MinnieMel is nolonger considers herself a CDer. One final post.

we're going to a large display later today. hope the rain holds off. it has rained this am but who knows. at least if it does rain i would suspect it will be quieter.

Great attitude from Great Things! ;)

I hope Emz and Dude have fun and aren't frightened. My son hated fireworks for a long time.

Ems likes them and is in awe. Dude.... I just don't know. Last time we went to this display was 2 years ago and we didn't take him. We left him with my parents. Last year we went to the gym to see them but it wasn't the same. You could see the fireworks bit you couldn't hear the music that they go off too (they bang them on time to music. 2 yrs ago it was Michael jackson's music)!
Sry to hear that the murder mystery wasnt very good. Ive always wanted to go to one, but ive always been weary that they would be pretty bad. Glad to hear it was still a good time though.
We probably arent doung anything tonight either. Im not feeling too well, amd the OH is already exhausted.. Hes been on since tuesday, and his next day off isnt til thursday! AND he has to go in and work from like 11pm-1:30am on monday night for the launch of some video game.. Call of duty i think. :( its beyond me why they need games that late at night but whatever lol.
MrsPayne212 said:
:( its beyond me why they need games that late at night but whatever lol.

It's probably the online launch date so there'll be loads playing online and I suppose they don't want it to crash. :eek:
Hi Miz PP and Nikki --

My poor dog (actually DD's dog) has been going crazy all night. The fireworks really stress her out. We were out shopping and my son was having to deal with it. I forgot how nuts she becomes and I am the only one who can comfort her.

I hope dude liked the fireworks.

I also hope you are feeling better, Miz PP.

Im feeling a bit better though i didnt really eat all day then had pizza for dinner :( i had some veg first just to make sure i got something lol..
Yea we spent half the night looking for the cat that was hiding cause its si scared of the noise
Monday, November 7, 2011

Morning All,

Well... time to DO something more drastic. I went through my "winter clothes" and could not get into most of the trousers. I was able to find a couple of pairs of UK14s that I'd not tossed -- one brown jeans and the other faded black cotten trousers. Then, I could squeeze into a few UK12s that I have. However, nothing looked good and I have tons of stuff that I cannot wear.

So, this "knowledge" (as I have been in denial, I guess) should push me to get off my @ss and exercise, drink my water and stick to my food plan. I am hoping to show a loss on Thursday (at my weigh in) and then every week I will check my trousers -- and hope that I expand my wardrobe rapidly (I refuse to buy bigger clothes -- I had nice bigger clothes and got rid of them when I lost the weight and stablised.)

What I am doing instead of eating... 7/11/11

So far -- lots of coffee!

I emptied the dishwasher and reloaded it.

I have laundry in the washer, dryer and to be put away.

I decided to a "clutter management tip" and clean one drawer a day -- so I did the flatware one in the kitchen.

I may do six more and get caught up (Nove 1-6), so that this can be my "November" declutter/clean challenge.

I am wrapping November birthday gifts today, as well. I did one for today (and I need to do another for today, also) -- one to be posted to the U.S. for the 22nd, one for the 19th, another for the 24th and still another for December 22nd. (I did some shopping over the weekend -- and since I had to get the paper out for today's birthdays, I thought I'd just wrap them all.)

I'll be back to update this post -- I am hoping that posting will help keep me stick to my declutter/clean up/be organized, lose weight and get physically fit plan.

@Illa -- Thanks for the positive energy... mission accomplished.

So far -- lots of coffee!

Switched to green tea and am liking that.

I emptied the dishwasher and reloaded it.

I have laundry in the washer, dryer and to be put away.

Airing cupboard full of wet laundry, baskets to dry backing up (need to rotate, but the dryer is the garage, so that slows me down. I may go dry a lot on the AFB -- it is inexpensive and fast and I have two sleeping bags in the car's boot to launder there.)

My bed is stripped, so I need to remake it. DS brought down his pile of wash and that is getting tended, too.

I decided to a "clutter management tip" and clean one drawer a day -- so I did the flatware one in the kitchen.

I may do six more and get caught up (Nove 1-6), so that this can be my "November" declutter/clean challenge.

I have done 9 so far -- I have a lot of drawers in the kitchen. When I finished with those, I move around the house. maybe I'll get every drawer in the house sorted this month. lol

I am wrapping November birthday gifts today, as well. I did one for today (and I need to do another for today, also) -- one to be posted to the U.S. for the 22nd, one for the 19th, another for the 24th and still another for December 22nd. (I did some shopping over the weekend -- and since I had to get the paper out for today's birthdays, I thought I'd just wrap them all.)

I need to deliver two gifts, I may it and do it later (in the evening).

I'll be back to update this post -- I am hoping that posting will help keep me stick to my declutter/clean up/be organized, lose weight and get physically fit plan.

