MinnieMel is nolonger considers herself a CDer. One final post.

butterball..... is this what we might call butter basted? you bast the turkey in butter every few hours so the turkey soaks it up and is very juicy and moist?
great things said:
butterball..... is this what we might call butter basted? you bast the turkey in butter every few hours so the turkey soaks it up and is very juicy and moist?

Its the name of a brand more so :)
Morning MizPP,

A bit worse on the cold and congestion front -- this is really hanging in there. I need to get the van up to the shop, then get on with my day. I hope your day goes well. I will push the fluids (should be anyway) and have managed my porridge and some coffee with morning (goes well with Dayquil).

The is out here and that helps improve my mood. I meant to answer your question about the S.A.D. Light. It stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder and exposure to this light replaces the lack of natural sunlight people experience in these climates -- it helps shut off melatonin production during daytime hours (which makes you drowsy otherwise) and also stimulates vitamin D production (not only helps bones, but combats depression). People who are experiencing S.A.D. usually sleep a lot or certainly are very lethargic, crave carbs, are depressed, etc. it is real medical condition.

Where my husband works there are no windows -- they have installed a special S.A.D. light that is switched on at certain times of the day for various durations and it illuminates the whole office area shared by many people. They call it the "Happy Light". He thinks it helps.

You can find them on-line. Mine is called a Go-Lite.
Wow ill.look into that.. Ive certainly been feeling a bit lethargic lately. Sry youre still a bit off :( but at least you have dayquil lol i miss dayquil.. You go to a docs here and it seems like you could have yoir arm coming off and all they say is get some.paracetemol.. Laziness if you ask me. Hope all goes well getting your vanin.. Have a nice day mel!
Hi MizPP --

I dropped the van off and they fitted the tires (as far as I know). It'll be MOT'd at 3:00 p.m. -- DS is off to try and track the text book he lent to someone who was supposed to return it by this morning (he needs it -- they borrowed it on Friday). When he gets back I may get a lift to go and pick up the van. Fingers crossed that it passes MOT. It isn't even worth the price of the new tires.
Howd the MOT go?

Don't know -- I guess I should call and check on it, eh?

We are very typical Americans -- three drivers and four vehicles -- so, I really do not care (unless we just spent over $300 for two new front tires and mounting for it to fail). It is a 1999 US Spec Honda Odysessy that we bought new and I have dented a few times (lol). It is good for moving stuff, and used to be fab for long trips (hauling around the Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Brownies, etc.) but it is old and I would not want to go too far in it these days. We only carry liability on it -- and we are old -- so, other than the road tax and insurance it does not cost us much to keep it on hand.

The Jeep is even older (1996) and was bought new, too. They were both seriously ill at the same time in the Summer of '09 and so we bought a new Ford Focus (US Spec). (This is what I usually drive.) Then they both pulled though!

So, we had three cars - then DS came back from the U.S. and we bought him a British Spec Corsa Twin Port (2003, I think). I did not want him driving on the opposite side of the road in a US spec car. And it has a tiny engine, so no Boy Racer stuff!

We bought a Ford (in '09) because the American car makers were in bad shape at the time, and Ford was the only one who did not take bail-out federal help. (I prefer Japanese cars -- Honda or Toyota.)

I have finished cyber shopping for my DH's siblings. I send the four sisters real Christmas wreaths every year and then they can toss them after the holiday and I send them again the next. I send the brother a snack item gift basket (because he has an ariticial wreath he uses and adores -- he is big into decorating). I'll get his mum some restaurant gift cards -- so she can treat her lady friends who take her shopping. (I need to get those in the mail asap).

