Miriam's Diary

Hi, not been on for a few days. DustQueen I am fine, back on track but got a terrible headache. Kept me awake last night so feeling tired too. Hopefully the gym will give me a bit of much needed energy. The cold weather is also affecting my water intake. Just feels too cold to be drinking water lol. Must however stick in coz the scales won't have moved an ounce by Thursday I bet :(

Hope everyone is sticking in and doing well xx
Mia said:
Hi, not been on for a few days. DustQueen I am fine, back on track but got a terrible headache. Kept me awake last night so feeling tired too. Hopefully the gym will give me a bit of much needed energy. The cold weather is also affecting my water intake. Just feels too cold to be drinking water lol. Must however stick in coz the scales won't have moved an ounce by Thursday I bet :(

Hope everyone is sticking in and doing well xx

Glad you're back on track, hope the headache bogs off soon
Thanks for your support DustQueen x. You've lost loads, well done.

I am really dreading my WI. I know I cheated at the weekend, but I am gonna be gutted if I don't lose, and can't put into words how I'll feel if I actually PUT ON !!!! :eek:

I went to Zumba last night, swimming (only 20 lengths today due to bad traffic and the aqua class starting at 6), a 45 min. aqua class and Zumba again tomorrow - all in the quest to lose even 1lb. I am actually worrying about it. I hope I lose :(
Mia said:
Thanks for your support DustQueen x. You've lost loads, well done.

I am really dreading my WI. I know I cheated at the weekend, but I am gonna be gutted if I don't lose, and can't put into words how I'll feel if I actually PUT ON !!!! :eek:

I went to Zumba last night, swimming (only 20 lengths today due to bad traffic and the aqua class starting at 6), a 45 min. aqua class and Zumba again tomorrow - all in the quest to lose even 1lb. I am actually worrying about it. I hope I lose :(

Sadly not that was pre Christmas am a little fat bloater now :S
LOL, I bet you're not. Anyway, new start tomorrow for you so good luck x
Hi Precious. I am doing ok I think but not holding out much hope of a loss tomorrow, in which case I will be gutted!!!

I have been 100% after my lapse at the weekend and kept up my water intake and exercised every day. Even if I just lose 1lb I'll be happy - I just want a LOSS. I feel that if I don't lose anything I will have wasted a full week. It hard for me to understand how I can eat normally (before I started Exante) and some weeks lose a pound or STS etc. yet I live on 600 cals, exercise daily - zumba, swimming, aqua - yet have one cheat and can put weight ON?????

Anyway, we'll see tomorrow morning. Hows things with you? You have done fantastic :D
Good luck hunny for wi - no matter wat the scales say just remember all the toning u are doing with the excersise :) stay positive my lovely u have done amazing so far :) x

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Well, lost 1lb. I know I said I'd be happy with 1lb but secretly I'm not. What a flaming waste of a week. Could be stuffing my face on SW and losing more that this :(
Well, lost 1lb. I know I said I'd be happy with 1lb but secretly I'm not. What a flaming waste of a week. Could be stuffing my face on SW and losing more that this :(
be pleased with your loss missy... SW can wait till when your at maintaince :) xx
be pleased with your loss missy... SW can wait till when your at maintaince :) xx

If I ever get to maintenance :(

I don't lose a stone a month (except the first month) and at this rate it's gonna take me from now until Christmas before I lose 2 stone :( Not a happy bunny today Shanny :cry:
Another 100% TS day. Meeting friends for 'lunch' tomorrow then going back to one's house and having drinks and a sleepover. I'm taking the car so won't be eating or drinking through the day and intend not to drink once I get to her house. I am taking my shakes and bar etc so got no reason to cheat. Hope I don't give in to temptation of a glass of wine or two. I don't think I will, but you never know.

Next Friday is my birthday. Got friends coming over here before we go out. I will be drinking next week so may have a cocktail sausage roll or something to kick me out of ketosis. I usually put nibbles on but don't know whether to or not coz don't want to come home, after a drink, to left over food. After a drink it won't be left over for long lol. I'll have to just put a little bit out so they eat it all before we leave :D Can't stop thinking about it and worrying coz I cheated last week and lost a measly 1lb :( Don't want to do that again :(
Been out today and drank water in the bar, then back to my mates house and had more water, a coffee and 3 shakes. So, 100% TS day for me which I was worrying about, but no need :D. Home now and day over with
Been to the gym today and did 100 lengths = 1 mile+ so feel better for that. Another 100% TS day. If I don't lose AT LEAST 4lb this week I will consider chopping my belly off with a big knife :(
Been to the gym today and did 100 lengths = 1 mile+ so feel better for that. Another 100% TS day. If I don't lose AT LEAST 4lb this week I will consider chopping my belly off with a big knife :(
Hahahaha at big knife :) :) you funny lady you. You are doing fab hun be patient ok xx
LOL I mean it, desperate times call for desperate measures Shanny :D If this bloody diet doesn't kick in soon I'll have no other option hehehehe. How you doing?
Haha u are doing fine have u thought about cutting the fitness out for a while??

I'm good on weight watchers now... Shakes were killing me off lol
Yeah have thought about it, but not gonna cut it out. I enjoy it, it makes me feel better and it is toning me up. Exercising and 600 cals a day HAS to work eventually??????

I can't do WW,I always put weight on with it. I love it though, I could actually live on it if it agreed with me :( Know what you mean about the shakes though, I'm sick of them now but only another 75 bloody month to go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have to disagree Mia I think your exercising to much... If I'm honest. 600 cals is a very low amount aday. It's good it makes u feel good about yourself but I would chose one or the other..!!! Feel free to tell me to ' shut up' I read back to last week day 4 do must of burnt a fair bit of calories and ure intake is so low aswell... I'm no expert.. :) have a think about it?? Swimming daily could be ok..!!

On the CD forum in the stickies part these useful info about exercising while on a vlcd .. By great things :) sorry to go on. Xx

Doing WS + exercise could work better ??? Adding more cals then ?