Miss Kassy Getting Sassy (Re-Start)

Hello all,

Had fantastic day yesterday went up to Ipswich to see football, we won 5 - 2 brilliant atmosphere loads of singing & chanting voice only just getting back to normal:D got back home 3.00am this morning! Only a few showers whilst we were driving up. Got Millwall at home on Sat.

How was the horse racing Stacy I hope the weather was good for you. Glad you are feeling better now:) Have you finished your cross stitch?

Bella hope the baby shower is a big success tomorrow I am sure it will be after all your hard work. Let us know all about it.:)

Hope you feel better soon Kassy, TOTM is a pain I always wanted chocolate for about 2 days before. I am now at the other end, hot flushes day and night!:( I have done slimming world before it is really good but have decided I need portion control now:D

Hi Katierose hope you are ok, don't be hard on yourself, we all go off track at times, just take it one day at a time we are all on your side and here to give you support.:)

All have a good day tomorrow take care xx
bin59 said:
Hello all,

Had fantastic day yesterday went up to Ipswich to see football, we won 5 - 2 brilliant atmosphere loads of singing & chanting voice only just getting back to normal:D got back home 3.00am this morning! Only a few showers whilst we were driving up. Got Millwall at home on Sat.

How was the horse racing Stacy I hope the weather was good for you. Glad you are feeling better now:) Have you finished your cross stitch?

Bella hope the baby shower is a big success tomorrow I am sure it will be after all your hard work. Let us know all about it.:)

Hope you feel better soon Kassy, TOTM is a pain I always wanted chocolate for about 2 days before. I am now at the other end, hot flushes day and night!:( I have done slimming world before it is really good but have decided I need portion control now:D

Hi Katierose hope you are ok, don't be hard on yourself, we all go off track at times, just take it one day at a time we are all on your side and here to give you support.:)

All have a good day tomorrow take care xx

Glad to hear you had a good day yesterday bin!

The horse racing was really good thanks! Was pouring for the first couple of hours though! Did not too bad and won a few races :) so can't complain!

Yup last cross stitch finished-I think I posted a pic on here? The tigger one that is? I'm on my Me to You one now, and almost done! I think I'm spending far too much time doing these!! lol oh well :D xxx

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Hi Stacy,

Glad you had a good day yesterday and you won some races. Glad the rain eased off for you.:)

Yes I saw your pic of Tigger you just had the snowflakes and border left to do, it was really good. I have never been any good at sewing, will sew a button on if needs be but that is about it! You will have to put a pic of the Me to You one on here once you have finished it.

Day off for me tomorrow which is a nice thought:D Take care xx
See I'm the opposite Bin! Dont ask me to sew a button onto anything!!! lol

Enjoy your day off tomorrow!! I'm working :p then off Friday, but going back to my volunteering on the postnatal ward on Friday morning - so still technically working!! lol can't wait to get back on the ward though :) xxx

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Thanks for the messages girls. Just got to get the giant baby balloon filled with helium then I'm all ready to rock n roll! Had another terrible night's sleep so feeling worn out today. Also diet hasn't been the best, haven't eaten much but what I have had has been convenience foods. Am in desperate need of fruit and veg coz I'm feeling a bit blocked if u know what I mean! So much so Im having period type cramps...not good! Any suggestions to help loosen me up will be very much appreciated! Xx

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Aw Bella! I find that fruit juice actually "loosens me up"!!! lol

I think lots of people eat foods like that when they have so many things to do! And with you not sleeping well, it'll be throwing you off your usual stride too.

Hope things settle down after the shower for you! xxx

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Hiya lasses

Bella - I am in exactly the same boat. This is the 4th day I aint been to the loo. God knows how, I have ate fruit, whomeal bread and beans everyday!!!!! I think I'll haveto tell the Adoni to get out the house when the time eventually somes hahaha. Have you tried 1 laxative? They tend to work. I try to keep away frm thm myself though as I was addicted to them when I had the whole eating disorder thing and they messed my system up for a long time. Maybe try prune juice?? I know if I havnt been by tomorow i'm gonna have to try summit. Maybee a curry hahahahaha.

