Gold Member
Wow so youve been on the move all your life then! But like you say ome is where the family is, and my OH is definitely my family now lol. It is super hard to be away from my family though. Especially my little brother. Hes my half brother from my mom and when i turned 14 i started living with my dad cause i hadnt really been around him when i was little, and he was finally in a place where i could. And then my mom and his das split, and i juat feel like i was never them like i should.. I remember taking care of him when he was a baby and we always had a really good relationship and it just really breaks my heart not being able to be there for him. I worry about him all the time
. The worst is when i left last time, and i had to tell him i was leaving, i know it hurt him so much. He hadnt known i was leaving so soon. He was trying to make plans for next time we were both at moms house, and it broke my heart to have to tell him that i was leaving a few days after that.. It was crushing.. Especially cause boys try to hide stuff and just get really quiet
. He hasnta had it very good and i just dont want him to go down a wrong path cause of the things hes been through.. About 2 years ago his dads gf killed herself in the house he was in! My stepdad said he found her in the morning, and when i asked what my bro had seen he said that he had seen enough.. It hurts me all the time that he would have to go through that.. And the anger i feel toward that devil woman for doing that to him is so intense.. I mean i know you shouldnt speak ill of the dead, but she wasnt a good person at all in life and to be that selfish and evil put my little boy throught that... Idk..
Wow sry i kinda went on a really bad rant there
... I guess being a scorpio and thinking of my bro gets me going lol..
Wow sry i kinda went on a really bad rant there