Missie plus LM plus Greta equals fat fighters extraordinaire ...

I have done zoe Harcome lots of times to aid maintenance. It's really easy but quite boring for a vegetarian like me!

A typical day would be

Natural yogurt with seeds and puffed rice

Lunch of roasted butternut squash with tofu and salad. You could have chicken_ fish and meat etc.

Dinner of veg chicken brown rice etc

All unlimited quantities. I drop 7lbs a week on it.

Just no carbs or sugar

I'm struggling today. Very hungry indeed. And grumpy. Man am I grumpy

It was a useless telling off wasn't it LM? COME ON WOMAN STICK WITH IT

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Thanks Hun that sound good considering the Cambridge !!!!!

Lm come on pull ur socks up!!!!!
Hands up. ... I admit it. I totally just ate some paté on bread :((( haha. Im at work and have brought nothing to have. It was all I could find hahaha! Mad at my failings lol x

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Ugh! Im safe from pate because it's revolting but cream cheese would be a different matter!

Oh dear. It was always going to be hard when doing the long shift that you're in the middle of. Just treat it as a blip and prepare better next time

I'm 8lbs down this morning. I've decided that I'll do this diet until next Saturday then I'm back to maintenance. I'm hoping for 12 lbs off in total taking me to my comfort zone of 9 St 7 so 4 more lbs to go. I'd then like a few more off, just to give myself some eating room for florida!
How are we all today

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I've just read a diary on this site thats so full of txtspk and abbreviations that even my 15 year old daughter couldn't decipher it.

Makes my eyes bleed

Anyway... Some coke zero and a protein bar so far

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I've just read a diary on this site thats so full of txtspk and abbreviations that even my 15 year old daughter couldn't decipher it. Makes my eyes bleed Anyway... Some coke zero and a protein bar so far Sent from my C6903 using MiniMins.com mobile app
Looool I know it's crazy We'll done greta u are steaming it big time!!! So decided to stop mainly cos of money soif anyone knows a cheaper alternative let me know!!! 1/2 whole meal toast and half tsp peanut butter. 1 hr step session done x

And two soft boiled eggs after x
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It really does fall off u G!!
Ok missie so a new day :) fill up on water. Dont waste calories on drinks and eat plenty of low cal foods... veg. Salad etc.. make up some sugar free jelly to keep in fridge for those times of craving sweet things. Its really useful. Protein protein protein!! Limit carbs! Done!!!

Ok so im passed my blip. I think the reason I hadn't been too dedicated was due to having no scales. So I nipped to argos on my break just now and purchased some hi tech super cool scales.
I weighed in at 11st 2lbs so im pleasantly suprised with that!!!

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Cool so that's reAlly good you have lost some xxxx

Just tried on my bridesmaid dresses and gonna keep one myself lol they are so nice ;)


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Love the dress missie!

Good news re the weight LM!

I went to a party last night and didn't eat any of the pizza available! I didn't drink either - one diet coke and a mineral water. Not weighed yet but we shall see.

It's day 8 tonorrow so that'll be official weight for the week. I'm doing until Friday then that's me done. I'm then moving on to my usual three meals a day, no snacks during the week and relaxing this at the weekend. And this time I won't go too overboard and stuff my face solidly

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We'll done babes that's brill I kept off the food had carrot and celery battons until later then blimin caved on crisps!!!!
Good girls :) 11st this morning. I was very sick last night? Weird!!! Feel ok today but did have some toast and flat full fat coke to settle my tummy. Ah. Hopefully back to strict tomorrow ;) lolx

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Good girls :) 11st this morning. I was very sick last night? Weird!!! Feel ok today but did have some toast and flat full fat coke to settle my tummy. Ah. Hopefully back to strict tomorrow ;) lolx Sent from my GT-I9505 using MiniMins.com mobile app
Wow it's falling off u xxxx
I'm starving

Roll on Friday. Oh and official weigh day tomorrow!!

Well done LM

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Nah I don't deserve a well done. Been pickin at sweets and crisps. Eurgh!!!!

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I've had a mint choc thing and a bar. Will have another shake later

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What sort of sweets?

I quite fancy some cheese on toast actually

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Pic n mix.... eek.so a bit of everything lol. Enjoyed a lot lol!! I also had more toast, been feelin so iffy again. Hope its not dieting related! I remember doin cd before and after about 10weeks srarted feeling really really sick. But it cant be as iv only been low cal eating for a few days.... mayb a bug?!

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I did SS for seven weeks two years ago and then stopped due to severe bruising and generally feeling unwell. I'm only going until Friday so must keep going.

You must stop if you are not feeling well though

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Haha yeah the bruising I remember!!! Along with bleeding gums and thining hair. Oh the joy lol!!!
I dunno its weird.... last 3 nights iv felt sick. But only at night??!!

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Ur not pregnant?????!?

Hey guys gas a bit of a bad day yesterday fell off the wagon at a BBQ but back to it today for sure :) didn't eat too bad lots of meat and salad but I also had rice and the fatal wine!!!!

Trying to get myself to the gym this morning!!!!