Total Solution Miss Piggy's diary :0)

:drool: They look soooooo yummy Miss P!!!!!

Well done on your fab losses so far :happy096:
Fabulous cakes Miss Piggy. You just need to make them low carb and we can all have them. lol x
Thanks :) probably best they're not low carb or I'd eat loads lol!

Well meal out last night was lovely. Had steak, lettuce & cucumber & a few prawns. Really should have gone for the Cajun salmon salad instead though - the steak is laying so heavy in my poor tummy!! It was yummy though! No more meals out until my friends hen night, and that will just be a pork steak & broccoli/cauliflower. My trousers look really baggy this morning-always a good feeling :)

So glad it's Friday, had such a horrendous week at work! I'm grateful to have a job but I'm really bored at the moment!! Looking forward to catching up with myself-Ryan's birthday party tomorrow and family BBQ next weekend so desperately need to clean & tidy but never enough hours in the day!!!
Fantastic smart food choses Well done u
Willpower made of steel
Luv luv luv loose trousers!!!
Fair play!!

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Morning MissP...... nearly at the weekend yaaay :D
Morning! Trust me it can't come soon enough!!! :) x
Good afternoon MissP, hope today's treating you kind :hug99: xx
Well it's just dawned on me that the silly anxiety attack I had today, the hunger & the want to cry all day are 100% rotten hormones!! Due to the coil I doubt if I'd actually have realised, but after reading another diary on here it's just smacked me in the face like a wet kipper lol!!! At least I know why I felt like that & can draw a line :)

Had 2.5 packs so far & going to have a vanilla latte before bed in a bit. Got a few hours just me and my boy before his birthday party tomorrow-can't wait :) bet he'll get spoilt rotten too!

My poor mum is stressed tonight as she needs to get a new car sorted very quickly & on a tight budget. So spent 2 hours at hers tonight trying to help her hunt for one. Think she's taken my advice (just hope I'm not wrong!!) - she was going to get her brother in law to sort one but he lives 6 hours drive away & I pointed out that's a long drive to take it back if anything goes wrong!! Just hopes she doesn't take my step dads advice again - he's the reason she's got to buy a new one as he bought a heap of scrap lol!! Sorry rambling over :)

Welcome to the weekend - may I just say you are very welcome & you can stick around as long as you like ;) x
Sounds like you had a pretty full on day, you definitely deserve to put your feet up and relax with your latte.

What a difference a sleep makes, head feels clearer, I feel rested & I'm so excited about our little chaps birthday party today! The best one will be next Sunday with our family & very close friends but he's going to have so much fun today!!! They are laying on food where we're going but I haven't even thought about that, I'll just have a shake before I go. And next Sunday I'm making sure I get some lean meat for our BBQ so I can have a little without feeling left out-especially as I won't get to eat cake!!

Off to the city first thing though to get supplies for his birthday cake! Not quite sure what I'm going to do but it's going to involve postman pat somehow!

Have a fabulous day everyone!!
Have a super day MP celebratin his bday! I'll route out a photo of a postman pat cake I made my son when he was 2 and show u

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Hi MissP

Hope the party goes well :)

I got my pilates frame from ebay for about £20. It folds down so it can be put under a bed or in a cupboard.

I just have to make sure it doesn't stay there or get used for hanging clothes on :)
Thanks skinnycow, his actual birthday is next Sunday but had the party today :) he had a great time! I sort of fell off the wagon protein wise, partially because morissons had my favourite-white anchovies :) wasn't going to eat them until me & hubby had a huge argument tonight & then my emotional eating came in to play as usual, damn emotions!! He apologised but too late by the time I'd eaten the whole lot :s never mind at least the carbs were low & they're gone now so I can't eat them again!!

Spent tonight making a postman pat van out of red icing. Really chuffed with it & now know what I'm doing with Ryan's cake-very excited! Ooh loved your cake pic Shoobs!! I've chickened out of doing pat/Jess and bought figures that Ryan can keep lol!!

Mega tired now & off to beddy byes! New day tomorrow - 100% TS ahead & oodles of water. No way I'm sts this week!!! Night all xx


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Oh wow It's absolutely gorgeous!!! Ur an absolute whiz with icing!!!!
Lucky boy will luv it ;-)
Made buns last nite Licked bowl and allowed myself a few as made dem gluten, wheat and dairy free Silly me they werent carb or calorie free
Head down again tomoro ;-)

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Haha thanks, well it's a work in progress :) I've made a little pond with a duck too... Today I'm making some little letters & parcels & mail sacks! Just ordered a mini set of alphabet templates as I had so much trouble doing that lettering on the van I thought I'd get another tool for my kit!!

Had a vanilla ginger latte for brekkie & bought a drink frother yesterday too so it had no lumps for a change!! Best thing I've bought for ages!!! Got so much to do today & hardly any motivation, I just want to sit and make my cake decorations, but need to do the laundry & some cleaning ready for next weekends BBQ!

Feeling a bit bloated again today but after last weeks experience I won't be using pico perles again in a hurry, think I'll just wait for nature to take its course!!!


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