Okay so today, day 1 back on track

so pleased with myself, feel so much better.
Red day.
Breakfast - HEb porridge with HEa milk, 1/2 syn milk in a coffee & melon.
Lunch - Lettuce, cucumber, pepper, tomato, HEa light cheese, 2 slices lean ham. Melon.
Tea - EL beef mince with chopped tomato, pepper, mushrooms with HEb wholewheat pasta. Mullerlight & melon.
Syns - 2 syns for milk in coffees.
Lots of fruit and veggies in there
I have half planned tomorrow, I'm going to have a green day.
Breakfast - Maybe porridge again or weetabix with HEa milk.
Lunch - Pasta salad (wholewheat pasta, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, peppers). Melon.
Tea - Not sure of this as yet but I might have risotto, I have some mushrooms that need using up so I might make a mushroom risotto or maybe an omlette depending on how late I get home from work

I need to go shopping as I really want some asparagus and to try that and I need some babybel lights. Love planning meals and shopping (sad old woman).