MinnieMel is nolonger considers herself a CDer. One final post.

Talk about super organised - i'm well impressed. How exciting to be going (bar the nighmare travel time) - ah well, it'll be worth it.
Have a great trip.

Sorry - not been posting in my diary much. Feeling a bit exhausted about the whole thing.

Still going. Still 100%. So hoping this feeling won't last. 6lbs to get to 4 stone!

Enjoy your visit 'home'. Hope you've planned to pack your ARC's!

Have a great time!
wow i think you should hire out your organisational skills, you would make a mint!

hope you and your daughter enjoy your time away together, sounds wonderful

we shall all miss you and look forward to having you back and seeing some piccys
Hi Mel! Haven't been on in ages, thought I'd stop and say hi though! Enjoy your trip!!

Claire I haven't been on in aaages... you're doing so so well! Hope you're extremely proud of yourself because you should be! :)
Thanks Claire -- I will try to get on MMs from Texas to check in.

Hi Caroline -- It is so good to hear from you. How are doing? Are you still in Birmingham? I hope you are well.
Thanks for your good wishes -- my DD is so looking forward to this trip. We will be meeting up with her best friends from when she was little -- they have stayed in touch all these years. We even saw them once (2006) when we were in New York on holiday. They drove through and stopped to see us (they were on their way from Ohio to Vermont). I really wished we'd been able to visit them in Hawaii -- but c'est la vie. Catch me up... have you started posting again?

I'm good thanks, I have started posting again, as of yesterday! I am back near Birmingham, living in a little village in Shropshire about an hour away from Birmingham. Been back here for about 4 weeks now since I got back from Thailand. Missing the sun!! At the moment I'm just working in a pub, isn't an amazing job but it works for me. It means that I've got the time to get some voluntary experience in my local primary school as Thailand made me realise that actually I love teaching Primary kids, never thought I would quite so much! So I'm hoping to do my PGCE this September but it's so difficult to get a place that it's quite possible that I won't. Looks like I've got an interview in May though. They'd originally said no because they thought I may not do my 5 days in time for the interview but I called them and explained that I definitely will have so she said she'll see what she can do because the interview days are full but she's trying to arrange an extra day anyway. So fingers crossed!

Be good to hear what's new with you, enjoy your travels! When are you off?
Hi CG,

I'm off mid-day tomorrow (I hope, I am often running late) to London. DD and I are booked into a hotel for Monday night, and then will leave for the airport at O'Dark Thirty to start our ridculous travel to San Antonio. We'll get there about 3 a.m. Wednesday (UK time). We'll be there for 9 days, and then it is an easier trip back (only one plane change). We'll arrive back about 11 a.m. on Good Friday. Get to hotel, get the car and drive a couple of hours to get back to here (Cambs.). I wanted to be here for Easter (with DH and DS).

DS has classes, and DH has no interest in visiting my sister or friends. So, it is a "girls only" trip! ;)

We are both looking forward to it.

Afternoon Mel,

Just in case I don't get chance later, wanted to wish you a fabulous trip, hope enjoy catching up and spending time with your YS and friends.
my effort into the wii challenge was a total bust! I will try harder this week tho', hope to report some improvement by the time you return hun.

Wishing you stress-free, happy travels and look forward to reading your update when you get back.

What I am doing instead of eating...

Still doing travel prep...

We've (my DD and I) been going through all of DDs summer clothes in order to see what goes to Texas, in the cupboard or out the door. She has loads because my sister in Florida is always sending stuff she finds on clearance (plus, hand-me-downs from her older cousin).

We're still not done, but getting there. There are two bags to go out, some piles sorted for the shelves, stuff to pack on her bed, and just the shelves to "revisit" and then we're done with the super sort!

Then, I have to finish sorting what I am bringing (getting laundry done atm), double check her stuff, my stuff, make sure we have the toiletries ready to pack -- then, it'll be the carry-ons, my handbag, the paperwork, electronics, etc.


Afternoon Mel,

Just in case I don't get chance later, wanted to wish you a fabulous trip, hope enjoy catching up and spending time with your YS and friends.

Wishing you stress-free, happy travels and look forward to reading your update when you get back.


This is supremely lazy of me - but ditto! :D Have a fantastic time!
What I am (and will be) doing instead of just eating today...


Well, I am going to have my usual porridge with almonds and more coffee (and some water -- I have been bad with the water). Then, I will...

...continue with laundry and chores (changing sheets, wash the dog, clean the tub, hoover the livingroom, and hallways and take out trash/recycling). DH and DS will be here, but I will do what I can to leave things somewhat tidy.

I need to finish up packing and double checking. I have measured the one carry on twice and weighed it, and it meets the specs listed online, but I am concerned because it is close to max in dimensions.

Anyway, soon I will put most of the stuff in the car (except the suitcase with the gifts, as there is chocolate in that one). I'll leave that by the door with my and DD'd handbags. When we leave I will go to the base to post a package and then head out for London.

Our flight is not until tomorrow morning at O'Dark-Thirty, but DH wants us to head down early afternoon to avoid to M25 traffic if at all possible.

Anyway, I weighed this morning (as this is the day I usually see my CWPC) and I am one pound down. So, today I have a bmi of 25 again (finally).

I hope that this knowledge will help me stick to my plan whilst I am on holiday. It won't be easy, but I have packed my porridge and almonds, CD shakes and MAM. We are staying in a flat, so I can shop and cook healthy South Beach/CD810-1000 meals, my sister is a health nut and vegetarian (so not corruption from her), and other than my "two" allowed visits to IHOP -- I plan for any meals out to be salads or South Beach friendly. I have been practicing "leaving food" and "not overeating" for weeks now... and my ARCS ready to read.
There is a gym and pools at the place we are staying, so planned exercise should be easy to do.

I hope everyone has a wonderful pre-Easter couple of weeks!

Sounds like you've got it all sorted. Have a lovely time!
have a wonderful time mel!

and get them men helping with those chores!
Well done on the 25 bmi Mel, so pleased for you. Have a wonderful trip, we'll miss you!
I hope you have a fantastic holiday - looking forward to hearing all about it, and you haven't even gone yet! xx
Hi Mel, hoping you manage to find 5 minutes to log on. Just wanted to say I hope you and DD arrived safely and aren't feeling too wiped out by the long journey you had. Have a lovely time xx
Coach, Plane (2 more pPanes) and an Automobile

WHEW! We arrived safely (totally exhausted) in San Antonioabout 23 hours after we woke up to get ready to go. There were a few snafus, but bascially the trip went pretty well (esp. when you look at the insane route we took to get here).

My sister was waiting at airport and it was a joyful reunion. We're at the resort now (free wifi), unpacked, DD is showered on her way to bed, and I am unsure what the plan is for tomorrow. We may just hang out here using the pools, gym, spa, etc. We'll see how tired we are in the morning.

I brought my own bars for the trip, and only had salads -- so I pretty much stuck to the plan. However, I cannot believe the incredible number of restaurants there are here -- and many sound soooo good. However, my sister is a veggie, so we'll avoid the steak houses.

Anyway, I'll have to wait until tomorrow to check the diaries. Thank you all for your good wishes.
