Hello Ladies!

Thought I'd come check in
Awwww, Kassy, sweetheart I totally know where you're coming from, know that feeling oh too well

(I chided myself for reading what you ate and thinking wow, that sounds so yummy!)... yummy is only what we have become trained to think is yummy when really it makes us put on weight and is bloody bad for us... I wish I could think food like that was gross and therefore not want it.
Hope youve had a better day today and well done for gym after work, gosh thats really fab doing a whole day at work then having the motivation to go to the gym! I feel like collapsing on the sofa (and often do) when i get home from work!! Hope you had a good workout hun, and have a fab day tomorrow, youll look fab in your black maxi (looooooooooooooooooove maxi dresses)... hope the sun shines for you, and the queen!
Awwww bella you're such a sweetheart

Its lovely knowing that we're all here to support eachother and its so touching reading the support that you all get from eachother

Hope you've had a good couple of days?
Where is Diva??? Has she been busy busy? Come say hello Diva!!!

Weigh-in 2 for me tomorrow.... dont think ive lost as much as last week, I think Ive been a bit better behaved tho. Yesterday wasnt toooooo great... there were mini shortbread cookies lying around at work, only a tiny mouthful per cookie but i mustve ate about 5, and a couple of squares of dark chocolate. But was so tired when I finished my shift last night I came home and went to bed with no tea. (naughty but I hope that made up for my bad calories!)
Todays been a nice day though... (day off.... yessssssss!!) Although i was finding it hard to enjoy it at first, usually days off with sunshine mean lunch out somewhere (naughty food).... alfresco dining. I was kinda unsure what else to do with myself to enjoy! (life revolves around food, how sad) I didnt trust myself to eat lunch out and be good so we went to pick some strawberries at a farm/shop place... picked some healthy logan berries too (different, never tried them but they are quite nice)....I found it a bit hard at times, there were lovely fresh breads and cakes cooked here too (argh!) but I refrained, dont know how! I remember at one point thinking oh sod it ill be ok if i just have a sandwhich but it wouldnt hve been just that! and then we took my boyfriends son to play badminton with us for an hour or so (made me sweat!) so a healthy but fun day! thats new! Heres to many more!!
I did try on a couple of swimsuits in M&S while i was out an about... bit miffed, size 16 still felt a bit tight, (they were pull everything in swimsuits so i was trying to tell myself they were meant to be tight!) I think they looked awful. so there was more motivation (for a second there was the usual "f*ck it" thought to go and console myself with chocolate!
Ive been treating myself by buying nice moisturisers and stuff recently, become a bit obsessed, partly to make myself take more care of my body and partly to hope that as im loosing weight i can sort cellulite and keep skin moisturised (petrified of thought of saggy skin!) I didnt watch embarrasing Fat bodies last night Bella, I keep missing it coz havent been getting home from work til 9 on mondays,then going to bed! But saw it a couple of weeks ago and wow.... It terrified me!!
Anyway, I've written a massive massive ramble so I will leave it at that! Hope everyone is ok!