Miss Kassy Getting Sassy (Re-Start)

Bin, she sounds like a strict headmistress !!!
I can't remember what it is hour doing? Well next time dont bother with the Image therapy! She sounds crap x
Hope you feel better today, you'll get there might be slow but your headed in the right direction so it doesn't matter x
(apart from this week) but that's due to festivals xxx
@ bella 30

You only live once & the best way to loose weight is to never deprive yourself of anything have what ever meal you want at the Italian but ask for a child's portion that's what I do and my mother ! Unfortunately skinny people don't live off fruit yogurts and salads they eat what they want but will stop when there full & not eat when there not hungry unfortunately we don't that's why we're here , the child's portion you will find will give you just the right amount to satisfy you , you won't be left feeling uncomfortable will half the calories & of course the bill ;) & and your still have some room for cocktails :D

Lili xxxxx
Bin....your consultant sounds like a complete b****! She obviously doesn't have a clue how to help people. If you're that upset, tell her or make a complaint. Have u got her mobile number? I know that sounds like a harsh thing to do, but these leaders are meant to be there to help and support us, not intimidate or belittle us. A friend of mine on ww is going through a similar thing at the moment with her leader who is very hit and miss. One week she's her best friend and the next she's her worst enemy and is affecting her weight loss. I'm trying to encourage her and get her to join my class but she has commitments on Thursday nights so se cant at the mo. Is there an online option you can join? Don't let her bring you down, you're doing so well. Xxx

Elicia89....thanks for the advice! You're right, I shouldn't deprive myself and I don't want to. I'm very up and down with my diet lately and seem to be getting back into control of things now but I think if I can forward plan and have an idea on good choices on the night, hopefully I'll be ok. The child's portion is a good idea, thanks! xxx

Ok girls, I need your help. It's my nephews naming ceremony in 3 weeks and I'm looking to get him a present. Ive had an idea but I don't know what it's called so I can't search it online so I thought if I describe it you might be able to help me! I want to get one of those glass plaques that's like a paper weight where you can get an image put inside(not a photo) and some words engraved onto it also. The image inside it is 3d and i want to get one of my nephew. Does anyone know what I'm on about and where I can start looking?

Bella xxx
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Bella, yes my nan has one, the only place I've seen them is like large shopping centre when they have a stall thing x not sure what they called? Good idea for present x
Thanks zest. I think I might try my local shopping centre, they tend to have random stalls there all the time so maybe I'll find something there xxx
Hi yall

Phew, that was some reading I just done, you guys have been gossiping away loads in my 24 hour abscence. Love all the gossip haha. I sooo need internet at home like.

Bella - Defo keep us updated with Mr Internet. Hope you get to meet him soon and its good he's taking things slow. 6 months is still a while so he'll probs be ready for a bit more than chatting soon (wink wink nudge nudge) hehe. As for the Itallian meal, Elicia's idea is great (I will be stealing that haha) but also, if you starving and want healthy option full portion I always opt for penne aribiatta. Its a spicey tomato based pasta and I lurve it. Also you could get salmon, spag bol isnt too bad or any tomato based sauces. Just stay away from pizza and creamy sauces. Also miss the starter and just get a main. I haev found some links for you for the prsent you are looking for. I googled 3d glass picture...

3D Crystal from Photos | Stunning Photo Crystals

3D Laser Crystal Glass Awards & Engraved Crystal Glass Trophies : Laser Crystal

So have a skeg at them then at others and do some price comparisons (am such a bargian hunter haha).

Elicia - Helloooooooooo, i do remember your name. How on earth are you? How have you been keeping? Whats new? You gonna come stick with us lot on here? I love the idea you have to Bella about childrens portions. I will be doing that sometime defo. You are so right about not depriving yourself of anything. Thats why I calorie count rather than do CD, SW or WW, so I can have what I fancy within reason. What diet you doing this time round? How have you been getting on since you dissapeared? God yeah, I have been hanging on here since like November 2010 hahaha.

