Miss*Kellyxoxo's wishing for a smaller belly food diary!! Xx

I was gonna just take a pic of the actual clothes i bought lol!! I look like a hippo in them at the mo... I meant to take a snap before i went but they in the washin basket now... Didnt think anyone would appreciate a pic of them after i had worked out in them for an hour lol...!! Xx

I bet you looked nothing like a hippo!! Me in gym gear would look like I'd been for a swim and left my rubber ring on lol xxx
Mornin all...!! Hope you are all well and up for anoter 100% fabulous day...!! Weel ive had a nightmre start to the day.... Followin on from late last night..... I dropped my iphone last night after taking the dog a walk and the entire top half oof my screen is cracked to hell.... So apologies ifte first few words of my sentences are a bit gobbldygook as i cant really see them that well lol...... Then had just fallen asleep last night just before midnight when my poor little boy woke me up covered in sick..... The poor wee soul, had covered his bed and floor an himself.... So that was fun....!! Was up most of the night with him bein violently sick... And cleaning up... Just couldnt sleep properly incase he choked or summit....(silly mummy worries) so in the end we went through 5 cloths, 3 sponges, almost a bottle of disinfectant, 2 duvets, 3 pillows, 4 changes of pyjamas and countless sheets and towels, and a box of washing powder.....Phwoar....what a night.......lol!! Xx
Mornin all...!! Hope you are all well and up for anoter 100% fabulous day...!! Weel ive had a nightmre start to the day.... Followin on from late last night..... I dropped my iphone last night after taking the dog a walk and the entire top half oof my screen is cracked to hell.... So apologies ifte first few words of my sentences are a bit gobbldygook as i cant really see them that well lol...... Then had just fallen asleep last night just before midnight when my poor little boy woke me up covered in sick..... The poor wee soul, had covered his bed and floor an himself.... So that was fun....!! Was up most of the night with him bein violently sick... And cleaning up... Just couldnt sleep properly incase he choked or summit....(silly mummy worries) so in the end we went through 5 cloths, 3 sponges, almost a bottle of disinfectant, 2 duvets, 3 pillows, 4 changes of pyjamas and countless sheets and towels, and a box of washing powder.....Phwoar....what a night.......lol!! Xx

Oh no! Poor sis :-( and your poor little lad too :-( how is he this morning? If he sleeps today try and get some sleep too yourself. You must be shattered :-(
I know you love cleaning but that's a bit extreme lol xxx
Oh no! Poor sis :-( and your poor little lad too :-( how is he this morning? If he sleeps today try and get some sleep too yourself. You must be shattered :-(
I know you love cleaning but that's a bit extreme lol xxx

He not too bad, obv iv kept him off school, last time he was sick was maybe bout 5-6 this morn, he was starvin so just made him a scrambled egg, he doesnt like toast... Which wouldve been better...will just have to see if it stays down..most important thing is that he drinks plenty water...!!

Omg i know lol.... I dont want do another bit of cleanin for a week..... Thats my punishment for harpin on bout how much i love cleanin lol.!!! Im eatin my words now...!! Xx
Friday 15/03/2013: extra easy:

Breakfast: 35g coco shreddies + semi skimmed milk, 3 venison sausges (1.5), grilled mushrooms and tomato, tblspn tomato ketchup (1)!!

Lunch: baked potato with tuna mayo and onion (2.5), apple!!


Dinner: chicken tikka subway salad (0.5), olives (0.5), chipotle sauce (5)!!


Snacks: skinless chicken wings!!

Syns: subway chick tikka (0.5), olives (0.5), chipotle sauce (5), vennison sausages (1.5), mayo (2.5), tblspn tomato ketchup (1) = (11)!!

Hex-a: 250ml semi-skim milk
Heb-b: 35g coco shreddies

Exercise: 30 mins cardio, 20 mins weights!!


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Aww how's he feeling now? Hopefully he's managing to keep his food down.

