aww thank you MM. It really does mean soooo much to me. You ARE AMAZING! And i finished yours! Just need your address

I know how it is -- and no big deal. Address in package.
Sry to hear it was a rough day

.. Sounds like it was just one of those days for you, where everything happens at once so very impressed that you did get some stuff done

Thanks, I hate it when I have a pity party. It is so not me.
Wow thanksgiving, dont really have to worry about that here lol.. Last year i attempted some green bean casserole, but yea didnt really work without the french's lol.
I have almost always cooked dinner, served it as an evening meal because I invite some "natives". The Germans loved all the Thanksgiving foods, the Brits can't get on with the Pumpkin Pie and Sweet Potatoes with marshmallows on top -- but they love stuffing, corn bread and brocolli casserole.
A few times we've had dinner at a base club -- one time when it was just DH and me at home, and another when DS was at anoher base for a swm meet and we went with him, and another when wmet up with family near a base 1 1/2 hours away and we treated them to dinner at the Club near there.
Probably not gonna do much for halloween. Neither my husband nor i drink or anything so we dont really go out to parties so kinda miss that lol. One day we shall have kids and holidays canhave meaning again!

Neither Dh nor I are big drinkers, but I like a party. I make DH stay until the first couple has left -- then we can usually go home. By then some people are usually getting ploughed, and it isn't pretty.
Hey ive been asked a couple times when ive talked about you to the fam

. Where abouts from the states are you from?
Hard question to answer: my father is a retired Air Force Officer and not a warm fuzzy soul (my mother is gone). My parents had four daughters born within six years and we were all born in different States.
I own a house in NYS, but it isn't my home.
Our families are scattered all over, as are our friends.
DH and I have from time to time talked about where we might like to live in the U.S. -- and are even considering retiring to somewhere like Spain or Portugal. We might see where DS ends up and follow him... but we think he'll choose to live a nomadic life, as that is what he knows and loves.
And do you miss it?
I missed my career for a long time, but having a special needs child would have probably "ended that" for me. I am a all-or-nothing kind of mother.
I used to miss some products -- but what I can't get on the Air Force base, I can usually get shipped from the States. The internet has made life overseas much easier.
I have had SKY TV since it started and that has so much American programming -- I buy People magazine (which I never did in the States, and did not even have cable T.V. there) and that "helps" me know what is what in the U.S. popular culture. At least a bit.
When I go back to visit, I love to walk the aisles of the grocery stores and look at all the weird new products that do not make it over to Commissaries here. I'll buy stuff to bring back to share.
My DH's new contract provides annual home leave (airfare back to the States for the whole family once a year). The airfare is only one part of what a trip home costs us -- but it will certainly help.
I have gone back about every other year (on the average, but there was a four year period when I did not go back at all) -- but my DH almost never goes. I think he has gone back twice in 17 years to visit. (He has been back in the States on business, though.)
The last time I went was April 2011 with DD. We will all (I hope) go back around June 1/2 term (I hope). My father is in NWFL and is not well (he will be 78 on Halloween), my MIL is in central Florida and she is in good shape but 86. We have a lot of friends to see in Florida (if time allows) and Tampa is one place where DH could relocate back to the U.S. easily. DD would LOVE that -- she is a beach bunny.