Miss Kassy Getting Sassy (Re-Start)

Zest Hope you had a great time and that you had some lovely weather.

Kassy The wedding dress is lovely, and the price is quite reasonable for a dress like that bet you will look fantastic. Will you have a veil, tiara or flowers in your hair?
I have been back on the diet since Saturday I really do need to buckle down and watch everything that I eat, dont want those old scales to creep back up but sometimes I find it so bloomin hard, this time the weight is coming off so slowly which is a pain.
Do you make the chicken and black bean sauce yourself if you do have you got the recipe as it sounds yummy.

Recieved our Season tickets for football can not believe the season starts 18th August am excited, especially as we have gone up to premiership will be seeing the likes of Chelsea, Man City, Liverpool etc. (Sorry Zest I know how much you love football lol)

Did not do a lot over weekend I work on saturdays and Sunday was a bit of a lazy day:)
Hi everyone

Hope you're all ok. Sorry not been around much, have had some time off work so been chilling. Had a disaster at wi on thurs -put on 1.5lbs! Was so disappointed coz I've stuck to it. Spent Friday being a misery guts but am over it now, not much I can do! Better luck this week, ay!

Kassy, the dress is gorgeous, so beautiful!

Speak soon xx
Hi all

Bin - No, I am a cheat and I always use packet sauces, etc. Most of them arn;t too bad calorie wise - its the rich curry sauces you need to be more careful with and anything with cream in but most tomato based jarred sauces are okay calorie and fat content wise. I use them all the time for quickness. Not something you can do if you follow SW like as they have lots of points in. Just keep taking each day at a time and before you know it all the small losses will add togeather and you will be very chuffed with yourself. I am opting for a veil, a really long 126 inch one with diamantes on it. Just a single one. You sound well excited for football hehe.

Bella - You may just have water retention so dont let it bring you down hun. You have done soooo well. Any update on the writing/articles? Have you been speed dating yet?

Well, I was good as gold yesterday and stuck to diet 100%. Went to gym and burned around 350 calories too.

Feel like am on a roll again and feel really motivated xxx
I absolutely love ur dress miss k it's beautiful x x
Hi bin bella zesty ;-) diva not much to report for me I ve just done 1 month on slim and save and about to start month 2 . Having had to give up the gym trying to find exercise that I will stick too :)

Katierose - good to see you back. My god 15lb in 4 weeks - AMAZING!!!!!!! Have you tried exercise DVD's? Lots of people like these as you can do them in the comfort of you own home. Lots of girls swear by the 30 Day Shred.

Well I was good as gold again yesterday and my food diary for yesterday was:

Special K cereal
Peanut cookie (bit naughty but classes it as my snack)
Iceland chicken biriani (spicey chicken rice)
Chicken aribiatta pasta

I went to the gym and burned 350 calories in 40 min.

Time for my brekkie now - more special K hehe xxx
Hi ladies :) I've not disappeared, just got a virus flu thing since returning from hols , so need a good catch up on here!
I've popped a few pics up on my profile, not many but couple. One is of my puffy feet after flying home massive they were!
So will catch up properly later, hope you all doing well and good to see kassy getting her butt in action! Noticed as was the last post!
Laters xxx

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Think I've caught up just!!!
Yes Majorca was very hot, hottest I've known it, went to sa coma, Really resort :)

Bin, I'm def doing a festival next year! I suppose I could try reading as fairly close, but really fancy Glastonbury ! You ever been? Is it nice though knowing you can go home? So you on or off the diet at moment???

Kassy, lol to your post where you ate and ate! sounds like me! I'm so goid then loose control and stuff my face! Terrible Really, i got no control, also eat man size portions x

Bella, you not done that I teensy dating yet??? What about the speed dating thing you were going on? And you had a big loss week before so a 1.5lb gain when youve been off is not too bad, x

Diva, we are not having a summer this year :( so I think we should all do a week with you next summer! Like a diva boot camp lol ;) sure mr diva won't mind hehe x
Hope you op goes well and you can get back on it, you were so focused, xxx

Who is going to man vs food restaurant? I can't remember? But sounds like fun!
That programme is good, sometimes, depending what the challenge is. But he isn't even that fat!?