Let us know how baby shower goes wont you. Siounds like you have it all in hand and I bet the girl is thrilled for what you have organied. You should be a professional party planner. Saying that, thats just stress you dont want! Bet you cant wait till its over and done with in a way.

Stacy - Pleased you had good time at the racing. I have never been yet but te Adonisand I put a lucky 15 on the horses every Saturday and watch it all afternoon. I love it. Every time we plan to go it rains so we cancell. Hope to get there soon.

Look forward to seeing your little me to you cross stich. You can get some fab ones in the shops. Really big. That'll keep you busy.

Bin - Sounds like you had a great time at the footy. Sounds like you have been working those lungs of yours out hehe. Wish I had a day off, you lucky bugger hehe. I live for the weekends.

Well ladies, i'm still a bit drained today but gonna power on through. Didnt go to gym last nght. The Adonis was out at footy (he goes every Wednesday) and as soon as I know I am getting a bit time on my own I plan a binge. I know its wrong. Sometimed I can resist but with my cravings going haywire last night I couldnt stop myself at all. I did it last week too didnt I. I need to pack it in! Sometimes though, a good one off binge re-motivated me. Must get it all out my system and makes me more determined the next day to work harder. Just got to make sure I dont make a habit of it.

Gonna force myself to the gym tonight, then as long as I go tonight, Friday and Saturday i'll have done 3 days. Doubt I'll get there Sunday as I'll probs be hungover but will try. The ting with me is if I dont go for a few days I lose motivation. Once am there am fine, its the making myself go thats the problem. Defo toniht tho, after my quorn spag bol with home made sauce. Bets its vile hahahaha.

Wey, better get to some work. The pile of typing wont do itself haha xxxxx
Hi Miss K :D
I know what you mean about the gym, I force myself to go If I leave it it can turn into weeks so at the moment am going 4 times, I enjoy it when I get there as I ve found I enjoy cycling listening to my ipod.. Hope you have a good day :D
Hello to all the other lovely ladies, I use Senokot Bella as a last resort Hopefully you ll be sorted soon xx
Speak soon ladies xxxx
Evening!!! :D I'm off work tomorrow! yipeeeeeeeeee!

Kassy - don't let the rain put you off the races! It was pouring when we first got there, but we stood in the stand under the shelter to watch the races, and it was fine :) So long as the race isn't called off you'd have a great time, I'm sure!

My Me to You cross stitch is very nearly finished now. Started the outline tonight, so may get it finished tomorrow and will post a pic of it :)

Katierose - it really does help when you find an exercise you actually enjoy doing doesn't it? Hope you've had a good day?

I was going to do my kettlebell DVD tonight, but I'm feeling so drained of energy lately! I don't honestly know what it is :( I just want to sleep all the time, and when I'm not sleeping, I'm yawning my head off! I was supposed to be doing my voluntary work tomorrow, but because I'm feeling so exhausted I've emailed them saying I can't manage tomorrow but will definitely be in next week. I'm really quite dissapointed in myself because I know I really need this to help me get into uni next year, and I do enjoy it when I'm on the ward :( I just wish I had more energy! Does anyone else feel like this?

I'm also very low on self-esteem right now because of this thing I have! I'm actually going to make an appointment to see the doctor about it. It's very embarrassing - I have a wart of my nose (like on the bit in between your nostrels) :cry: I went to the docs about it before, and they put me on a waiting list to get it frozen, but I never heard from them. Then a few months ago, it just disappeared, which was great!!! But it seems to have come back out of nowhere! I want to see if it's possible to actually remove it - because I don't want the possibility of it coming back. It's so horrible and I feel like people are always looking at it when they talk to me :( Sorry if it's TMI - but it helps to get it off my chest somewhere here where people don't know me.

