What I am (and will be) doing instead of just eating today...
Well, I am going to have my usual porridge with almonds and more coffee (and some water -- I have been bad with the water). Then, I will...
...continue with laundry and chores (changing sheets, wash the dog, clean the tub, hoover the livingroom, and hallways and take out trash/recycling). DH and DS will be here, but I will do what I can to leave things somewhat tidy.
I need to finish up packing and double checking. I have measured the one carry on twice and weighed it, and it meets the specs listed online, but I am concerned because it is close to max in dimensions.
Anyway, soon I will put most of the stuff in the car (except the suitcase with the gifts, as there is chocolate in that one). I'll leave that by the door with my and DD'd handbags. When we leave I will go to the base to post a package and then head out for London.
Our flight is not until tomorrow morning at O'Dark-Thirty, but DH wants us to head down early afternoon to avoid to M25 traffic if at all possible.
Anyway, I weighed this morning (as this is the day I usually see my CWPC) and I am one pound down. So, today I have a bmi of 25 again (finally).
I hope that this knowledge will help me stick to my plan whilst I am on holiday. It won't be easy, but I have packed my porridge and almonds, CD shakes and MAM. We are staying in a flat, so I can shop and cook healthy South Beach/CD810-1000 meals, my sister is a health nut and vegetarian (so not corruption from her), and other than my "two" allowed visits to IHOP -- I plan for any meals out to be salads or South Beach friendly. I have been practicing "leaving food" and "not overeating" for weeks now... and my ARCS ready to read.
There is a gym and pools at the place we are staying, so planned exercise should be easy to do.
I hope everyone has a wonderful pre-Easter couple of weeks!