Morning Girls
Stacey - Sounds like you had a fab time. Hahahahaha, thats so true about Sports Direct. Canny for cheap gym gear though haha. I will defo have to try see him some time as he really makes me chuckle. Crikey, thats extautionate for parking. What a rip!!!! Nevermind, bt it was worth it.
Bella - I did the binge (cringe), will write about it below for you all. Pleased things are not too bad in your area and you still got to do your walk. You are ding fab, I'm not suprised your legs are getting nice and shapely. Before you know it you'll be even more of a godess than you already are
Bin - I try drinking plenty water, although I have to force it down. I drink around 2000ml of water/juice a day (give or take a little more or little less). Your right though, Dukan defo not for me. I dont know how people can function on it. You are sooo flukey having nice weather yesterday. It poured down here. That walk sounds lovley and you done far. And how lush are you helping the old dear next door. You can come do my garden too if you like haha.
Katierose - How has your first few days gone?
Well, sad to say I did end up doing a full on binge last night. As soon as the Adonis went to footy I rushed out to the shop for some chips then they were followed by a double chocky muffin, 2 chocolate bars, some cookies and ice cream. I felt so guilty after, plus I didnt go to the gym. I know mega low carb musn't agree with me but I think the weather and fact that its almost TOTM didnt help the fact.
So now am back to good old sensible eating/SW and watching my calories. Although am gonna go a few red days on SW as this is quite low carb (but not mega restricted) and variety works best for me. I'm gonna have to step it up at the gym if I want to lose a stone for my holidays like so aiming to go 5 times a week and do 45 mins - 1 hour of cardio each time I go plus some weights. I want to get down to 11st if possible. So I need to lose just over 2lb a week from now.
The Adonis stuck to the Dukan and he's lost a whopping 8lb in 3 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's gonna try stick it out till friday then to slimming world with me. He's doing SW one week then Dukan the next and alternating. I will squeeze in a few low carb days, etc. Keep it mixed up. See how I get on. May even give Dukan one more go, but just a few days or so before I go away.
Its another manky day here in Newcastle. I wish the sun would come back out as I feel much more motivated when its sunny. Whats it like where you guys are?
Moving the rst of my stuff out of the flat tonight and going for a gym sesh so its a busy night for me after work. We are having that chicken season and shake (the paprika one is 2.5 syns) with no vedge tonight so thats yummy. Today I have had a mullerlight and 2 tsp whomeal oats for brekkie. I have got crabsticks, strawberries and 2 peached to munch on, along with 2 babybells for my healthy extras and for lunch am having turkey and a little bit salad in a whomeal pitta bread. I'm hoping if I eat like that every day and exercise the weight will start to come off again. Am gonna count syns religiously and save as many as I can for a weekend for my saturdy nights on the vodka haha.
Well, back to work but speak to you all soon and have a nice day xxx