I'm bloody chuffed chuffed chuffed chuffed!
I completed wk 4 dy1 of c25k for those of you that don't know that a 4min run then 6 then. 4 again and I did it I didn't give up I didn't slow down I kept doing it in over the moon do feeling a bit more positive about this week exercise wise not so much weight wise still in a mood about that one lol! X
Well it's not a full run it's getting there though slowly!
I'm unfortunately have a mare ATM! I feeling really fat heavy and bloated which is driving me mad and I'm feeling guilty just sat around i feel like I need to be doing something all the time!
I'm at home with family and surrounded by naughty foods - yet haven't even bothered to buy some healthy alternatives for me!
Foods gonna be later on tonight even though I wasn't planning on staying that late bc I have to work tomorrow! Ugh!
Fed up doesn't begin to cover it! X
Mizkirsty said:I need help!
I'm on the verge of giving up I know your all probably fed up of hearing me moan by now and I do apologise!
I know I've lost weight so I know I can loose more!! I'm just not sure how! My body seems to be on strike!
I'm just feeling really low and depressed that the scales are just not moving and it's beginning to get to meI just do not know what else to do.
I feel like I'm spinning in circles and I almost need to get my head straight but I'm not sure what straight bc I haven't been off eating goodness know what I'm within my cals but it's not working and I'm so frustrated I've looked into all sorts!
I'm just stuck!