Miss Mac diary - A fresh start!

Nice pleasant day at work.
Dropped son off at his mates for a stop over and hes off go karting tomorrow.
3 days left in work.
Second to last sunbed had.
Printed off boarding passes at work.
Tv, chill and early night!
What a lovely day :)

Weigh in tomorrow!
Hope its a good result tomorrow MM x
Oh !!
Good luck for WI :):cross:

Last weeks weight: 13.6

This weeks weight: 13.5

Loss: -1

I am really pleased with a 1lb loss! Its not much i know but its off not on and im eating :)
I have now lost 3lb of the gain i had from initial re-feed :)

I have also eaten out twice this week. It just goes to show counting everything instead of being in denial can work!
On saturday, i was just tempted not to log everything and just 'write off' that day as a day off but by logging the calories, it did make me more in control and more accountable.

I might weigh on sunday to see what i am before my holiday, not sure yet. ;)
Well done chick. It is absolutely true... Weight is a numbers game. What goes in must be 'spent' or it will be added to the balance! You've got ur sums off to a tee! X
Oh wow :D
Thats brilliant miss mac :D
It is the way ahead eh ?
We only cheat ourselves if we dont log, which is something I am very guilty of :eek:
Well done :D
Excellent loss, very well done Miss M - you really have got this sussed now, I'll be coming to you for advice when I get to goal :) x
Well done. You are really getting the hang of this now. :)
Oh that is such good news MM. Well done on having a plan that is working so well for you xx
Sorry ive not been around much, work went from busy to crazy!
Not been getting in till 7.30pm and by the time i get a bath and something to eat, im shattered, ready for bed and its 10pm!! :(

Must confess wednesday i ordered a pizza and cod bites and chips to share with my son as i just could not be bothered to cook. I had 1 slice of pizza, 1 cod bite and a handful of chips. I counted it all on mfp though.
I was still under my calories though as i hadnt eaten all day, no breakfast and no lunch as i just literally never stopped!

I wouldnt care but i had my food menu all planned for the week but things happen eh and you have to adapt.
So although not healthy choices, still calorie controlled and within budget so still no cheating :)

I think its going to be like this until we go on holiday on sunday now.

Hope you are all doing well and i will hopefully catch up on dairies this weekend :)
Well fine MissM. Life can get so crazy and that's when we tend to take our eyes off the ball and pile on the pounds. Good effort for counting :)

Hope u get to Sunday with less manic-ness! X
A little bit of what we fancy now and again does us the world of good and actually will stop a binge too. Sometimes the longer we want and try to deprive the worse we are. All counted for as well, your a superstar! Xxx
Got an early finish from work yesterday :D
Then got loads done.
Sunbed, camera shop, got last minute toiletries, few more bits of clothes and had my nails done :)

Today its hair cut and highlighted for me and a cut for my son. Washing in and hung out so the only washing i have when i get back is holiday clothes.
Hoover, clean and tidy the whole house (i like coming home to a nice clean house), then im popping in to my sisters for an hour.
So another busy day :)

Just about all set for holidays now though, hope i dont forget anything!!

U are very organised! I'm a last minute chick, usually leaving a trail if destruction in my house :)

Are you gonna weigh before u go?

Hope u get everything done that you have planned! X
Hope you have a fabulous holiday Miss M x
Got most things done.
Had a surprise load of stinking washing to do!
I found my sons pe kit which he was supposed to put in the wash a week ago but didnt and oh yeah the last pe lesson he had, it was chucking it down with rain and he got soaked!! I found it by following the smell!! :(

All packed just need to do last minute stuff like make up and straightners etc and pack my airport bag with tickets and passports etc :)

Got most of the house cleaned, just the bathroom and tweeking to do.

Decided not to weigh tomorrow. It wouldnt really serve a purpose so im not going to. I will weigh on the wednesday after im back as normal, so i will have missed a week. I hope i dont gain too much, i still have 6lb refeed weight to shift!!
Where is it that you're going to Miss M?

Don't you just love boys and their dirty laundry :rolleyes: