Miss Mac diary - A fresh start!

Ooh holiday so close, very exciting :D x
I like the bag MM and can imagine it's very you! Bet you can't wait to carry it onto that plane!
Wow Miss Mac :D
What a difference in your pics !!
I hope that's you back on a downward spiral with, albeit slower. At least it will help you prepare for life for the future :D
I'm very chuffed for you massive achievements so far :D
Its nice to give our children a treat now & then, I bet his face was a picture when you bought it for him.

You are so right in that food doesn't actually taste that good when we over eat. Use yesterday as a reminder as its amazing how quickly we forget & old habits can gradually creep back. Mind you, you didn't eat all the chips so that shows you are developing a healthy outlook regarding food. Well done MM x
Wow Miss Mac :D What a difference in your pics !! I hope that's you back on a downward spiral with, albeit slower. At least it will help you prepare for life for the future :D I'm very chuffed for you massive achievements so far :D

Thanks marge :D

I am a lot happier with the bulk of the weight gone!
Its also a relief to have lost weight last week, i just hope i can continue like that :)

Nice to have you back x
Its nice to give our children a treat now & then, I bet his face was a picture when you bought it for him. You are so right in that food doesn't actually taste that good when we over eat. Use yesterday as a reminder as its amazing how quickly we forget & old habits can gradually creep back. Mind you, you didn't eat all the chips so that shows you are developing a healthy outlook regarding food. Well done MM x

I am definitely learning susie. Normally i would have eaten the chips for the sake of it AND had a dessert even though i was stuffed :)
Have just had a subway salad bowl and a packet of velvet crunch crisps.
Not felt hungry much today which is always a good thing :)
Well for not being hungry, i have managed to eat all my calories for the day ;)

Love the fact im not at work tomorrow :)

Oh and i just checked in online for my holiday next week. Never done this before and i didnt want to do it this time either but i was worried that if i didnt, we might not get to sit together!
So now i think i have to print off our boarding passes but im worried, what if i lose the return passed whilst im away! What if i havent printed off the right part or something i need ! Where do i go at the airport to hand my bags in!! Aaarrhh!!
I hate technology!
Whatever happened to just getting tickets in the post and handing them and your passport to the lady :(
Up at 9am on a day off!!!! I am so going to regret this when i have to get up tomorrow. Luckily only a 4 day week and ive booked an early finish friday :)

Sun is shining today but im off to metro centre again to change the bikini top.
Might put the roof down on the car though ;)
Just catching up. Sounds like you're doing really well on managing your food and calories, especially learning about trade offs and considering whether or not it's worth finishing something off or not. In real life we will have days where we go over the top in terms of calories but that doesn't mean we have to completely pig out. I would have been like you in your former incarnation and eaten all the chips because they were there and might well have had a dessert too, even though I wouldn't have needed it. Have to admit if though, I've never had a Krispy Creme doughnut. I think it's because I was frightened I'd like them too much so have always just avoided having one. I sometimes wish I hadn't 'taught' myself to like certain things that I never used to like e.g. alcohol, mayonnaise, Indian food! Have a good week counting down to your holiday. So annoying about the bikini top. I hate it when that happens.
Thanks cate!
It is very difficult to learn something that doesnt come naturally.
Logging food into mfp shows me exactly how i used overeat. Its so easy for the calories to mount up.
I would be one of those people on secret eaters that claims not to eat much but when you log all of the little bits here and there you can see why im overweight! Haha

Hopefully not anymore, by tracking what i eat, at least i am not in denial!
Thanks cate!
It is very difficult to learn something that doesnt come naturally.
Logging food into mfp shows me exactly how i used overeat. Its so easy for the calories to mount up.
I would be one of those people on secret eaters that claims not to eat much but when you log all of the little bits here and there you can see why im overweight! Haha

Hopefully not anymore, by tracking what i eat, at least i am not in denial!

Seriously, I can't believe those people on Secret Eaters. Do they really believe they it when when they say they hardly eat anything and have healthy diets? At least I was always up front about the fact that I was overweight because I had a tendency to demolish five chocolate bars in a sitting when the mood struck, loved snacking on Greggs steak bakes and sausage rolls, loved my Indian and Chinese takeaways, could easily eat a large pizza and always ate too large portions of all the other meals I cooked. These people aren't in denial; they've had the memory part of their brains removed!! LOL.
I secret eat sometimes but it's things like a handful of grated cheese or a strawberry from the fridge and the calories can mount up if you don't count them. That's why I use MFP even when I'm doing exante. I'm less likely to eat if I know I'm going to add it.
Have a good day MM.
Enjoy your day MM.

I know what you mean about technology & printing of your tickets!! There is usually a separate baggage line at your airline check in desk for people that have already booked in online so try not to worry.

When we went to Perth we had to weigh in using a ticket machine, seemed so strange but it worked really well a there was no queuing at all. Just meant I spent the journey home worrying whether our bags had been put on the right plane :rolleyes: xx
I definitely secret eat :eek:, but not like the people on the programme. I eat and know what I am eating, when no one is around :eek:. I really need to get out of this terrible habit. Its not so much the eating when alone that is the problem, its the amount I eat that is, and I know it !
It is ironic though, as when I am on exante, I still have that secret eating thing going on for other reasons, as I wont eat my exante meal in front of anyone at work :confused: Its just replacing one secret for another eh ?
I hope you managed to get your bikini changed :)
Hope you're enjoying a good shopping day and bikini swap went okay :)
Got bikini swapped and new one fits lovely. Also got a pair of jelly shoes and a new pair of sunglasses ;)

Went into the diner we had lunch at the other day and we had dessert!! No mains just dessert!
I am pleased we didnt get them the other day as they were so filling we would have totally wasted them.
Very naughty i know and it will take me over my calories for the day but we dont really go there often so thought we would make the most of it and enjoy it while we can :)
And i wont eat anything other than some fruit for the rest of the day to compensate a little bit :)
So finished on 1631 calories so not too bad.

I have this thing now too that i only like to weigh once a week but sometimes i get worried and get tempted to weigh. I dont want to get obsessed with weighing especially at this stage as i know i am going to naturally have fluctuations.
So whenever i worry or get tempted to weigh, i measure. That way i can see that even if the scales have gone up, if my measurements are the same, then im still doing ok.

So measured again tonight and im still the same as i was end of my tfr stint at 12.13 :)
Happy with that!!
Sounds like another successful day all round MM. Doing well xx