Anyway, enough of my ranting and raving! I hope you have all had a good day today and I hope you will all have a good day tomorrow too :) xxxx
Aw Stacy, get another appointment and explain that they did not contact you last time so this time it should be done asap, keep badgering until it is done.
Could it have flared up again due to you being run down you say you feel so tired and lack energy and you were not very well awhile back. Just a thought.
I am sure people are not staring at it, but because you are concious of it that is what it feels like. I know how you feel I have psoriasis always have it on my legs & arms but it has now started appearing on my face all around my eyes, am waiting for an appointment to come through from Southampton hospital, could be along wait!
Don't apologise for having a rant on here that is what we are all here for good times:), bad times:( and sad times:cry:. Let us know how you get on.

Hello to everyone must dash as got to get ready for work take care and hope you all have a good day. xx
Hiya Girlies

Its FRIDAY. Wooohoooo! Thats me in a good mood. I tend to perk up on a Thursday then Friday am usually in a good mood and Weekends am buzzin haha. Then a bloody Monday comes again and its 3 days of feeling pap haha. We should have 5 days in a weekend and only 2 working days.

God, you would think I didnt like my job or summit. I actually really love my job. Its just the getting to and from I hate. An hour each way on the bus, plus when I get here its a 10 min walk. Gotta be done though. I need to learn to drive after Xmas.

Oh, no, I can tell i'm in babble mood today haha.

Stacy - You sound really run down. How many hours sleep do you get a night? I think the wart may be a result of you being run down too. When you go to the docs tell them everything - how low and tierd you are feeling, etc. You shouldnt have to continue on like that. But Bin is right, other people probally dont notice that it is there but because you know it isyou get self conscious about it. In your head, try pretend like its not there at all and ignore it until its gone. I would maybe wear a bit more eye makeup, to accentuate my eyes as I would feel people would look there than anywhere else on my face. Have you tried any over th counter stuff? When I was about 12 I had loads of them on my hands. I had a huge one on my thumb and I remember my dad taking me bowling and I couldnt even get my thumb in the bowling ball. Then one day they just all dissapeard. My mam to this day still belives it was down to rubbing the raw red meat on it and burying it in the garden (an old wives tale of how to get rid of warts). But please dont go rubbing steaks on your face or people will think you have lost the plot haha.

Maybe try getting back into your exercise. Just take it easy but a little exercise can give you more energy and perk you right up. (I'm not one to talk as I still aint been to the gym).

Bin - How you didilin today me dear? My mam's friend had sopriosis really bad. the doctors referred her to the hospital (i think it was) to use this thing a bit like a sun bed. It got rid of the sopriosis and gave her a lovley tan. Not sure how safe it is though. Must be okay as am sure it was through a hospital. I get excma every now and then, but just little patches.

Well, I still didnt get to gym last night. I was dead good on my SW diet though and had 0 syns. I made vedgie spag bol for tea. It was quite nice really. The Adonis was pretty impressed I could make something so tastey without any meat. He's a proper cornavor (if thats how you spell it). He wanted us to have a mega early night and snuggle in bed and watch loads of Prison Break. So the gym was well out the window. Afterall, I couldnt resist snuggles off me man and a bit of Wentworth Miller haha. Defo going tonight though (I know, I know, thats what I said last night).

Have you all got much planned this weekend?

I am at a wedding doo tomorow night. So tomorow day I am going to clean the house, go to gym and then really tart myself up and have a bloody good knees up.

Then Sunday we will have the kids. So on the Sat night I am going to have a soft drink inbetween every alcaholic one as I dont want to be rough on the Sunday again.

Eeeesh, another lengthy email from me haha. So better get to work.

Speak soon everyone xxxxx
Thank you bin and Kassy xx

I'm feeling better today-the effects of my pill seem to have gone for now! But I do definitely want to go see the doc about the wart. The sooner I can get rid of that the better!

Sorry, it's just a quick one tonight-I'm on my phone! It's been a busy day-went shopping with mum and gran and we went to Hobbycraft - I had a ball!!!! Bought a few things for my cross stitching and another cross stitch kit.

Speaking of which, here's my finished cross stitch :) the Me to You design - hope you all like!!!


anyways, I'll come on tomorrow night after work to read all your posts thoroughly!! lol

Have a good night!!! xxx

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Hi Kassy I am didilin good today!

