MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

Thanks for the luck girls!

I cannie wait to get my butt moving tonight down to group and get weighed. Seriously hungry and could probably scoff a small child (if it had the right dressing of course) Food, not too bad today. Although I probably havent eaten enough.

Breakfast Muller Greek Lemon thingy 1/2 syn and cuppa 1/2 syn (pathetic attempt at brekkie but I was dashing in and out of interviews)
Lunch Leftover Chicken/veg noodle soup - still pretty amazing the next day! Snack size sausage roll 6 syns
Mid PM 'Snack' Mango and banana

WI at 7.30 (feels like an age away!)
Dinner will be Chicken provencal that I cooked at the weekend with a nice healthy dollop of mash. No A or B Had today. Might make a sandwich to take to group to eat before I weight everyone in? Really feeling the cheese, ham, lettuce and onion sandwiches at the moment. And can jam pack it.... hang on a sec.... nooooooooo! No ham! Dammit! Pit stop at tesco on my way home I guess :D

I am so going to make a whopper of a sandwich tomorrow. I am thinking.... cheese, ham, boiled egg, lettuce, onion, sliced gherkins and a bit of ELF mayo. Maybe using an extra slice of bread to make a triple/club sandwich type of thing? Or is that just plain greedy?! Meh, who cares, its all on plan and I wannit! :p
emma_partington27 said:
Haha loving the packed sandwich idea ive just been shopping n picked up some posh turkey slices for my sandwiches tomoz yum yum

Oooh posh turkey ay! Haven't had turkey in ages. Might have to get me some.

Didn't get ham on my way home, got in and found OH had taken Mayo and lettuce to work boo :( managed to salvage some lettuce off one that needed to be binned and made myself a cheese onion and lettuce one, all ready to munch the second I have weighed! I hate this waiting malarky though. Another 50 minutes to go... Come on god damn you time!! Xxx
You girly, are a machine! Well done :) xx
xJoanneJJx said:
You girly, are a machine! Well done :) xx
Thanks Joanne! Feels good to be back on the losing :) xx
mrstore said:
Wow! Brilliant!! :) you must be so pleased!!
Any idea if the magazine is out in the shops yet or just available at group??
I'm dead happy mrs, planning worked for me and I'm going to ensure I keep at the planning :)
I didn't see the mag in tesco this morning but can have a look tomorrow and let you know! Xx
Purple*Tortoise said:
Good girl ;)
cheers PT! I did say I was back and raring to go!

Ooooh! Just thought, IF I get 2 lbs off next week then I will also be in the 12's! How exciting!! Xx
Kia-Ora said:
12s!! Woohoo bring it on! Ur doing amazing, what's ur goal weight x

That's K :) it's weird to think I'll be in the 12's soon. My first target is 10stone 7. That'll give me a 10 stone loss. I may re think after and possibly decide to lose another stone but I'll see how I go.

A mere 2 stone 8 to go! Xx
Food update for yesterday - was a good girl and stuck with my plan of having my HexA and HexB as a sandwich straight after WI, then came home and had Chicken Provencal followed by a hifi light bar.

Total synnage was 12 for the day.

Today has started off goooood. Mushroom and onion omelette with HexA cheddar - gorge! Although it's a hungry day again! Had a hifi light already. Plan is to have leftover chicken noodle soup again, might grab a little sushi too for a syn. Mid afternoon I have a massive apple to get through. Dinner is campfire stew with mash, cauliflower and brocolli. Nom!
I have a Greek muller to tuck into or a Total Greek split pot (I absolutely ADORE the raspberry and pomegranate one!) and some mango. Total syns are looking like 4 depending on the yogurt I choose :D


Happy Wednesday y'all! Xxx
Food looks great! I am a massive fan of the blueberry and greek 0% split pot, cannot get enough! :p
Nellylou said:
Food looks great! I am a massive fan of the blueberry and greek 0% split pot, cannot get enough! :p

I've only had the blueberry one once but it is lovely I'll agree. Just had me yogurt, makes me :( when I get to the end of it!

Lunch was a change of plan, decided I really fancied a ham and egg salad so got one from the bakers round the corner. Was good, not enough ham for my liking but still, sufficed. Followed by banana, hifi light and yogurt.

Am actually super excited about dinner tonight too! How sad :D

So syns are 2 for sausages and 2 for yogurt. Oh and half for a cuppa. 4.5 for the day. Yay!
