::mOd-kArEn79's DiArY::

OMG I cant believe I missed your trip to Bristol! That will teach me for being busy and not get on here :( how are you doing this week? Congratulations on your stone!
Oi AWOL girl.... where have you gone? Hope you're ok, if you've slipped up get that line drawn and come back on here xxx
this is freaky lou! i just logged on to say i'd gone a bit AWOL! i'm struggling a bit and have just had a few days back on plan :)

i found out a few days ago that i'm going to Monaco for 2 weeks in September so getting a little motivation boost :)

....we normally go to Nice and stay with Dan's nan, who only speak italian and french. she's very lovely but she stresses me out because she gets stressed if we sleep late and constantly wants to do our laundry and cook for us.

last year she had a leg ulcer and was supposed to be resting but she insisted on cooking for dan at every given oppurtunity and was clearly in pain! i felt so uncomfortable about it but i know this is how she is and she won't even let us wash the dishes!

she also told dan's dad i was lazy because i didn't prepare the lunch for the coolbox on the days me and dan went to the beach!!! truth be told i avoid the kitchen as the time before she hovered around me and cleaned everything as i made our lunch. besides i book the flights and car hire, organise us both and the suitcases and drive the hire car ALL holiday! ... so packing and unpacking the frigging coolbox and hanging the beach towels out is most definately dans job!

...this time we're borrowing his uncles flat in Monaco. which is only a 15 minute drive from his nan's. i'm VERY excited cos we will be all on our own :) :) :)
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Aww I'm not scary - just on both of your cases. Hehe. Holiday sounds fab Karen, I'm jealous xx
hey there sexxxy ladies :D
ok - so i've been a complete d*ck when it comes to SW. i've been off plan for 2 weeks!!!! with the odd day on plan...but who am i kidding?

the good news is i have forgiven myself and am no longer beating myself up and will be back on plan tommorow morning.

i haven't weighed myself for 2 weeks and i won't be weighing myself for a week or too after, so i don't get disheartened.
Don't beat yourself up hun, but start again NOW, also, deep breath and get on the scales, otherwise you won't know how well you'll have done this forthcoming week. You can and will do this hun, you want it as much as I do... come on girly xxx
Tuesday 1.06.10

BREAKFAST: 2 x fibre plus bars (2 hexb)

LUNCH: Mr Bens Spicy Mexican Rice (2 syns)

DINNER: quorn burgers (2 syns), lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, potato salad (1.5 syns), kethcup (1 syn)

SNACKS: vegetable ravioli, mini twister (2.5 syns), curly wurly (5.5 syns)

SYNS: 14.5
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Wednesday 2.06.10

BREAKFAST: nothing - i know! but i didn't have time

LUNCH: egg mayo on 2 wholmeal rolls (1.5 syns for e.l.mayo + 2 hexb), lettuce, tomato, onion, cucumber and potato salad (1 syn for e.l.mayo)

DINNER: curry rice with mayo (1 syn) and mini babybels (hexa)

SNACKS: mini twister (2.5 syns), curly wurly (5.5 syns), pasta with tomato sauce and cheese (hexa)

SYNS: 11.5
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Think Lou's advice is spot on, you're doing the right thing by admitting you've fallen off the wagon but so long as you stay strong you'll be fine :) Your food plans you posted last look lovely.
i'm on day 1 of 2 study days. all coursework is due in end of next week and i have about 10 essays to write in that time! ARGH!!! i've had since october to do it but i can't get my head into these things unless i have lots of pressure. plus i didn't choose to do the course - it's part of my job.

wish the battery on my laptop was decent - cos i'd head to the beach and write down there. no internet access = no facebook or minimins = essays!

normally i would use the pressure as an excuse to eat crap. i did it last week - i went to sainsburys and binged all day long whilst attempting to study. i won't be doing that this week

Thursday 3.06.10

BREAKFAST: syn free rice pudding with a tsp honey (1 syn) (pudding rice, water, sweetener, nutmeg and vanilla essence) - it was pretty rough but i got into it and it filled me up a treat!

LUNCH: WW tomato soup (3.5 syns), w/m toast (2 x hexb) and laughin cow blue cheese (hexa) - YUM!

DINNER: linguini with tomato and olive sauce (2 syns for the olives) and cheese (hexa)

SNACKS: 3 x mini twisters (7.5 syns)

SYNS: 14

really need to go to the shops and buys some fruit n veg!
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i've finished one essay! wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! just another 8 or so to write!

i'm feeling quite motivated now and glad i've got tomorrow to study too as i have my mojo! just remembered it's my dads birthday tomorrow - which means i need to have a shower and get to the shops at some point this evening. he wants an electric can opener (as he's getting arthritis in his hands :() and to be taken to the harvester for his dinner!

good day food wise so far.... just haven't decided on what to have for dinner. not got much food in so will have to be creative!
study # 2 and so far i haven't got very far! it's my dad's birthday so taking him to the harvester (his choice) for his dinner.

if i have the veggie burger i will be shoving the chips on dan's plate and i PROMISE i will NOT have a rocky horror!
Rocky horror sounds amazing...
Enjoy your meal out with your dad and don't pressure yourself with your studies :) take it all in your stride and am sure you'll get them done. It's good you're getting a break away, hope you get some good weather.