So, far food okay -- need to work on water and fitness is planned.


i think i'll try to do a drawer every couple of weeks. my bin is full though as no one (as in me) put it out on friday for mr bin man. still room for things but i think it's going to bulge by friday.
massively busy day tomorrow. massively busy. just don't know how i'm going to fit it all in.... honestly.

ems to school
ironing to drop off to get done
gym at 10am to 12
dude at nursery 12.30
zumba gold class 1.30-2.30pm
back changed and dressed.
leave to pick up emily from school to take to a party
party 4-6pm
no zumba pm today
6pm.... phew..... relax.

at least i get no change to snack :)
i think i'll try to do a drawer every couple of weeks. my bin is full though as no one (as in me) put it out on friday for mr bin man. still room for things but i think it's going to bulge by friday.

LOL -- It was a bad week for bins, I think.

Wednesday morning I drove my DH up to the nearby Air Force base to catch a shuttle bus (he was not supposed to drive for 24 hours following the sedation he had for his colonoscopy)... when I noticed all the bins were out (excpet ours).

The plan was to drop DH, then rush to take DD to Addenbrookes hospital in Cambridge for a surgical folow-up... but I had drop the dad, turn around and go back to house, unlock the door, go upstairs and scream at the 20 year old who had been told to take the bin to the street the night previously.

I know it would have been easier to pull it to the kerb myself -- but that is why it wasn't done. I always did what was easier for me... and they all have gotten away with nothing d^mn little.

If it was DH's job to take bin out -- give him the excess rubbish and have him go to the tip. Maybe if HE is inconvienced -- he'll remember next time. ;)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I cleaned/decluttered ten drawers -- so, I am "up" on the challenge! ;) I still have loads to do -- I think I may keep on doing this until I have gone through every drawer in the house (and that is a ton -- I think I am going count them and list them by room lol).

I made dinner, cleaned up, worked on the laundry (still working on this) -- and delivered one of the birthday gifts (it is a 30-40 minute round trip drive). I also did some internet Christmas shopping, and DH and I called his mom in Florida (I have been nagging him to do so for weeks).

In addition to the drawers I got the mess off of the table (I was wrapping gifts), and cleared and cleaned two counters, kitchen windows and window ledge . I wiped down all the canisters, descaled the coffee maker and kettle, and I took my new toaster oven out of the box and set it up.

I have wanted one (toaster oven) for years -- so that we would not heat up the big convection over to make a little something, something. My son used it to see how it made toast as a test and he prefers the toaster (so, I had to find a place for that, since the toaster oven was put where the toaster was located).

My DD used it make her own dinner (some chicken breast strips and smile fires) -- she also had some veggies and Spanish rice that was prepared for her brother and father (DD does not like tomato based sauces never has... and the main meal was Spanish chicken).

It worked well -- I think that DD and DS will be doing a lot more of their own food prep. I want to prepare the family dinner and let everyone sort breakfast and lunch. (I make DD's school lunch most days, but I have been getting her to do part of the time. I am going to see if I can't make her to this most of the time.)

So, today, the plan is to clean/clear the other two counters, the rest of the kitchen drawers, and maybe some cabinets, clean the downstairs loo (that is a Tuesday job, the kitchen is Monday -- but I did not get to the kitchen floor, so that will be today), wipe out the fridge and write up menus for the family -- grocery shop and do some "pressing" errands.

Food was fair (not great, not horrible), water better but not good, less coffee and more green tea (so better, I think) -- and I did not go to Aquafit as planned. So, no fitness. I am tracking my steps for a challenge 12, 014.

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hey housework is a workout all on its own, most guys would be surprised lol. wow you really have been busy , but youve gotten a lot done so its been well worth it. :) are you sure you dont have all those arms like the octupus? lol
haha wow i dont like cooked tomatoes either! raw isnt so bad like on a turkey sandwish, but the taste of cooked/stewed tomatoes has always been terrible to me. i used to work in a kitchen at a camp, and the worst days were when they had tomato soup.. uucckk! the smell was aweful to me lol.
wow thats a lot of steps for running around the house! that has to make up for something lol.. who needs aquafit when you have a house to take care of lol
LOL -- It was a bad week for bins, I think.

Wednesday morning I drove my DH up to the nearby Air Force base to catch a shuttle bus (he was not supposed to drive for 24 hours following the sedation he had for his colonoscopy)... when I noticed all the bins were out (excpet ours).

The plan was to drop DH, then rush to take DD to Addenbrookes hospital in Cambridge for a surgical folow-up... but I had drop the dad, turn around and go back to house, unlock the door, go upstairs and scream at the 20 year old who had been told to take the bin to the street the night previously.

I know it would have been easier to pull it to the kerb myself -- but that is why it wasn't done. I always did what was easier for me... and they all have gotten away with nothing d^mn little.

If it was DH's job to take bin out -- give him the excess rubbish and have him go to the tip. Maybe if HE is inconvienced -- he'll remember next time. ;)


there is a nice book on this
Chores without war.