My family is harder -- because I actually care what I send to them! lol

If it weren't for me: his family would not even know we were still alive.
If it weren't for me: his family would not even know we were still alive.

isn't that how it works?


i order all the stuff for hubby's family and friends. he has very little say in things cause he's not really interested as long as we have something. i've chosen his mum's birthday flowers and xmas flowers also his mum's present and his dad't too! he told me what to get his brother and we decided to get is niece something together. then his SIL i've bought for! i'll send the cards to everyone. i'll also wrap everything too. i have a system. i write to mum and dad on everything but if it is his parents his name goes first. if it's mine, mine goes first. simplz! :D
isn't that how it works?


i order all the stuff for hubby's family and friends. he has very little say in things cause he's not really interested as long as we have something. i've chosen his mum's birthday flowers and xmas flowers also his mum's present and his dad't too! he told me what to get his brother and we decided to get is niece something together. then his SIL i've bought for! i'll send the cards to everyone. i'll also wrap everything too. i have a system. i write to mum and dad on everything but if it is his parents his name goes first. if it's mine, mine goes first. simplz! :D

Good idea. I have to post everything, and so have started doing online shopping instead. The postage is so expensive -- and no one wants or needs anything (they are all older and downsizing -- so the throw away wreaths are perfect).
Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I got up very early this morning and have been all over minis... I know I posted this somewhere, but it really should have been here.

I emptied the dishwasher (and reloaded), worked on the laundry, made DD's packed lunch and breakfast, brushed her long hair and took some before photos (because she will have a lot cut off tomorrow to donate), got out my coffee urn to lend to CFF (she'll be by later to pick it up), set up the ironing board and checked to see if the covers CFF picked up for me will fit it (they should), let the dog out, fed the dog, played with the dog a bit, talked to DH, watched the news, had coffee and breakfast... and now I need to get to work (I have been ill and not getting much accomplished)...
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And NOW you have to get to work? You are none stop from dawn woman lol. We need to get you a cape and some bright spandex(what color is your superhero outfit?) lol.. How long is your daughters hair? WOW, i just measured my pony tail with a ruler and its just over 20 inches!!! That might be a bit much lol.
And NOW you have to get to work? You are none stop from dawn woman lol. We need to get you a cape and some bright spandex(what color is your superhero outfit?) lol.. How long is your daughters hair? WOW, i just measured my pony tail with a ruler and its just over 20 inches!!! That might be a bit much lol.

Not sure of the exact length, but she is having 8 inches off and that will still leave it mid-back. She is about 5'2 1/2" with a long body. So, it is long.

What do you think of the little NBC tree?
Tuesday cont.

Posted a huge box (over 20 lbs) to Canada. Had to stand in line ages because the of the limited hours for posting on the U.S. Base -- it was crowded. Checked my incoming mail -- no parcels -- just bills!

Went to the British post office, too -- and posted a little gift to a friend.

Popped into the shop to get some Christmas gift cards and other doodads. I need get those sorted and into greeting cards and mailed out. I really need to just get the all Christmas post sorted and sent.

Put a new ironing board cover on the board I just bought (now I have two -- one upstairs and one down). I did a little ironing this afternoon whilst watching a programme I like. I am going to try and iron the laundry as it comes through the process -- and then I will dedicate some time to getting caught up on the mountain I have (DH wears 100% cotton shirts and has a lot of them).

I need to get dinner sorted. I think I will make taco meat -- DD is already eating -- I have to get her swim team paperwor organised and take her to training this evening. She wants me to go and watch.

Well, DH is home -- so I better get into the kitchen.
I should really learn how to iron lol i tried once but i felt like i was doing it wrong so i kinda gave up.. Now we have this weird steam one that just looks like way too much trouble to hook up and everything. Is it cheaper for you to post through the US post? 20lbs must have been a fortune :(. I like cooking with music on it makes it so.much funner. I made the OH and i chicken stirfry tonight it was really tasty i didnt finish mine ( ;) ) so im gonna have the left overs for lunch tomorrow. Oo taco meat. I just got loads of taco seasoning from the states..hmm that makes me wonder do you think i can just use that seasoning to make the shredded beef (the kind you stew for like hours in a crockpot)?
ironing..... what's that :) :p

up again at 5.30am my body clock is screwed! stayed up late too! yikes!

