Saturday, November 26, 2011
Well, food not fab but not bad.
I was so ill on Thursday (Thanksgiving) that DH cooked some steaks and made dinner for himself and the kids. I tried to have soup and had to dump it.
I was better on Friday (so probably not flu just a bad cold) and managed my dental appointment for a cracked tooth repair (good for my diet as no breakfast before and three hour wait to eat after -- talk about the "Beck Miss a Meal" exercise). Then, I had ran errands and grocery shopped a bit. I heard that people were lined up at Lakenheath's Shop by 6:00 a.m. to get the good Black Friday Deals. Unreal. I had no intention of braving that mess, but apparently they had people line up orderly, then as they were let into the shop they were asked what adveritsed item were they intending to buy, and they were given a coupon with the upc code on it. When the coupons were gone all the items were sold, so no mad rush throuhg the store. You held onto your coupon and gave it to the cashier when you checked out, and were handed the item.
Later, I saw that people were pepper sprayed and even shot in incidents in the U.S. -- all to get a bargain. UGH! They coudl take a lesson from the military stores.
We (Americans) seem to have really forgotten what Christmas IS supposed to be. My son used to complain that we made too much of a fuss at Christmas, when the real celebration should be at Easter (as it is the "rebirth" that is more significant)... I think this is so true. Sorry to preach...
On Friday, I managed to make a lasagna (low carb pasta, lowfat cottage cheese blended to be like ricotta, and low carb pasta -- actually very nice), cooked and glazed the ham, make the roasted potatoes, candied yams (the marshmallows exploded and I have to clean the oven now *sigh*), an apple pie, pumpkin pie, some brussel sprouts, corn, a tossed salad, Hawaiian rolls, and a birthday cake (purchased from the American bakery). My friend came to dinner -- it was her birthday -- and it went well. There was a little sniping at each other (my son and myself) but okay overall. I consumed more calories than usual, but much less than a "normal" Thanksgiving.
I am going to do the roast turkey meal on Sunday. I am hoping to be even more improved by then. Then, it'll be turkey this and turkey that for a few days lol. I am glad that I am planning to try and SS for most days until I get a stone off. I am not trying to SS right now because of the cold medications.
CFF got an email and will see the surgeon (not endrocrinologist -- so, I think they know they have to operate asap and aren't wasting time) on Tuesday. They will redo her MRI, also. They want different views. I am thinking she may go into the hospital for her operation before the 10th. She isn't really saying much about how she feels, etc. -- but I know that she has her gifts out, wrapping paper, went shopping with her DH yesterday, and is going to have him bring the decorations down from the loft tomorrow. I think she is going to try to have everything wrapped, decorated, etc. by Monday night. I keep offering my help, but she says that they are doing okay atm.
Well, I should scan some diaries and get ready to help DD work on her mountain of homework.