Mornin everyone
Get in there Bella

Good start. Its great isnt it when after the scales aint moved for ages tey start to tick dwn again. Stick at it me dear. Good on you for doing the race for life. I really should do it next year. Oh, and a few weeks off the drinkypoos will do you the world of good. It's amazing how quickly your blood pressure can return to normal. I'm suppries mine aint through the roof haha.
Diva - My god, that is UNREAL. 70lbs. I bet you are mega proud. It just goes to show that if you persevere it works

. I bet summer time is really kicking in in America? Have you been out on that decking drinking your smoothies again? hehe. Lucky sod
Pink - Thanks me dear. Are you joining in with our 10 week challance 2? Well, it's 9 weeks now hehe. Ooooh, I soooo know the over plucking feeling. I totally over plucked when I was like 15 - 18 and now my brows are pretty thin so I have to pencil them in a bit. I mite start to try that thredding as its supposed to be dead good.
Shanny - Well done on ya bootcamp. Yeah, thats the good thing about weight watchers - nice food. Ive never done the official WW diet and been to groups and got weighed and that but I do swar by their meals

) Yum Yum. The Lemon chicken risotto, chilli and salmon wedge melt meals are soooooo nice.
Shelski - Let us kno how you got on with your weigh in. A few weeks of STS aint too bad. It happens all the time. Hope you see a loss this week to keep you motivated
Well yestarday was an average day of around 1600 calories. We went to the Adonis's sisters for tea and she made a huge sheppards pie and yorkshire puds so I ate quite a bit, then we had jelly sweets watching TV later on.
Ive just been to fruit and vedge shop and got meself a load of fruit for today, and it'll be a WW meal and vedge for lunch. Then I'm at my mams for tea tionight (after the gym) but she always makes me nice healthy meals bless her.
Well, Ive got another busy day in the office so I suppose I better get started.
Speak to you all in a bit xxx