Hellooooo! xxi'm here to subscribe x
lemme know if you buy and try! XxThis beef in ale gravy sounds good - will investigate!
cake was goooood! Xxmmm caaaake.
Change of plans for dinner. The boy wanted sausages and chips... So I had sausages - 2 syns - BNS chips, and cheesy green veg (boiled cabbage, leeks and courgette, then stirred in a HexA of laughing cow light triangles, some mustard powder and black pepper). It looks like green smush but tasted awesome.
<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=80717"/>
<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=80718"/>
total of 7.5 syns and still a HexA and HexB to have if I want woo! Xx
If you can all chip in with the rent then I could get a bigger place?! xx
Are u gonna cook every day? If so Im in
As long as you can do a curry night once in a while... DEAL! xx
Lol. Awk alright then ha ha. OUR new place needs to have room for my shoes lol.
You know we could start a Sw fat farm. We'd make a fortune lol x