I had that sun bed treatment(PUVA) 14 years ago because I had psoriasis really bad, and I too had a fantastic tan, but never got rid of it completly, see a skin specialist when it gets bad, but this is the first time it has affected my face, as the specialist on the Island is off long term I have got to go over to Southampton!

Your idea is good 2 working days a week:D I would not fancy your journey it makes a long day, I am really lucky my job is less than 5 mins walk away.

You sound as though you have a good weekend planned, have a good knees up at the wedding do and a lovely time with the children:)

I am working till 1pm tomorrow then off to Southampton for football against Millwall hope we can keep this winning streak going, sure the bubble is going to burst soon!

Hello Stacy, Bella and Katierose all have a good weekend xx
Stacy, your cross stitch is lovely:D what is the new kit you have brought?
Glad you are feeling better and that you had a good day, take care xx
bin59 said:
Stacy, your cross stitch is lovely:D what is the new kit you have brought?
Glad you are feeling better and that you had a good day, take care xx

Thank you! :) im so happy with how it turned out!! Ive got an Eeyore Christmas one to do next, and the one I got today is another Me to You one-it's a wedding one that I'm hopefully going to give to the guy I work with who's getting married in 5 weeks time :) x

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Evening ladies! Here I am finally catching up on all your posts, since I have been quite unsociable the past couple of days!! :D

Kassy - the steak thing really had my laughing when I read that!!! lol Can just imagine me sitting there with a nice bit of steak on my nose!! haha! I am feeling a lot better now thanks - now that the "effects" of my pill seem to have subsided for now! Still need to make an appointment to see the doc about the wart though. Just haven't had time to do it yet. When it appeared before, I used Wartner several times on it, but it didn't really seem to do anything - it didn't even reduce in size?!?! To answer your question about sleep - I normally get a pretty good sleep of around 7-9 hours a night. But I can still feel exhausted after that!

Driving is the best! You would notice such a difference if you could drive to and from work - I would happily never get the bus again if I didn't have to :)

Glad to hear you are still sticking to the SW diet :) You are doing really well!

Hope you have a great night at the wedding do tonight!!

Bin - Ah that doesn't sound pleasant - I hope you get an appointment about it sooner rather than later!

Hope you've had a good day at the footie!!

Bella - hope your baby shower went well! Can't wait to hear all about it :)

I was working today - but got away almost 45minutes early since we were very quiet!

Came home to a letter from the college offering me a place on a course equivalent to Higher English!!! It's very last minute though, as it starts on Wednesday!!! I'm going to have to have a chat with my boss at work, because the English course is the same day that I work! I work until 5.30pm and the course starts at 5.45pm! Which doesn't give me much time to get across to the other side of town in rush-hour traffic!!! So I'm going to talk to her on Wednesday and see if I can maybe work until around 4.45pm on a Wednesday - work through my lunch to make up the time or something. The thing is I don't really want work knowing that I'm planning on going to uni next year, and didn't really want them knowing I was going to college either, but I'm going to tell them that it's just a night course that I'm doing to better myself or some shpeil like that!!! lol Hopefully it will be ok :) I'm so happy though that I've got onto this course aswell as my Biology - Uni is looking more likely for next year now since I'm doing everything I possibly can to get in!!!

Started my Eeyore Christmas cross-stitch tonight :) Didn't get much done though - just his Santa hat!! lol Will post another pic on here once that ones done! I'm getting really into my cross-stitch again. It's a great way to relax after work :) And it really does keep the mind occupied off other things - i.e. food!! :D

Anyhoo, that was a rather long post!!! lol But wanted to make sure I had caught up on all the posts :)

Have a good weekend all!!!!

Well just a little update from my post lastnight - I must've spoke too soon about the symptoms of my pill subsiding, because I woke this morning to what seems to be the start of another totm!!! :cry: So feeling rubbish again today with cramps etc :( I'll definitely be phoning the doc tomorrow for an appointment!
Hiya girlies, hope you’re all having a good weekend. Have finally had a chance to chill out after a very busy week so thought I’d pop by and say hello!