I'm back on cd boooo! But needs to be done xxx

Hi ti Katie and bonnie, who have I forgotten? I always forget someone! Xxx

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Hi guys, enjoying a super 4th of July here !!! ( We don't really celebrate, but hey it's an extra holiday, so woop !! )
I have stopped exercising everyday , it's more like four walks a week at the mo, and that will stop by the end of this week for a couple of weeks. My meds are causing horrific bloating, as expected, grrr, so not looking good, my tummy is ballooning... at least I know it will settle down in a few weeks, heyho !!

I have been making smoothies again, I'm using Almond Milk at the mo, as I was using skimmed milk but Almond is even lower in cals and when blended with all the fruit and stuff, you can't taste it at all !! ( Skimmed milk is I think, 90 cals per cup, while Almond is 40 cals !! Just for you guys who are cc-ing and wondered about the cals )

I make a wicked Chocolate and Peanut Butter Shake, which is huge for like under 160 cals !! Yummy !!!

Glad you had a nice hols Zesty, back to the CD, I bet you get some good results in the next few weeks... I'll be really blasting in a couple of weeks, as I'm going to have to face a regain !! Eeeeeek !!! I know what you mean about puffy feet, I get that a bit here after a long day and exercising !! Popped up a few pics here, I've been drinking Aloe Vera Juice, has anyone else tried it ??? I liked it, though the look is a bit off putting, like cloudy water with like juicy, pulpy bits in it, lol, cals wise it was like 120 for a bottle.
IMG_0183.jpg IMG_0184.jpg

This was my Lean Smoothie Of Green , it's Kale, Spinach, Almond Milk, Carrot and Strawberries with Agave and Celery Sticks !! A big glass full of goodness for around 100 cals !!!IMG_0185.jpg

Zesty, here are my ankles, on a hot day here, please forgive the hot pink of my dress !!! Hehe !!! IMG_0188.jpg

Diva x
Diva, your drinks look lush! I tried aloe juice, didn't mind it but wasn't sure what if was doing for me? The puffy feet thing drives me mad, here are pic day I landed then next pic is 2 days later x
Is it just from heat? Cos they stay puffy on holiday I hate it! X


After flight


Yesterday x

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Hi girls...and feet! Lol lots on here, ay! Maybe I need to get involved! I'm off work again now until Monday so going to make sure I chill out! I don't have much planned other than to write more blog articles, watch some DVDs. I've bought 4 this week: the princess bride, red riding hood, just go with it and bridesmaids so lots to watch.

Talking of my blog, I had my band review published on Sunday. If you click on my blog, I've added the link to the magazine if you want to check it out! :)

I haven't done the speed dating yet - my housemate backed out! I'm still chatting to a guy online though, he rang me tonight and we were chatting for over an hour and a half...I'm guessing that's a good sign!

Zest, Katierose, nice to see you back on here, hope you're ok.

Diva, your smoothies sound lush, especially the chocolate and peanut butter one! Yum!

Anyway, must get to bed now...I have a lie in to enjoy in the morning! Lol

Speak soon girls xxx
Morning all

Zesty - Wow, they really did swell. I thought mine were bad. Poor feet. Must be a nightmare getting your shoes on. Pleased you had a great holiday though. Back to reality now. It was me who was gonna do a food challange but we just went out drinking instead haha. We will do it tho, maybe as a treat when I reach my 11st, but by then I will never manage it haha. I know, that guy isnt fat at all. Imagine eating all that stuff. I actually drooooool while I watch the programme haha.

Diva - You knock up some fantastic concoctions. That peanut butter ones sounds lush. Ive never even seen aloe vera juice. Does it taste like anything I will have had? Is it super good for you?

Bella - I want to see all them fils, gonna add them to my rental list now haha. If your a movie buff you should join LoveFilm. I think they are great. We pay £9.99 a month and we are allowed any 2 dvds out at any one time. You do get your moneys worth. You can pay a bit more and have 3 out. They have almost every DVD you can think of. Will have to pop on your blog to see article. I love your writing. Sounding good with Mr Internet (thats what we have to call him now hehe), you must have a loot in common to be able to chat for so long, eeeeeeee excited for you. Does he live local?

I was good again yesterday woop woop. Food diary looked like this:

Special K
Fat free yoghurt
WW Chilli and a mini nan
So Juicy BBQ chicken, mexican rice and mexican vedge

Also, went hell for leather at gym and burned 400 calories in 40 mins. I was sweating heaps and bright red in the face, but so was the Adonis, so we looked like swaty tomatoes togeather haha.

Going to show my mam my wedding dress tonight (as she wasnt there when I found it coz she was on holiday). So excited to try it again haha.

