MinkyDinky said:Morning all - just to let you all know I am still around but had an awful migraine all weekend and could barely stand my eyes to be open met alone look at a screen.
Hope you are all ok and had a good weekend. Will catch up with all you lovely people later xxx
ZoeSB22 said:(to the tune of Jackson 5 - want you back)
Oooooh Minky we hope your better now,
Please. Say. Your. Head. Ache. Hasaaasss. Gone!
Oh minky the site is not the same without yoooou,
Please. Won't. You. Come. Back. In. Our. Lives.
Kia-Ora said:Helllooooo, was in WI last night/tonight? How did u do x
MinkyDinky said:No WI was Tuesday and I didn't make it. Tbh it would have been a gain and I'm not holding out hope for next week either. I've not felt hungry? but totally picked food as convenience while at work and only really had one proper meal a day. Hopefully when I have a new temp in next week to assist me I can get back to concentrating on me. I'm not too bothered, I know it's my fault and I can change it all in a week
Hows everyone doing? I've missed you all terribly and missed eating proper food and talking to you guyswho knew SW would change my life in more ways than one ay? Xxx