Lol...!! Im only doin it on the first few easiest levels just now..?? Thankyou honey!! It feels good doin somethin for myself!!
I swear to god... All ive done all day is clean... So much for takin it easy...!! I cant help myself lol!! Well workin all day tomoz... 10-6... Not lookin forward to it!! So quiet one tomoz again.. N then we takin the kids to a theme park on sun ( it not very big lol, but it is scotland) and there is bowling there!! So really lookin forward to that!! Ad so are the kids lol!! We were gonna go for dinner there but ive decided to make a big pot of bolognese to come home to incase im tempted to order aomethim i shouldnt...!! What bout you honey...??? Xxx
Boo to working all day :-( that's pants!
Theme park sounds fab for Sunday, I'll keep my fingers crossed that you have nice weather lol. Nothing worse than trudging round in the rain. What sort of things do you think they'd have there for your dinner? Oh wait a sac, haven't we had this conversation on another thread? Lol. Please excuse my brain., it's getting old!
I don't have anything planned for tomorrow at all :-( but loads to do today......I've been invited to a friends house who's 9/10 year old daughter has arranged a beauty day to raise money for the local hospice as that's where her grandad passed away just before Christmas. She's painting our nails, she has a foot spa, there's a raffle, cakes,!! etc. Should be a good couple of hours