Speak to you all tomorow xxx
Can not believe it the sun is shining, no sign of rain and no work today:D only down side is I have weigh in this evening which I am not looking forward to:(
Was off yesterday so went over to Southampton with Mr Bin for a look around the shops.

Bella will have a look at you band review later, shame about the speed dating should imagine that would be good fun. Oooh sounds good the guy you are chatting to, keep us all updated:)

Zest No I have not done Glastonbury the idea of camping toilets and showers with so many people does not appeal to me am getting old and like a few home comforts now!!! You should do a festival they are great fun. Hope your feet are ok now, have only had swollen feet once that was flying back from Australia I was okay going! They took about 5 days to go down to normal could only wear flip flops.

Katierose lovely to see you back that is brilliant 15lbs in 4 weeks well done:D

Diva great to see you back:) bloomin medication always has annoying side effects but as long as you get better that is all that really matters. Your chocolate and peanut butter smoothie at first I thought yuk, but thinking about it I love those Reeses peanut butter and chocolate cups which is the same mixture, how do you make it?

Kassy sounds lovely your veil with the diamantes on it. When do you weigh in? I have been 100% as well this week and although I think I have lost a bit do not think I am back down to 11.05 will see this evening, why does it go on so quickly but take forever to come off!!

Hello everyone else hope you all have a good day xxx
Hey, the suns out here too :) yay
But saw in news we having two months rain in two days soon?! Great lol

I'm going to check back over diva post was there recepies for them smoothies? They looked lush didn't they!

Bin I'll def do a festival next year, ix there all ages there then?
Kassy, lol thought you were going to watch someone going man vs food thing not do it yourselves!
Hey to diva, your dress looks very pretty :) I'm back to leggings now in the uk and jumpers!
Bella, Its so good your getting things published now :) you must be very excited! When you going to meet this guy then? Does he live close?

I still feel bit crap today:( but got tons to do! Housework! I'm so unorganised it's unreal! Xxx

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IMG_0193.jpgIMG_0194.jpg Hi guys !! I tried the Aloe Vera Drink as Aloe Vera Gel is supposed to be VERY good for you !! You have probably seen it added to lotions and potions for years now, but if you are going to try it, go for the Aloe Vera Gel . ( in drinks or added to smoothies, which I'm going to try soon !!) Not to bore you to death with tons of info, Aloe Vera is a plant that grows in the desert ( a type of succulent ) For hundreds of years it has been used for it's healing and soothing properties, succulents have been shown to have high self healing abilities. Gel is gathered from the interior of the Aloe Vera's leaves, it has 20 minerals and 12 vitamins and 18 amino acids in it !! It boosts your immune system,halts inflammation and enhances skin, amongst other things !! The pulpy, gel bits in the drinks doesn't taste of much and the texture is a bit strange, the flavor I had was like slightly flavoured very diluted fruit juice.

Just had my Peanut Butter Milkshake for Breakfast ( running late today !! Hehe !! ) I've popped some pics up of it and here is the recipe, for anyone who is interested...

Reeses Pieces Milkshake

1 cup of almond milk
2 tbsps of PB2
1 tbsp of chocolate powder ( I used Cadbury's Drinking Chocolate !)
1 cup of ice cubes
Tiny squirt of Organic Agave Syrup
Tiny scrape of grated milk chocolate for decoration if you like....

Chuck everything into a Blender, zap for approx 35 secs...pour into a glass and ENJOY !!!
Makes a big old pint of scrummy Peanut Butter loveliness !!!

CALORIE WISE ......APPROX ONLY 180 CALORIES ( you may like more choc powder in yours !! )

Are you able to get PB2 in the UK ??? OMG it is brilliant !!! It is powdered Peanut Butter !! Regular Peanut Butter in a jar is approx 180 cals for 2 tbsps , while 2 tbsps of PB2 is ONLY 45 CALS !!! I think you can buy it on Amazon UK, but it's expensive, about 10 GBP.... I pay about $5 per jar here ( 3 GBP roughly ) You can use it in drinks, mix it with a bit of water to make a paste / butter and use it in recipes to replace Peanut Butter !! I'm going to make super low Chewy PB Cookies !!! Yay !!!!!

Diva x
Diva, I love info on things, I tried the aloe juice from Costco , also got the acacia berry one.
The aloe was one capful a day in water.

Your p nut but smoothies looks lush x yum x
More recepies to follow I hope and that powdered p nut but, never heard of that?