Diva - You have missed your calling in life - the owner of a healthy smoothy and shake bar. You have some fab concoctions. Ive never seen that PB2 either. Yous have so much more variety of stuff in the states.

Bin - What a horrible horrible woman. I would tell her how uncomfortable she made you feel and that she is there to support not patronise. She is supposed to be a professional and someone to support you. COW!!! Hope you okay today and just let it go over your head. Millions of women take weeks off their weigh ins as they worried they have put on. The last thing you want to do when you feel you have gained is see the scales and get disheartened and sometimes you cant face it. Bet she's done it herself a million times before.

Zesty - ahahaha, yip, we were gonna do it haha. I'll let you know when I am going to (wont be for a while now like coz am on a roll with my diet) but when I do I will take pictures to show you all hehe. That will be a giggle.

Hope I have not missed anyone out.

My mam loved my dress, so its all sorted - Going for my first measuring in december so I want to reach my goal of 10st - 10st 5lb by then, then I will just have to maintain!

Its pittiling down here today, not as bad as last Thursday mind. Still cant believe I saw cars floating up the street and manhole covers bursting off. It was a nightmare of epic proportions.

Off to jesmond tomorow night in newcastle for night out with the lasses. Will stick to vod and diet coke though.

Was dead good again yesterday - had 1430 calories and burned 300 at the gym. Hope I can remain good this weekend. Fisrt weigh in next Thursday morning.

Well, I better go, manic at work again, but hope you all have a great weekend and will catch up next week xxx
Bella, I too got some Internet sites up but my son arrived back from Miami while I posting. so kassy will now get the brownie points :( should of been me lol

Kassy lol, you have to do it! What is it? Food wise? How much it cost? X
Miss k !
Yup I started following u when you first started dating your man :0 and from what I can gather your gettin married to him :eek: congrats little lady

No not very good at all in July last year when I left here I fell pregnant but the baby wasn't growing very well ( pregnancy was unplanned ) we were shocked but happy due to the babys grow development we had to have a emergency abortion as the said the baby wouldnt survive the pregnancy anyway , after that I went on the coil and gained 3 & 1/2 stone since then going from 16st to 18 & 1/2 but Iam back fighting to lost at least 4 stone I now weigh 17st 5lbs that wa my weigh in this morning ! And I'm just calorie counting which I find so much better because I can eat what I want (within) reason and the child portions are great when ur going for a meal so u don't over face your self :)

Lili xxx
Oh Elicia, that such sad news. Must have been so awful for you. You must be extreamly strong to cope with such a thing. Hope you got lots of love and support from friends and family. Are you still with the same guy?

I have heard of a few people putting weight on with the coil, do you not fancy trying something diffrent?

Yes, another fellow calorie counter hehe. I have been posting my food diaries up again on the last few threads so you will have to have a look for ideas. Today I am having:

Mini weetabix
WW spag bol and a mini nan
Fish, WW chips and mushy peas

I adore WW meals for my lunch at work.

Well done on losing a stone alreday. You can do it!!!!! If I can anyone can.

Yes, I am still with the Adonis. he proposed just before Xmas. All mega exciting. wanting to get down to a size 12 for my first wedding dress fitting in december. I was almost a size 20 when I started this diet and am now a 14. Goes to show it can be done.

Great having you back, defo keep coming on here xxx
Kassy - I think you win the best one liner award with "have a skeg at them"!! I absolutely laughed out loud reading that! I don't even know why - just sounded hilarious! :) Thanks for the links, that's exactly the kind of thing I am looking for. Zest - I'll give you some brownie points too, don't worry! :) Thank you both xx

Elicia, I'm so sorry to hear what you have been through, as Kassy said, it must have been an awful time for you. The weight loss will happen, don't worry about that. We post all sorts of stuff on here so no doubt we'll keep you amused during your journey. xx

Well, I still haven't received my delivery - getting really annoyed now...not that I planned to go out today, but I just hate waiting around! Ironic as I work for a courier company too! lol

