Evening lovelies!
Sorry I haven't updated here in a while - it's been a really busy couple of days!
I spent today at work, and have been busy sorting out paperwork etc at home tonight. But I have got near enough everything I wanted to do tonight done!

Result! lol
I'm using my birthday money to buy some new furniture for my bedroom tomorrow - I desperately need more storage space, so that's what I'm buying myself

Hardly the most exciting thing I can spend my money on right? lol
Anyhoo, to respond to all your posts
Karen - not yet, it's supposed to be this weekend, but he has been sick for the past few days, so I may suggest moving it to next weekend if he's still not feeling great! Nothing worse than not feeling 100% on a date is there?
Bella - Sounds like you had a great weekend!

I'm jealous! lol And well done on the loss this week
Kassy - Sounds like you also had a great weekend! And well done to you too on the weight loss
Karen - poor you with your virus! I hope you are feeling better now? There's still lots of bugs going round just now!
Hi to bin, flutterby, elm and Diva - I hope you ladies are all doing ok too
Anyhoo, I think I'm almost done for the night, so will head off and get to bed soon!
Have a good Tuesday everyone