How you feeling btw? Xxx
I'm okay at the mo Zesty, bloated, and not walking much, but I'll be back soon enough !!! Going to keep lurking on here, so no excuses really !!! When I finish my meds I'm going to be trying a whole new load of iced Coffee Smoothies, I found some great Expresso in Whole Foods, but I'm not allowed Caffeine for now..... grrrrr !!! Plus, I have a Banana and Peanut butter Muffin recipe, I'm tweaking, to make it low low fat !!! Coffee and muffins !!! Mmmmmmm !!!!

Also, Kassy your dress is GAWJUS !!! You will look like a million billion dollars in that !!

Diva x
Hi everyone

Diva, I think I might have to give that peanut smoothie a try. Not sure if we can get pb2 over here but I'm sure there will be a health shop somewhere that will sell it! I've heard about aloe Vera juice but was told it doesn't taste very nice? I'm going to make some more muffins tomorrow, going for pineapple ones this time!

Kassy, I've thought about joining love film, but because I house share it's probably not the bet time at the mo, having said that, I'm quite keen to get my own place soon so maybe I'll consider it then! As for Mr Internet....yeah, he's really nice! ;-) we seem to have a lot in common, we're not rushing into anything tho because he's only been out of his last relationship for 6 months and he's still trying to find his feet but he's said he does want to meet up soon so fingers crossed! It's nice to know he's not trying to rush straight back into another one so I'm apply to see what happens. Well done on the gym -you're doing so well. Ive started running now, I go everyday round the park near my house. It's only about a mile and a half, but it's giving me a new focus! Hope your mum likes the wedding dress. (I'm sure she will!)

Bin, how was your weigh in? Looks like we might be doing speed dating afterall! My next door neighbour is keen to go too so I'm going to look into it! I don't want to give up on this idea! Did you have a nice time in Southampton? I've never been, but heard is lovely.

Zest, I herd about the rain too. It tried to rain today but the sun wouldn't let it! Lol ended up meeting my mum at lunchtime and we sat outside at a pub, was lovely! Let's hope it's stays like this! I'm very excited about my work ring published, it's definitely a step in the right direction. Mr Internet lives in Hertfordshire so only about an hour from me so not too far! ;-) is the acacia berry nice? I've heard a lot of good things about that, apparently its a secret weapon for weight loss!

Well girls, after my shocking weight gain last week, I went to ww this evening and lost 4lbs! I can't believe it! I really don't know what is going on with my body at the moment, one week I lose, the next I gain and the next I lose again. It is a bit annoying and I'm hoping I can break that cycle this week so going to really watch what I eat! I'm going to carry on with my running too and hopefully that will boost another loss next week although my challenge this weekend is I'm out tomorrow night for drinks and dinner at our local and sin on saturday for my mates birthday. Tomorrow won't be so bad as I'll be driving so won't be on the vodka and I'll just choose a healthy option on the menu, but Saturday will be heavy. We're out for drinks/cocktails and an Italian! I feel bloated just thinking about it! Any suggestions on healthy options will be great!

Is anyone watching let's get gold on itv at the mo? It's really entertaining! Some of the groups are amazing!

Well tomorrow is another lazy day for me. I'm waiting for a dress from very to be delivered which needs a signature so making the most of lounging around the house and watching rubbish tv!

Speak soon lovelies!

Omg miss k can not believe your still on here ! I have rejoined with a new username (previous ela89 ) if you remember haha ! I followed your diaries when you first started here I had a quick look for u when I came back but couldn't find you now I have just stumbled across ! How are you ? How's the dieting going

Much love
Lili xxx
Hiya everyone,

Had weigh in and have put on 11/2lb which I was quite pleased about as I thought is was going to be much more, even though I have been 100% this week.
I stayed for image therapy, our consultant asked me where I was last week I told her I could not face going as I knew I had put on quite a bit. She started going on at me about how would I feel if I turned up at class and she was not there just because she had put on weight, she made me feel so small I did say at one point you are making me go red as you are embarrasing me but that did not stop her having a dig at me. Even my friend started to stick up for me.
Got home Mr Bin asked how I got on and I just burst into floods of tears she made me feel awful in front of everybody. Does make me wonder why I bother, having enough trouble shifting this fat I certainly dont need her mouthing off. Unfortunatly this is the nearest class so I shall have to stick with it, but I may just go to be weighed and not stay in future I just feel so low now and thoroughly p........d off.

Sorry for the rant but am so annoyed cant get to sleep either!

Take care have a good day xxxx