Bella30 said:
Kassy - I think you win the best one liner award with "have a skeg at them"!! I absolutely laughed out loud reading that! I don't even know why - just sounded hilarious! :) Thanks for the links, that's exactly the kind of thing I am looking for. Zest - I'll give you some brownie points too, don't worry! :) Thank you both xx

Elicia, I'm so sorry to hear what you have been through, as Kassy said, it must have been an awful time for you. The weight loss will happen, don't worry about that. We post all sorts of stuff on here so no doubt we'll keep you amused during your journey. xx

Well, I still haven't received my delivery - getting really annoyed now...not that I planned to go out today, but I just hate waiting around! Ironic as I work for a courier company too! lol


Lol Bella ;) was joking of course, but I'll accept anyway, x
Thank you for your kind words , yes I had loads of support and yes I am still with him :) your going to look hunky dory in your dress ! Can't believe how much weight you have dropped your stunning Adonis is a very lucky man !

It's in there now ( and it bloody hurt ) so it's stayin there and I have it removed in 4 years maybe then I'll try something different :) xxxx
Morning my fellow minimins, have we all had a fab weekend?

Bella - Did you have your night out on Saturday night? Any gossip for us? hahaha, do you's use the word skeg where you are? Not sure if its a georgie thing haha. Did your delivery come?

Elicia - Aye, its been a hard slog but am getting tehre. Just 1 more stone or so to go really then am back to my ideal weight. Have to be honest, didnt think I would get this far but it goes to show what a bit hard work and determination can do for you.

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Had a great weekend. Although diet went reet oot the window. Not so much my food intake, as bar my massive chinease last night, I havent really been to bad with my food, its been the amount of alachol that has bumped the calories right up! I had a bottle and a half of wine on Friday night then Saturday went to town with the lasses and we were drinking jugs of vodka and redbull, doing shots and drinking these massive cocktails called zombies - bright green with about 6 diffrent spirits in. They put line on the yop and fill the lime with sambucca then set it on fire haha. Very tasty but gets you mortal. I fell dancing and proper twisted my ankle, not that I noticed until the next day tho hahaha.

Yesterday was a pure duvet day and the Adonis and I watched Dont Tell the Bride back to back. We had a bottle of vino each and a chinease takaway. I got my usual - house special schezuan and chips. Lush and spicey.

Gonna have to be good as gold again for weigh in on Thursday. I did have a sneaky peak on the scales on Saturday morning and was down to 11.6, so thats a loss of 4lb in 5 days, but I think the anmount of calories I have consumed this weekend will have altered that reasing, but we'll see what it says on official weigh in on Thursday.

I done 5 gym sessions in total last week so very proud of myself. Going there tonight too.

Todays food diary will be:

Speacial K
Stwarberries and a mullerlighy yoghurt
Fish pie and vedge
prawn stirfry and noodles

Anyone got any good jokes? I got a great one yesterday so thought I'd share with you's to make you giggle...

Three women, one engaged, one a mistress and one married. They decide to treat their men by wearing black stockings and suspenders,black leather basque, black knee high boots and a leather face mask. Later, the engaged woman says "my man jumped me and scrwed me all night!". The mistress adds "me too, we had wild dirty sex till dawn!". The married woman says "my husband came home, slapped my arse and said 'whats for tea batman?"

That one really made me giggle xxx
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Hi Kassy

Weekend was lovely thanks, although didn't go out as planned on Saturday because my mate wasn't very well so she had to cancel. I ended up going to my aunts for dinner and only had a couple of glasses of wine with fizzy water so was well behaved! Wasn't so good yesterday though as had a DVD afternoon with my housemate which involved popcorn and chocolate! Oooooops! Have been good today though and went for a 2 mile brisk walk this evening. Am going to crossfit gym tomorrow with a friend as there is an open day so trying out one of the classes, am really looking forward to it!

