MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

tatabubbly said:
Minkydinky, your looking fabulous. I've been following your thread even when I'm off SW and
it's given me the confidence to have another stab at it!

Ah that's brilliant! (having another stab at it that is :)) and thank you too ;)
Anything I or my buddies can do to help then just SCREEEEEAM! xxx
Just getting ready to go and play badminton - still loving it and getting so much better, we, I should hope so after playing twice a week for god knows how long now!
Playing tonight at 7 and tomorrow at 5:30, and Friday..... I'm off! Woo!
Got a nice pamper day planned for myself and going to get my hair and eyebrows done, lots of lotions and potions for a nice bath and product sesh. Can't actual wait! Friday is now being known as Myday :D xx
MinkyDinky said:
Just getting ready to go and play badminton - still loving it and getting so much better, we, I should hope so after playing twice a week for god knows how long now!
Playing tonight at 7 and tomorrow at 5:30, and Friday..... I'm off! Woo!
Got a nice pamper day planned for myself and going to get my hair and eyebrows done, lots of lotions and potions for a nice bath and product sesh. Can't actual wait! Friday is now being known as Myday :D xx

Look at u proper getting into this exercise :) glad u hav found something u enjoy xx
Love love a pamper day nothing better i love putting my lush face mask on n having an intensive conditioner on my hair and my all time fav a lush bath bomb!!! :)
emma_partington27 said:
Look at u proper getting into this exercise :) glad u hav found something u enjoy xx
Love love a pamper day nothing better i love putting my lush face mask on n having an intensive conditioner on my hair and my all time fav a lush bath bomb!!! :)
I love badders, I prefer something interactive like that rather than say going to the gym. Just thinking about that makes me want to run away!
Fridays pamper sesh cannot come quick enough, after the last month I've not had any me time and feel it's well needed and deserved! Only today to get through woo! Xxx

jo-85 said:
Woo hoo well done on the loss miss minks that's fab-u-lous :) x

thank you sweetheart, it was what I wanted and glad to have got it! Now to *cross fingers* and get 2 off this week for a nice WI that shows the 12's! Too determined at the moment! Xxx
Food update for yesterday!

So played badminton, was great fun and was a sweat bucket by the time I'd finished. Must remember to actually run back further in the court than get so far and 'lean' back to hit the shuttlecock - leant too far back and hurt myself. I am not a gymnast any more!!!

Got in, was STARVED, and my boy (The OH :)) had dinner plated, hot and ready to be eaten. (granted all he had to do was reheat the food I'd batch cooked but still... Brownie points for trying!)


Campfire stew is a win in this household! So filling and tasty I would recommend to anyone that likes sausages, beans, smokey flavours and good hearty meal.

I did have 2 cheese thins after for 2 syns so finished on 6.5. Not bad, 8.5 in the pot for Saturday's alcohol.

Unsure what to eat today, got no breakfast sorted (tut tut!) so may just grab a load of fruit on my way into work and then lunch time I do have leftover soup in the works fridge. May grab that sushi that I wanted yesterday.
Dinner is beef and BNS lasagne - another tasty treat I'm looking forward to!

Happy Thursday everyone xxx
MinkyDinky said:
There was always going to be a picture :D ha ha!!

As requested Madame
<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=66399"/>
<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=66398"/>

About to tuck in now, will report back after!

That looks SO good!
mrstore said:
Oh my god that looks amazing!!! Want to come and cook for me??? Lol
Gladly! I freaking love cooking and this was well worth the batch cooking. Got another in the freezer :D xx
Purple*Tortoise said:
That looks SO good!

I was seriously impressed, normally SW recipes need a 'tweak' to suit but this, OMG it was lovely! Xx
YAAAAAAAAY!!! it's Myday!

So had a cheeky little lie in, enjoying a cup of chocolate tea and watching an episode of The Vampire Diaries (it's my weakness, don't judge!), while some mushrooms and onions are slowly cooking for me to have a nice omelette for breakfast.

Next up, long, hot bubble bath. Bliss.
MinkyDinky said:
YAAAAAAAAY!!! it's Myday!

So had a cheeky little lie in, enjoying a cup of chocolate tea and watching an episode of The Vampire Diaries (it's my weakness, don't judge!), while some mushrooms and onions are slowly cooking for me to have a nice omelette for breakfast.

Next up, long, hot bubble bath. Bliss.

Oooohh hav a fab day hun and enjoy :) i could hav a me day but gotta wait for a delivery man and its so annoying wen they giv u a 7.30-17.30 time lol
YAAAAAAAAY!!! it's Myday!

So had a cheeky little lie in, enjoying a cup of chocolate tea and watching an episode of The Vampire Diaries (it's my weakness, don't judge!), while some mushrooms and onions are slowly cooking for me to have a nice omelette for breakfast.

Next up, long, hot bubble bath. Bliss.

Enjoy "myday" - the lasagne looks delish, def going to make it.
Im off on holiday in a few weeks and have the vampire diary books to take with me, dont know anything about them (apart from the obvious) but heard they are good :D
MinkyDinky said:
Hey there Bettyboop! Thank you for dropping in and saying hello... oh, and some other lovely stuff too that made me smile a lot :)
Lets get down to business... You asked about food being made SW friendly. If you can batch cook, then there are so many dishes that are super easy and full of superfree, all depends what you like. Things like Chilli con carne can be packed to the brim with hidden veg (favourite trick of mine is to grate carrot and courgette into all mince dishes, it bulks it out and you barely notice its there!), Chicken or vegetable curry, 5 bean chilli, any meat/veg stew, omelettes are quick and easy and you can chuck literally ANYTHING into them. Drop me a Private message and we can have a chat there about it, more than happy to help :)

Re Looper, it was... ok. I liked it, didn't love it, thought it had 'something' missing but not sure what?
And as for Banana and cheese 'n onion crisps, can't say I have had the pleasure of trying! But I have had mashed banana on toast, which was then topped with strong cheddar and grilled. A. Ma. Zing!

Do you have a diary sweetie? Be good to have a look and see where I / we can help and keep in touch xx

Hi minks sorry about delay in replying been a hectic week in college this week,thanks for your suggestions,actually got my dad to grate carrots in a spag bol the other night and it really worked so thanks :)) Im gonna try a few of the other things you mentioned too,freezer space is tight in my house though!i will private message you soon as i figure out how and have the time :)) thank you for your help!

Yeah looper i didnt like the ending all that drama kinda led to an anticlimax think they could have done it alot better. I went to see sinister this week and i hate horrors felt sick watching it ha ha,
Definitely gonna try banana and cheese toastie soon,you should try the crisps way ;-) well done on your loss your are doing so well!i lost 5.5 in my first week this week since rejoining so Im delighted,but off away for the night tonight for a concert so think it will be a write off :-C anyway my diary is called slimming world take 2.... If you wanna pop in to say hi,i will start putting my food up on it more often,enjoy the rest of your myday :)) xx