Missie plus LM plus Greta equals fat fighters extraordinaire ...

What a day!!! Pooped it... came back from spin starving... ate large jacket potato with tuna & cheese arggggh. I tell ya what sumin is sooo weird with me mayb I am flamin preggers. ... hmmmm

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What a day!!! Pooped it... came back from spin starving... ate large jacket potato with tuna & cheese arggggh. I tell ya what sumin is sooo weird with me mayb I am flamin preggers. ... hmmmm Sent from my GT-I9505 using MiniMins.com mobile app

This is what I thought xxx
Dinner down salad and two boiled eggs follows by grapefruit x
I bloody hope not!! Symptoms r iffy tho.... have felt sick everyday for a week.... weird

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Maybe take a test?

It's probably just feeling a bit under the weather though hopefully ( unless you want another baby , in which case ... It'd be excellent! )

I'm another lb down this morning so now showing 11.5lbs down in about 11 days. I think. I've completely hard cored it though to achieve that! Couldn't face a shake or bar this morning so made my own smoothie which consisted of 400 mls of unsweetened soya milk, quarter of a tub of natural fat free yogurt, handful of sunflower seeds. All shaken up and then drunk! Comes in at around 230 calories so similar to a bar or shake but a bit if a change. Actually not that much if a change but all helps!

I've just got to get through today as I'm definitely not doing the weekend on bars and shakes. I'm still a little undecided on exactly what approach I'm going for but it'll be low carb and low calorie for a week to hopefully lose the remainder of what I want to by next weekend. I'd like to be 9 stone 5 so 4 lbs to go.

How are we all ?

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Me in a fat face top that I'm not entirely sure about, colour wise! I can't decide if I still look a bit dumpy? I'm 5 ft 3 ( maybe a tiny bit over that) and even at 9 stone something I can look chubby. Unfortunately, because I'm like dead old, I can't drop too much weight because it makes me look drawn in the face.

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Hi Greta you look amazing......really good. The size you are suits you really well. So chuffed for you, you have done so so well :)

Did you do any exercising by the way? think low cal low carb should work brill for you.

Is anyone having real problems with bowels?
I usually do a lot of spin but not right now because I don't have the energy. My job is physical and that'll do for now.

Hmmm ... Bowels you say? Not really but then I'm lucky in that I'm not usually affected that way. ( touch wood! ) I know it's really common though. What issues are you having ? ( tilts chin, enquiringly ) : )
Ok so the run down is.... swollen sore boobs. Period type aches in my back. Nausea and generally tired. With my boys I didn't experience anything different. So people tell me what im feelin could quite well be pregnant? We had an accident on the 26th but id literally just finished my period that day. So if u ask me all my symptoms are happening too quickly anyway... 10st 13 today. But still feel very ahemm... blocked up?!

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I would say that if you're normally regular then you're not pregnant. Symptoms don't usually begin immediately as you know but the only way to be sure is to whip a stick out !
loool think you should whip a stick out....

You both are loosing weight at a rate of knots.........whats happening loool..........................whats wrong with me! im eating like a sparrow at the moment and exercising like mad.

My issue is i cant go maybe once a week at best with occasional rabbit droppings (only way i can describe it)

lunch grilled chicken tomatos and green beans
Dinner small steak and green salad Want wine!!!


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Afternoon all

Today's been an eating day! I've had ...

A smoothie which comprised of 400 mls of unsweetened almond milk, papaya, 1/3 tub of fat free Greek yogurt and some seeds

A de caf soya latte in costa

A sushi vegetarian roll, some quorn fillets and 4 cherry tomatoes

A wedge of melon

Dinner will be roasted veg ( chanteray carrots, red and yellow pepper. Asparagus and mushrooms ) with a little feta cheese and possibly a scoop of mango sorbet

So I'm going really really careful which I'll do for the next week and see what happens

How are we al ?
Sounds good :) your being very good!!! I wish I could say the same as im im the process of cooking lasagne. :( whoooops. I was at gym for almost 2hours tho. Roughly burnt 1100 calories so im hoping that will help me not get to fat tonight lol

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Nothing wrong with lasagne! Was it yum?

I stuck to what I planned for today and had my mango sorbet with some strawberries. My other half had apple pie and Cornish ice cream then some toffees.

I wasn't jealous. ( much )

Might go light eating again tomorrow . I'm still not where I want to be : (

On the plus side, I've bought loads of lovely clothes recently!! I just love new clothes!

As I've just bought a house though ( hopefully completing in the next week or so ) , the clothes spending has to stop.

Might have one last splurge tomorrow
Hi guys you both sound like your doing well x

I love shopping too greta big time!!!!

No wine so far this weekend! It is a miracle.

Had two lamb chops and green salad last night and went and did a pump and step class so doing well!!!! Not weighing myself til Friday x
It was very yum lol!! Altho I ate a lot. And still feeling tubby now! Breakfast was a banana & a shake. Getting myself sorted for a spin/gym sesh.
Oooh yummy lamb chops. Sounds delish :) happy sunday y'all :) I have work at 5 tho booo x

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