I've never used the word Skeg unless it follows with ness! Lol must be a northern thing! Lol my delivery never turned up so wrote a stinking email to customer services on Saturday after I couldn't get through on the phone and they've credited my account back today so I don't have to worry about it now. That dress obviously wasn't meant to be, which is a good thing as it cost £175!!!!

Sounds like you've had a great weekend, loving the sound of those zombie cocktails, although I think I'd be so drunk on them! How you managed a bottle of wine on Sunday I don't know, it fair play to you!!

I don't know any decent jokes but heard this one liner earlier: Simba was walking to slow so I told him to mufasa!!!! Lol lol lol :)

I've been chatting with mr Internet again tonight on text. Oooooh girls, I think I have a bit of a crush! Lol he's so nice and lovely! ;-)

Hope you all had a good day xx
Hi peeps

Bella - Ah class, new crushes are the best. The feeling is awsom. Do you keep looking at your phone for texts and when your phon goes do yu get bytterflies? hehehe. Shame you didnt get to go out but it done your diet good atleast. Wow, £175 dress. What was it like? Loads of catalogs have got the sales on now. My blue dress that I got for mates wedding down from £70 to £35. Cant believe it. I have ordered a few sale items to try on. Would be rude not to. Hahahahaha, Mufassa. Thats a gud un.

Well, I am due on and proper craving chocky so I have to admit it and add 350 calories worth of Malteasers to yesterdays calories so had about 1700-1800. grrrrrrrrr. Didnt get to gym eaither as so knackered so had early night and watched Red Dragon on DVD.

Were off to Chiquitos for tea tonight -any one know any healthy options?

Cant wait to get back to gym tomorow. Gonna cain it Wed, Thurs, Fri and Sun this week.

Weigh in Thursday. Hope these few days of not being 100% dont make my loss naff as it will get me disheartened. Plus hope I dont have water retention.

I know theyre great arent they, kassy! Im a giggling mess at the mo! Lol its a nice feeling :)

The dress was a stupid decision really! I knew i wouldnt be able to afford it but i still wantes to try it on. Wasnt meant to be tho coz it was such a mess up with the order! Ive got a personal shopping experience on sat in milton keynes at debenhams to lool for a dress for my nephews naming ceremony but will also shop around while im there! Hope i find something nice...and cheap!

Ive got chocolate cravings for the same reason too, its a nightmare!

I wrote a new article on my blog at the weekend and ive had such a backlash from it! I was asking people to give me random words so i could write a piece and someone tweeted me the word: callipygian so ive written a piece about my fat bum (because it is!) but everyones telling me off for it! Lol its quite nice in a way coz it goes to show how easy it is to put yourself down and also how other people see you in a much better light than yourself. Its made me realise im probably not that bad afterall! Xx
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Would love to read your blog if you don't mid sharing the addresse I also have a blog but mine is more beauty based , but the other day I did a recipe post of " posh fish & chips " with a healthy 400 cals if you would like to see it

Kassy ,
Don't be disheartened if you have a slight gain if your due on as you no its so much harder to lose it during that week , I'm quite lucky since having the coil fitted I havnt had a period and don't get my cravings anymore I had a bad binge on Friday which consisted of a mcdonalds milkshake Nd a packet of crisps an according to my scales I gained 4 lbs from it but it did me good made me realise they taste REALLY isn't worth it , also I have been trying to tackle the skill of leaving something on my plate , so hard when it's tasty but makes me feel in control instead of the food , also realised I never actually need that last mouthfull hope you are all well xxxx
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Elicia, that's great, I'll check out your blog. My link is on my signature but if you can't see it, here it is: www.tanyashirley.blogspot.com I've actually just posted another article tonight! Xx
Thanks so much bella no don't think I have wrote enough posts yet :) can't see much haha , thank you for your link xxx
I've just had a quick look, it's really good. I like that you've added pics on your blog, I haven't done that with mine. Can't help but think I'll get more views and followers if I did!