well it is wednesday. hoping the weather is better! not sure what to do with myself today. was thinking of taking dude to soft play but as the schools are on strike today (not emily's) i'm thinking that it will be packed with big kids. i might see if i can put my outside decs up. not much just a few icicles and a reindeer! might drag my dad in on it.

i was having a shower yesterday lunchtime (after gym) and hubby came up and said that we're going to have to stop using the shower as over the time we've been in the house the seal on the bath has been going, i've replaced it but it's rotted away. it's now coming through the ceiling worse than ever into his study where his computers are. there's actually a spot where it's created a very small hole and it's dripping through plus it's collecting behind the wall paper and there's a pocket of water there. not great! :(
Pictures :(


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cripes! You need a handy man - I expect your hubby is more techy than handy?

Mel you made me laugh - hubby's home so best get in the kitchen!

How did the inventory go?
Morning --

DD is home due the strike. we moved our piano lessons to the morning, followed by lunch out, then her "donation" haircut and then some shopping! We're having a "proper" girlie day.

I should really learn how to iron lol i tried once but i felt like i was doing it wrong so i kinda gave up.

Back in the day... a lot more Americans ironed and my mom used to pay me per piece. This is probably why it is my least favourite chore!

Now we have this weird steam one that just looks like way too much trouble to hook up and everything.

I have one of those pressure steam irons and they make it so much faster and easier. Ask your MIL to show you how to use it. They are fab.

My problem is that my pressure iron's stainless steel sole plate keeps getting "yucked up" and it is a pain to clean. There is a new (very expensive) version that has a "fabric sensitive" plate and it will not yuck up (supposedly). However, I am loathe to pay that much (nearly 300 pounds)-- I think I just want to get one with a ceramic plate.

Over the years I have had "ironers" and if I could find a good one that is reasonable, then I would love to have that service again. It is one household thing that I do not (usually) mind having someone else do. I do not like a cleaner (they do it the way you would).

Is it cheaper for you to post through the US post? 20lbs must have been a fortune :(.

Very much so. Because it was going "international" (Canada) -- I had to send it priorty I could not send it surface -- which is the least expensive way to send to and from the U.S. It cost almost $60.00. However, through the British post it would have been 80 pounds surface or 98 pounds priority. I think even shipping through the U.S. post the postage cost more than the box's contents (or very nearly).

I am finding this to be true so often now with Christmas gifts -- that I am using the internet and shopping online, then having it sent direct a lot more often.

That said: I went out and bought several gift cards yesterday. I got my neice two for restaurants in her local area (Olive Garden and Denny's), and then for her her kids itunes cards (one is getting an itouch and the other we will send our son's first ipod -- as our DD is getting an itouch and she has been using it). The mom does not want to get him an itouch because he may just lose it or break it. The hand-me-down (which works and belonged to his older cousin whom he adores) it a "test". His birthday is in March -- if this ipod lasts until then, then he may get an itouch for that. (He is getting some sort of gaming thing as his "big" Christmas gift.)

I like cooking with music on it makes it so.much funner. I made the OH and i chicken stirfry tonight it was really tasty i didnt finish mine ( ;) ) so im gonna have the left overs for lunch tomorrow.

Sounds yum! And DOUBLE CREDIT!!! Very good Beck: not over-eating and planning!

Oo taco meat. I just got loads of taco seasoning from the states..hmm that makes me wonder do you think i can just use that seasoning to make the shredded beef (the kind you stew for like hours in a crockpot)?

Sure you can... I have a fab recipe for a taco pie. I'll see if I have it saved on the computer and post it.

The boys opted for left-over lasagna, so I have the ground beef for today.

ironing..... what's that :) :p

up again at 5.30am my body clock is screwed! stayed up late too! yikes!

Me, too -- but I think my issue is that the cough medicine wears off after about 5 to 6 hours and I wake up hacking.

well it is wednesday. hoping the weather is better!

Sunny, but cold here atm.

not sure what to do with myself today. was thinking of taking dude to soft play but as the schools are on strike today (not emily's) i'm thinking that it will be packed with big kids.