You know we were on about matching things in each room........well I opened my new tube of toothpaste last night and it's purple! So it matches my pink and purple bathroom lol :-D
Hi Kelly - (((hugs))) what a night you had hun I hope the little fella is feeling better and I hope you get some sleep tonight. xx
Evenin everyone...!! Hope you are all well...?? Riley is much better now thankyou.. He is eatin again... Little bits n peices... He wanted to go out n play earlier...what is it with kids...tiny bit of energy n they wanna run riot lol...!! And thats him with not an ounce of sleep...?? Im feelin fine, still went to gym even though i was exausted so quite pleased with myself, lovin the matchin toothpaste sis.... You mustve been ecstatic lol....!! Xxx
You will sleep well tonight hun lack of sleep and exercise you will be burnt out. Glad Riley is feeling better x
Evenin everyone...!! Hope you are all well...?? Riley is much better now thankyou.. He is eatin again... Little bits n peices... He wanted to go out n play earlier...what is it with kids...tiny bit of energy n they wanna run riot lol...!! And thats him with not an ounce of sleep...?? Im feelin fine, still went to gym even though i was exausted so quite pleased with myself, lovin the matchin toothpaste sis.... You mustve been ecstatic lol....!! Xxx

Glad the little fella is on the mend :) well done on getting to the gym! What did you do /go on?
I was that excited about the toothpaste that I took a pic of it on my tooth brush (pink of course lol), my son walked in the bathroom while I was taking it and was like Omg mum what are you doing??? :-D lol x
Glad the little fella is on the mend :) well done on getting to the gym! What did you do /go on?
I was that excited about the toothpaste that I took a pic of it on my tooth brush (pink of course lol), my son walked in the bathroom while I was taking it and was like Omg mum what are you doing??? :-D lol x

Lmao.... Too funny!!! I havnt been caught takin pics of random household items yet.... But do get ribbed somethin rotten bout takin pics of my food everyday...!! Awk... They dont get it!!

He is a million times beta.. Hate wen they sick like that... They are so helpless...!!

I was at the gym for just under an hour and went on all the cardio machines for 10 mins at a time... Treadmill, exercise bike, cross trainer (my fave) and all the resistance weight machines.. I love workin on my arms.. As they are all gross n flabby lol!!! Dont think i will be goin tomoz but hopefully sunday xx
Lmao.... Too funny!!! I havnt been caught takin pics of random household items yet.... But do get ribbed somethin rotten bout takin pics of my food everyday...!! Awk... They dont get it!!

He is a million times beta.. Hate wen they sick like that... They are so helpless...!!

I was at the gym for just under an hour and went on all the cardio machines for 10 mins at a time... Treadmill, exercise bike, cross trainer (my fave) and all the resistance weight machines.. I love workin on my arms.. As they are all gross n flabby lol!!! Dont think i will be goin tomoz but hopefully sunday xx

Omg I'd die doing all that exercise! Lol. Give me dog walking any day! Hehe.

My OH doesn't mind me taking pics of my food in the house but hates it when we're out lol.
Think he's a bit jealous of all my 'minis friends' :-D xxx
Omg I'd die doing all that exercise! Lol. Give me dog walking any day! Hehe.

My OH doesn't mind me taking pics of my food in the house but hates it when we're out lol.
Think he's a bit jealous of all my 'minis friends' :-D xxx

I feel like im takin it easy just now lol!! Will up it week by week..!!

I think my OH gets jealous too lol!! I get dirty looks when we supposed to be havin a nice quiet evenin or sociable drink togetha... I suppose it is a bit selfish... Oh well....!! Xx
I feel like im takin it easy just now lol!! Will up it week by week..!!

I think my OH gets jealous too lol!! I get dirty looks when we supposed to be havin a nice quiet evenin or sociable drink togetha... I suppose it is a bit selfish... Oh well....!! Xx

That's taking it easy??? Lol. Well done you!
Any plans for the weekend apart from cleaning? ;-) xxx
That's taking it easy??? Lol. Well done you!
Any plans for the weekend apart from cleaning? ;-) xxx

Lol...!! Im only doin it on the first few easiest levels just now..?? Thankyou honey!! It feels good doin somethin for myself!!

I swear to god... All ive done all day is clean... So much for takin it easy...!! I cant help myself lol!! Well workin all day tomoz... 10-6... Not lookin forward to it!! So quiet one tomoz again.. N then we takin the kids to a theme park on sun ( it not very big lol, but it is scotland) and there is bowling there!! So really lookin forward to that!! Ad so are the kids lol!! We were gonna go for dinner there but ive decided to make a big pot of bolognese to come home to incase im tempted to order aomethim i shouldnt...!! What bout you honey...??? Xxx