MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

Thanks for the compliments girls :) it's weird to get so many from people and I keep just doing the 'thanks' *blush* and run act!
Glad I done it, if I hadn't have lost the weight I'd not have the confidence to go so short but seeing as I now have just the one chin and my neck seems quite long and thin I'd best show it off :D and it shows off my collar bones! Did I forget to mention I actually have visible collar bones?! Ha ha!!

Shopping tomorrow - hope to find something to wear out tomorrow evening and then a more casual top for a poker/girly night in next week with work colleagues.

Got a massive compliment yesterday from a contract manager at work that I don't see very often. He was in my office and saw me and said 'I just can't believe the change in you, the weight loss has changed your face so much. I can't believe you're the same person'. Felt pretty good to hear that from a male manager who is more 'cor blimey guv'nor than Delboy!

Hope everyone has had a good start to the weekend and wish me luck for shopping! Xxx
Have fun shopping!! It's so much more enjoyable when you look good and feel confident :) and I'm sure I won't be alone in saying this......pics of what you buy please.....pretty please ;)
Minks, it feels so good to get NSV specially from someone you do not expect. Have fun shopping. It is a lovely feeling when everything fits and one has a choice of sizes and colours. Hope to see some piccies later.
Ahhhhhhh love the new hair! Sexy lady! Suits you so much and the colour is fab! I'm sorry I haven't been here but as I can see you obviously had my voice shouting and u were fab not smoking! Well done! I want to come to ur badminton sessions they sound brilliant fun! Come on don't keep us in suspense what did u buy? U know how much I love shopping! Have a great day xx
Ok so I died all day yesterday from a hangover - went out Saturday night and got in at 7 Sunday morning, was an awesome night!
Today is officially the 2 week Mark of no smoking! Woo!
Purchases - to be honest I got just a couple of casual tops 'cause I don't have any that fit me at the moment, 1 going out top, pair of shoes (which I freaking love!!), clutch bag (which goes so nicely with said shoes!), pair of size 16 River Island jeans(!), couple of bra's and nail varnish.
All in all, good day, spent about £200 and got to be with my best friend all day - can't get better than that!









Hope everyone is ok and catch up with you after work! Xxx
Very very nice I love the clutch and the nail varnish and the shoesies r fab too! Xx
Thanks m'ladies. I'm unsure on the tops tbh. I like the black going out top (the back of it looks great on) but the others, I'm not sure they are very 'me'. I'm kinda rocky/punk/quirky in my look really and they are a bit.... Prim and proper? Dunno. The more I look at them the more I think they were only bought to keep my best friend happy as she picked them.
Might be taking a visit to next for returns!

The shoes and clutch I'm in love with though and will be keeping!!

WI in 45 mins..... Hoping to be a pound or 2 down into the 13's!
Minks love the shoes and bag. I can't wear shoes that high these days after being in flats for so many years.

Good luck with WI and I look forward to hearing the result.