Mirjam's Cruise diet

With lots of lavender - helps a lot usually!!!! Well done for getting to the gym - try to remember you cossie next time! LOL - fingers crossed for another great day tomorrow! x
I'm looking... and reading... but it's all exercise talk and no diet or weight talk so, I'll keep looking and reading!
I took a nice bath with black pepper and ginseng bad foam and it made me relax a lot. Muscles are less sore today but am not gonna do any exercise just so that my musles can heal. Back to the running tomorrow, then Friday it's off to London as I'm going to see Marti Pellow in Blood Brothers, Saturday I've got a 2-hour "power" walk planned (well, it's more a walk along the Southbank but will be walking for at least 2 hours), Saturday nite a nite out on the town and Sunday back home to finish it off with a run at the gym.

True Joanne, not much talk about diet and weight so especially for you;) what I have been eating yesterday. Had a Exante VLCD shake for breakfast (it's cheaper than LT and I don't need to get weighed on a weekly basis as the pharmacist that works on a Saturday is kind of a biatch lol), for lunch I had cajun meatballs with fresh parsley and some capers in it, snack was the macademia flavoured muffins and a lovely mushroom stirfry with steak last night for dinner. Even managed to lose some weight, about a lb.

Today I've had a shake, have made a healthy Ceasar Salad (without the Ceasar dressing and croutons) for lunch but will add some balsamic vinegar and a tiny bit of Parmasan, just for a taster. Muffins again for a snack and not sure yet what I will have for dinner, might be the rest of the Ceasar salad as I made a large one or otherwise some grilled salmon/tuna.
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blood brothers is a really good show seen it a couple of years ago in london :D enjoy !!
Thanks guys, will do! will try and see if I can get some pictures taken :)

am feeling a bit down in he dumps at the moment. I need to have dental surgery which is gonna cost us £2,000 and I just got word back from my insurance company that they only pay £200. so much for private insurance eh? :(
further, am looking of another job as the job I'm in rite owns so dull, some weeks I have absolutely nothing to do and can't stand that, I want to be busy! Have applied for my current job as well as it will give me some certainty but am applying myself silly to all other jobs. Now I'm worried that I won't get the job and then I'll be out of work again as the event management business is still very quiet. And with the double dip we're looking at, it's not looking very promising.....
Thats a lot of money Mirjam I would be worried if I had to find that kind of money. Bad times re: employment but another better job may just be round the corner for you. They say your more likely to find another job if your already in employment. Im very lucky I love my job and there is never a dull moment with always plenty to do. But the college is cutting back all the time and I think the time will come when they need less people to do the same job as I do ..... Im not ready yet to be a lady of leisure ............... and neither is my bank balance.
It is a lot of money Chris but it's something that needs to be done... thank God the op will take place 4 times so I can save up for each op. I'm keeping my fingers crossed re the job hunt but not too optimistic as it took me 2 years to get this job :(

On a positive note though, I lost 3lbs since yesterday :) and after work, straight to the gym for my 3rd training session. Had both the salmon and the salad for my dinner as I was quite hungry.

Today the meal plan is as follows:
B - shake
L - chicken
D - ???
S - muffins
Flippin heck there is alot on your plate Mirjam. Keep positive about the job - something may be around the corner. The dentist thing sucks, so many loopholes in insurance policies they will worm out of paying for as much as they can - they are naughty!! The GREAT thing to be positive about though is the transformation you have made to you - that can only reap you huge rewards and the very fact that you are staying strong under lots of stress is amazing! Your menus look fab and really in control. Keep going and stay strong - it will all come out in the wash. Also PLEASE give Marti Pellow a big smackaroona when you see him from me - NOT jealous at all of you seeing Blood Brothers - just one of my all time favourites (followed very closely by Wicked and Les Mis)- I cry everytime!!!! Soppy I think is the word. ENJOY xxxx
You're having to apply for your own job? Did I read that correctly?
Dental work is incredibly expensive, it's true.
Thanks Trudy, would give him a french kiss if hubby wouldn't be there :D:D:D but he's there with me.

It's rediculous, we pay almost £900 a year for private insurance and indeed, they always find a loophole.... gum disease is as common as diabetes and they don't pay for that either! No wonder those insurance companies have so much bl00dy money :(
Yes Joanne, I'm temping and working for the council so when I told them I was interested, I was told I needed to apply as that's the law, they have to post their vacancies and cannot just give it to the person filling it.
oooh I see... sorry to appear nosey just that I know at times people are told to reapply for jobs they've held awhile when departments are "downsizing", let's say. Sorry to hear that.
No worries Jo, I don't mind you asking. It does suck big time but we'll just have to see what happens.
To french kiss Marti Pellow - heaven!LOL!
Have a great time. x

Photo's will follow soon, have finally managed to have my picture taken with Mr. P :) He asked me where I was from and when he found out I'm Dutch, he told me that he had been to Holland many times and that he loves it over there. He then kissed me three times on the cheek (that's the Dutch way of kissing) and I managed to plant one rite on his cheek! luckily for me and unlucky for him, I was wearing red lipstick so I'm lucky having a photo with my red lips on his cheek. Unfortunately, hubby was too late to take the photo.

re food, have completely pigged out this weekend on food and booze (tonite we managed to spend double the money on booze than on food, but it was the three of us lol), but upon arriving back in Aberdeen tomorrow, it's straight back to the gym for a run. will do a few PP days and rite back on track. Have had such a fantastic weekend, I've been waiting for well, since I was 19, to meet Marti and now I have.... Next goal: 5K Balmoral Run and meet Gerry Butler! :D x
Aw FAB Mirjam
I loved 'wet wet wet' used to dance around to them with my daughter when she was a tiny baby. Mr P has a fabulous voice too ;) If anyone can get back on track then its you Mrs x
OMG not jealous, I am not jealous, I am not jealous, I AM NOT JEALOUS!!!! (well maybe a wee bit)
Glad you had such a great weekend. Spoiling yourself was a must and as we know you will be right back on it so no harm what so ever, it's called living a normal life like normal people do.
Hope all goes well with workand that you have a great Dukan week. Fingers and toes are crossed. x
I'm really not jealous cos (lowers voice in embarrassment) I have no idea who Marti thingy is!! haaaaa! Lol at the red lipstick :D

Glad you enjoyed your weekend though... ;)
The weekend was amazing, had such a good time! Have attached two photos of Marti Pellow. Cannot believe some people don't know who he is ;). He's like really famous! :D

Marti Pellow 1.jpg
Marti Pellow 2.jpg