Well the baby shower was a great success, everyone loved it to a point where they’re all telling me I should get into party planning now, and to be honest with you, I’m thinking about it! I know I got a bit stressed out about it but I think because it was for my brother’s fiancé so wanted to make sure everything was perfect! There were about 15 people who turned up and we had our own area in the pub to ourselves which meant we had loads of space to lay the table and put the presents out. I put baby confetti all over the table and the cupcakes went on cake stands at each end, which everyone loved! I also had personalised baby shower scratch cards made which had pictures of bears on them! There were 10 winners and I went out and bought a selection on bubble bath, candles and chocolates as prizes. I also had a massive helium filled baby balloon which was the cutest thing ever! That and balloons on the back on her chair and a “mum to be” sash for her to wear and then also bought some favour bags and filled them with jelly babies! We played a few games including “guess the weight of the baby”, “guess the date of the birth” and “guess the circumference of the mum’s tum”! For this, I provided them with different coloured ribbon and they had to cut off the length they thought would fit round the bump! So all in all, it was a great success and everyone had a lovely meal too, so it was all worth it.

The rest of my week has been just as busy though. Went round to my mate’s house on Friday for dinner – fajitas and salad – and a bottle of wine later, we ended up in town meeting up with some more friends and I got in at 2! Saturday was hilarious too – went to the opticians for a check up and ended up having 4 people look at my eyes including 2 student opticians! Basically, my left eye never formed properly when I was born so have a cat’s eye and can’t see out of it and because the damage to it internally is such a rarity, I was asked if the resident students can look at it! Felt like a bit of a guinea pig, but hey, if it helps, it’s gotta be done! Saturday night I went to a 21st birthday party, but only stayed for a couple of hours and came back and watched X Factor. Did anyone else watch it? How amazing was Janet Devlin, and how hilarious was Goldie! Hahahahaha! Today I went on another walk with my mum and we did 10.06 miles in 2 hours 47 mins and burnt 1239 kcals. Back home now and feeling soooo tired! Have been chilling all afternoon but think I need to try and get a good nights sleep as still catching up from last week and my supervisors on holiday this week so that’s me in charge, so have another busy one ahead of me!

Hope you’re all ok? Stacy, are you feeling any better as the day's gone on? Sounds like you definitely need to go back to the docs, sweetie. Make sure you book an appointment. Love the cross stitch too – might get into it myself! Kassy, I was in absolute stitches with the raw meat and sun tan story! Actually laughed out loud! Hope the wedding party was good fun and bet you looked stunning. Bin, Katierose, hope you’re both ok and had a nice weekend too.

Well, I must go and cook some dinner now, am starving! Speak to you all soon xxXXxx
Hi Bella,

That's great that the party was such a success!! And the fact that it's making you think of going into party planning!! :D It sounds like you did a great job of planning it - sounds like it was perfect :)

I didn't watch X Factor on Saturday, and don't honestly know if I can be bothered with it all this year! lol I don't like changes, so not keen on the new judges thing!

I just feel the same bella. Started ANOTHER totm today :( So felt quite drained all day, and very hot. I'm actually sitting in bed just now and I am toasting :cry: I will phone the doctors tomorrow to make an appointment. I'm sick of feeling this way. I think I'm just going to come off the pill all together and see how I go from there. Has anyone here ever come completely off the pill? If so, how did your body react to it?

Glad I am off work tomorrow and Tuesday - going out for a pizza hut lunch with a friend on Tuesday for a good old catch up, since I haven't seen her since she got back from the holiday to the Maldives - lucky thing!!! Meant to be meeting a "frenemy" of mine tomorrow for a coffee etc, but really not in the mood to see her, so think I'm going to make up some excuse. Anyway, if I can get an appointment with the docs tomorrow then that'll be great - kill two birds with one stone so to speak!

Have a good Monday folks! xxxx
Thanks Stacy! You must watch X Factor, I was a bit like you when I heard about the new judges but was actually quite impressed with them! Enjoy the next couple of days off...lucky thing!

I've decided to try and stick to eating and drinking lots of fruit and green tea today. Kind of a mini detox. I gained 1lb this week so need to get my bum back in gear and lose some more weight now. Am fed up of not seeing the scales changing! Xx

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