Karen and Diva I lived in Old Windsor for nearly 4 years I also have happy memories of pub crawls in Windsor a group of us piling into a friends Reliant Robin about 6 of us on the floor in the back
Also getting very very drunk on my 21st at a pub along from The Bells of Ousley I think it is a harvester now!!
Kassy hope your legs are better you are good going to the gymn it is one thing I can not find the courage to do I feel so self concious, we have got a treadmill at home, we stored it in the shed over Christmas it is still there Mr Bin says he will set it up again this weekend.
Stacy pleased you enjoyed Lord of the Dance, bet those dancers have to be really fit. Any more goss about your new man keep us posted
Bella you are doing really well with the healthy eating you must be really motivated and in the right mind set. I have not had any chocolate for almost a week so like you feeling quite pleased with myself.
Flutterby hope your day got better after this morning.
Katierose hope you are ok dont forget to come and have a chat with us.
Weigh in tomorrow at SW see how my first week has gone!
Take care xxxx
Karen and Diva I lived in Old Windsor for nearly 4 years I also have happy memories of pub crawls in Windsor a group of us piling into a friends Reliant Robin about 6 of us on the floor in the back
Kassy hope your legs are better you are good going to the gymn it is one thing I can not find the courage to do I feel so self concious, we have got a treadmill at home, we stored it in the shed over Christmas it is still there Mr Bin says he will set it up again this weekend.
Stacy pleased you enjoyed Lord of the Dance, bet those dancers have to be really fit. Any more goss about your new man keep us posted
Bella you are doing really well with the healthy eating you must be really motivated and in the right mind set. I have not had any chocolate for almost a week so like you feeling quite pleased with myself.
Flutterby hope your day got better after this morning.
Katierose hope you are ok dont forget to come and have a chat with us.
Weigh in tomorrow at SW see how my first week has gone!
Take care xxxx