Yeah, I was thinking the same about the shopping. I may just go the big American base -- because the schools there not affected by the strike.

i might see if i can put my outside decs up. not much just a few icicles and a reindeer! might drag my dad in on it.

Oh, too early for me to do that. I'll wait until the second week in December to put up the outside stuff.

Note to self: POST must be done first!!!

i was having a shower yesterday lunchtime (after gym) and hubby came up and said that we're going to have to stop using the shower as over the time we've been in the house the seal on the bath has been going, i've replaced it but it's rotted away. it's now coming through the ceiling worse than ever into his study where his computers are. there's actually a spot where it's created a very small hole and it's dripping through plus it's collecting behind the wall paper and there's a pocket of water there. not great! :(

What a mess! It'll be one of those fix one thing then it leads to another jobs.

We have not been able to use the shower in the family bath in this house since last November when water starting pouring through the light fixture in the front hall!!!

Between DS and his friend who was staying with us -- they saturatated the wall (it has some cracked tiles) and when the wall was "full" the deluge! Since I thought we might be moving, I did not bother to "fight" with the owners to repair it -- but now it will be one of those things I address in the New Year.

In the meantime -- all of us use the ensuite power shower (very annoying).

Yours looks worse (staining-wise) that ours, but our paper is peeling (it is very old) and we stopped using it as soon as I saw the "water and electricity combo.

cripes! You need a handy man - I expect your hubby is more techy than handy?

Mel you made me laugh - hubby's home so best get in the kitchen!

Doesn't it feel that way? Barefoot in the winter and pregnant in the summer -- is the old saying. *sigh*

How did the inventory go?

On pause atm. I have to get the Christmas, shopping, wrapping, posting, shipping all sorted -- and then it is clearing the diningroom clutter, cleaning (dusting and oiling the furniture in there), then I can removed the dishes from the cabinents it there and inventory those -- declutter -- get rid of things I really do not have a huge attachment to -- and replace neatly. I have noticed another chipped cup handle. *sigh*

Well, I need to get moving -- but, first I'll have another cup of coffee, drink my 1st l of water, use my light box (despite the sun shining in atm :) ) and then I want to get some household stuff done before we head out.

I hope everyone has a good day.
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great things said:
ironing..... what's that :) :p

up again at 5.30am my body clock is screwed! stayed up late too! yikes!

well it is wednesday. hoping the weather is better! not sure what to do with myself today. was thinking of taking dude to soft play but as the schools are on strike today (not emily's) i'm thinking that it will be packed with big kids. i might see if i can put my outside decs up. not much just a few icicles and a reindeer! might drag my dad in on it.

i was having a shower yesterday lunchtime (after gym) and hubby came up and said that we're going to have to stop using the shower as over the time we've been in the house the seal on the bath has been going, i've replaced it but it's rotted away. it's now coming through the ceiling worse than ever into his study where his computers are. there's actually a spot where it's created a very small hole and it's dripping through plus it's collecting behind the wall paper and there's a pocket of water there. not great! :(
We had the same problem with the shower (we dont have a bath though just the standup cubicle). Cause when they put it in they didnt lay down the water resistant flooring so it just seeped down into the kitchen. It happened enough that we finally got the council to actually takd it out and lay everything down properly. The seal hasnt gone again yet but certainly seems to be working so far
Yea thats a huge difference in price especially around the holidays. I remember my first ipod lol ir was a mini (not so mininlooking back on it) and it was pink. The battery was horrible on it so i exchanged it and had the same problem so i just kept it and kept it plugged in in my car cause thats where i listened to it anyway. I use my phone for the most part these days as my mp3 player. Haha i remember when it was like whats a mp3? Oo dennys haha that brings back so many memories. Its pretty much where you end up hanging out late at night with your friends when you grow in in southern california lol. Man just remembering getting into bed to go to sleep getting a call from your friend 'wanna go to dennys ' 'yea kool come.pick me up' and getting up and dressed and going out. Its funny how you can just push aside.being tired back then lol.
Ps moons over my hammy is amazing lol