Thanks Chris! Called in sick again on Monday, splitting migraine since Friday. Boss lady wears this very heavy perfume to work (which she royally applies here just behind me

) so that sparked my still lingering migraine again. Went to my doctor's yesterday so see if I could get some other pills as the ones I use weren't working anymore :cry:.
Feeling much better today with the new pills so here's hoping! Not been eating much, never can when I have a migraine.
Re the job hunting, still no success but am thinking of starting to do Temple Spa. Had a meeting with the representative yesterday and I must say, it's looking good. Investment is not that big, only £160, while the package is worth more than £1,000. Am hosting a party myself on 23 March but am already trying to rope other people in so that I can start asap.
Food wise, no longer doing the Dukan, but still on a low carb, low fat diet.
Running hasn't been good, am a week behind schedule so will have to start running again soon! Will do another 7mins, 2 mins session on Sunday as hubby and I are off to Edinburgh on Saturday