Can't find the thanks button on here????
So, thanks youse lol
Jackie I am going to try and keep off the bars for a few weeks, see if it effects my weight. Going to have 1 soup and 2 shakes. I will never in a million years lose 12.5lb in a month Jackie, I just couldn't do it, my body doenst work like that. I bet it will take me over 2 months to lose that and that's at 100% TS - I am a crap loser.
I don't know what my plan is yet, but I was thinking. My goal is 10st 7lb, but I would REALLY like to be 9st 9lb like I used to be. However, may not look good that thin, as you get older I don't think skinny is always a good look (for me personally). But, it will give me a little weight to 'play with' as if I go on WW or SW I will defo put weight on so it might even out. We'll see.
Let me know what the Doctor says.