Morning gals and grannies (hehehehehe, just kidding, just joining in with the zimmer frame jokes. Hope I aint caused any offence hehe)
Hav yous all had a nice weekend then?
Bin - You are doing a bloody fantastic job with your dad and its bound to get you down but you are coping so well. I bet they are proud as punch to have a daughter like you. Try keep taking comfort in the fact that like you say, he isnt in any pain and he's lucky to have you and your mum really looking after him. Have you been to any football latley? Did you enjoy your day off on Sunday? Yeah, am watching Biggest Loser. I cant believe that guy lost just over 2st in his first week. Thats unreal isnt it! He has a long way to go mind but thts one hell of a start i'd say. Mind you, they do work out for about 8 hours a day. It must be very hard work. Have you started training for your walk?
Stacey - That sounds like an ideal birthday to me. I wish I was still 25. Those were probally the best days of my life although i'd say I'm alot more grounded now and grown up but your 20's is for learning about life, drinking lots ad making mistakes and learning by them haha. That meal sounded lush. Its nice you all got togeather to celebrate. You must be quite a close family? Robert Downey Jnr was in a film I watched last night - Zodiac. Have you seen it? Its qite good but on for a long time. Good luck with your weigh in.
Does anyone know if Bella is back from her trip? I cant rememer when she said she was coming back.
Diva - Have you been up to much at the weekend. Whats the weather doing where you are at the mo? You back on the wagon yet? I am going full throttle again as from today so hop on my wagon with me and ride this bugger to slimville hehe.
Wedding Update: (prepare yourselves for these quite often hehe) - we are now thinking about going abroud summer 2013 to get wed. Its summit I have always fancied anyway and to be honest, planning a wedding over here seems so stressful you have to think about everything from flowers to seating arrangements but if you do it abroad its all included and they do everything for you so as long as the Adonis's ex lets the kids come. It works out load cheper too and you are guarenteed nice weather. I can just see myeslef in a plain grecian dress with no shoes on getting wed on the beach or on a cliffe top

. Think we'll pop into travel agents next weekend so get more ideas.
Ive had a pretty quiet weekend. Lots of food and drink but just while chilling in the house. But for some reason I was mega ill yesterday and I didnt even drink that much on Sat night. I had about 5 pints of cider and 2 glasses of wine (which i nothing compared to what I normally drink) and I was in bed ill all day yesterday and kept throwing up. Felt like I;d been out partying all night. Wierd! So am still a little fragile today.
We going to book our engagement party tonight. So excited.
Have a great Monday everyone and I'll speak to you tomorow to let you know how day 1 of the diet has gone. Wont be at gym till tomorow though as lots to do tonight xxxxx