuits are calling!!) xx

Well done Minky for getting what you deserve - so they should listen its not fair to deprive you of leave your entitled to
Thanks hun, feel a bit of relief now, sounds so silly to get angry over it but I honestly felt like they were taking the pee by declining. I'm glad they have seen sense ;) xx
Morning, morning, morning!
Hope everyone is feeling good on this super fresh start to the day. Was a tad cold on my face walking to work so stopped about 5 mins in and wrapped my scarf round and pulled my hat on and marched to work double fast - got here in 20 mins when it normally takes 30 walking so woo to that!

Having yet ANOTHER red day today. Feeling the redness at the moment.

Breakfast (which was might I add - freaking lush!) 2 bacon, 2 eggs, fried mushrooms all between 2 x wm bread and butter and washed down with a cuppa. 1.5 syns. Stuffed.

Lunch - left over chilli beef stew. Beef, onions, garlic, tomatoes, peppers, swede, passata, stock pot, chilli powder and flakes, paprika and smoked paprika.

Dinner - Sausages 2 syns, carrot chips, brussels, cauliflower and broccoli. I will get a HexA of cheese in there somewhere too :D

Snacks - if needed! Apple, pear, activia strawberry yogurt, 2 x hifi light rocky roads cranberries and blueberries.

Lets see how today goes then!

Have a 'triffic Thursday all xxx
Lunch was my leftovers - even better today. Thickened up beautifully and was super filling.


Feel bloated again, don't think I'm drinking enough as I've only had half a pint of water so far at work? And what with all the good veg and fruit I've been having I probably should be drinking more to combat bloat and fibrous stuff going on inside right?? Challenge now is to drink another pint or so before going home and also a peppermint tea and a lemon n ginger.
Dinner was sausages, roast carrot & swede with asparagus and cabbage.


I was naughty tho.... Went back for the other 2 sausages in the tray :( and I had some gorgeous Viennese biscuits at work. Over on syns today but not hugely.

Work Xmas meal tomorrow, 3 course meal. Went for bns, chestnut and pancetta soup for start, lamb shoulder pasta thingy for main and honeycomb cheesecake for pudding. All washed down with I don't know how many glasses of prosecco and wine. Tomorrow eve is defo off plan and gain is booked for Tuesday but I'm going to enjoy every minute of it :)
Alreet fellow slimmers? Hope everyone had a great weekend and the start of the week wasn't too bad.

My weekend was... Well, not how I planned. Xmas work do on Friday consisted of not a lot of food (as it wasn't great :() and a hell o a lot of alcohol (which was great :D). Saturday woke up at my friends house and he made me a bacon sarnie - fresh White bakery bread, could hardly be rude and say no now could I?! Rest of Saturday wasn't too good seeing as The Boy bought mini flap jack bite and caramel/chocolate rice crispie bites. Oh and a cheese twirl. And then finished off the day with a chicken dhansak takeaway curry *with naan and onion bhaji but shhhhh! Don't tell*

Sunday... Don't remember eating before lunch time, that was left over curry. Snack in the afternoon was gherkins, mini lettuce leaves and HexA cheddar. Carrot soup and bread roll for dinner *followed by a little amount of Ben and jerry ice cream but shhhhh! Don't tell...again!*

Today much better. Well. No not really! Didn't have any fruit for breakfast so I had a packet of velvet crunch and munchies. Nice. Lunch was a portion of sweet potato and bean chilli dug out from the freezer. Dinner will be chicken and veg noodle soup with toasted pitta HexB.

Food planned for the week, more to be revealed later!
Sounds like you had a blast hun lol. My weekend was pretty much the same I was at my SW xmas party on Friday not healthy food. I was still drunk when I got up at 11 20 the next day. Pulled myself together on Sat about tea time, had a bacon and mushroom sarnie (frylighted of course) as this was all i could stomach. Then back out on the drink, Sunday lunch was cooked chicken from morrisons with some crusty bread and an onion bhaji, evening meal was sirloin steak with jacket pot beans mushrooms and stir fry - which in turn sent me running to the loo ... lol so if ive lost anything at all ill be happy
It does sound a lot like mine :D
Don't know about you but can tell when I've not been eating on plan, my tummy goes crazy and I'm unsure if I have constipation one minute or I'm not going to make the loo the next!

Well back on it though. Looked on the SW website and pulled up the student/budget weekly plan to give it a crack (am going to take it in turns with the various 'suggested' menus with a little tweak here n there to suit me). I've got a new weekly planner which is a HUGE magnet and just written up my weeks meals.


Done the shop today online for £64 and with what we have in the cupboards/fridgefreezer we should be good for 2 weeks now (excluding milk and a bit of fresh fruit at the end of next week). We shall see how it goes as I have 2 nights out for my birthday but on plan and on track the rest of the time woo!
I have IBS so it only affects me one way lol and that means I have to run for the loo. I just need a kick up the bum. Im loving your magnet, I hope the student budget works for you :D
I have IBS too - the pain is unbearable sometimes, namely after White bread or pizza.
So feel your pain hun, literally!

I love my planner magnet! Even The Boy was like 'that's a great idea' and that never gets said round here ha!

Dinner has been had. Chicken and veg spicy noodle soup and bread and butter. WM bread but it wasn't little bread. Tummy aches like it's a cross between my IBS and period pains. Nice. Hoping a cuppa will help settle it slightly.


And if it doesn't then maybe some more Ben and Jerry's ice cream will?! :D noooooooooo! No more. I will be good!!
Lol im trying to block out the Massiveeeeeeee bar of galaxy in the fridge calling my nameeeeeeeeee

Went to tapas for tea tonight had chicken skewers and salad with 2 chunks of bread. I did however resist any chips or alcohol :D wish WI was over
Forgot to mention!!

My lovely work colleague done an awards ceremony at the Xmas do on Friday. Now I had no idea this was coming but I was so chuffed that my work friends actually acknowledged my weight loss! The Chief Exec produced this certificate and a little package with a cute guinea pig inside....


The whole side of the restaurant were clapping and whistling, slightly embarrassing but so lovely at the same time xxx
Texty_F said:
What a lovely thought - recognition of all your hard work. Thats fab hun
I just thought it was so sweet and lovely of my work to recognise the hard work too. Dead chuffed xx

Rosielea said:
Minks good luck WI tomorrow.
Thanks Rosie, I'm 99% certain I'm in for a gain, even if it's a little one. But as I said to group last week - I still have to have a life outside of slimming and as I see this as a life change rather than just to get to target I am cool with whatever I get this week :) xx
Ahh how lovely is that award!! :) good luck tonight xx

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