Violet is shrinking
lol!...you're a glutton for punishment lol!
You do sound full of beans though, which is great
I'm weighing in this Saturday and have my Dr's check on Monday...urgh! 
O I have another months supply so don't have to worry about the docs just yet thank goodness !
Lol I feel good I know I can get some great losses in the next couple of weeks so I'm buzzing!! Really determined lol!! Xx
Well go me!!! 100% today!! My oh didnt go out in the end so we ended up eating at a reasonable time and it was yummy - pork chops (fat removed - and grilled) with mixed veg and cheese sauce! Followed by some fresh fruit!!
So in total 5 syns - which will help counteract my treat yesterday!
I didnt make it to aquafit tonight night - i can feel my mucles aching from earliers class!! But ive worked out once and been 110% so im happy!!
Tomorrow i have a lunch out - im not sure whether to go - i can have a salad but im not sure whether that will throw me mentally - what do you think!?!
So sw
I did have a naughty lunch had a jacket pot and a chicken wrap - which isn't good sw wise still under 15syns - but this was all I ate all day then went to work starving resisted food there then came home and ate some prawn crackersnaughty!!!
So not 100% yest but back on 100% today yay!! Xx