Hi guys, I'm back! Happy New Year to all of you

Have been eating and drinking whatever I wanted between Xmas en New Year and yes, did gain weight but I don't care! After a whole year of dieting 2 weeks of eating nice things like chocolates and pizza was totally worth it.
My New Year's resolution for 2011 was losing weight and after losing 5st, I can honestly say I reached my goal

The resolution for 2012 is running the 5K Balmoral run on 28 April so that doesn't leave me much time to get into shape. Am back at the gym, went for a swim but overdid it a bit so my tennis elbow started playing up again. Have decided that for the next 12 weeks, I am only gonna focus on running and I have found a decent schedule that will enable me to run for 30 mins (5K) after 12 weeks. I should be able to run that long by 2 April and then I can do some more long distance runs up to the Big Event!
Yesterday I started, the schedule is for 4 times a week and you start with 2 mins running, 4 mins walking, and then repeat this for 4 times so you will have done 24 mins. The treadmill however, starts with walking so you will be running for more than 2 minutes when you reach 24 mins as you will do your cooldown running as well. After 29 minutes on the treadmill (the longest I have EVER been on one cos I absolutely HATE running), I treated myself to a nice soak in the jacuzzi at the gym. Legs felt a bit tired but I felt great! This morning however, my buttocks are sore and I can feel my leg muscles but as long as they are aching, I am still burning calories! I managed to burn 198 last nite by running and was oh so pleased with that.
Well, back on the wagon, doing more of a Cruise Lite diet now that I will be needing a bit more fuel for the extra exercise but am still watching what I eat. Ordered low carb fajita wraps at the low carb megastore so that instead of eating bread, I have a wrap or 2 for extra fuel.
It's good to be back, and I will keep you posted how the running's going!
