::mOd-kArEn79's DiArY::

if i stockpiled chocolate bars with a high syn value i'd probably end up buggering it up, but as they're only 5.5 syns i can eat 2 a day and still be ok.....that's the plan anyway. so far so good!

i might end up on here crying surrounded by 30 wrappers! lol

i'm finding having no pressure about weigh-in is making me more relaxed about being on plan. i'm not getting to 2 days before weigh-in and panicking about what i can and can't eat for the best loss!

i'm eating out friday so i might weigh in on friday morning rather than saturday!
thursday 22.04.10

BREAKFAST: wholegrain strawberry yogurt (1.5 syns), weetabix oaty bar (hexb)

LUNCH: 4 x ryvita (hexb), cheese (hexa) mixed with onion and very low fat mayo (1 syn), french fries (4.5 syns)

DINNER: linguini with syn free tomato and basil sauce and cheese (hexa)

SNACKS: makidos (8 syns)

SYNS: 15
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You look very back on track Karen and with Lou giving you regular kicks up the arse you can't go wrong! Ha ha
Haha - I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not? Either way, I'm on your case, (and visa versa) hehe. xx
i'm eating out tonight at a turkish restaurant. they do a few italian dishes on the menu too and lots of veg based dishes so hopefully i can make some sensible choices.

friday 23.04.10

BREAKFAST: wholegrain strawberry yogurt (1.5 syns) and grapes

LUNCH: linguini with syn free tomato and basil sauce and cheese (hexa)

DINNER: vegetarian meze (selection of houmous, couscous, some aubering thing, a mini feta pastry, a falafel, yogurt and cucumber and pitta) followed by vegetable moussaka with rice and salad....all washed down with 1.5 litres of water!!!

SNACKS: none

SYNS: probably toooooo high!
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Oooh how was dinner?

Lou, swing by bristol on your way back from Bournemouth and I will bung you a fiver too! Ha ha x
Hehe - are you sure Taz? I'll nag you, hehe. How are you anyway lovely? Need to catch up with your diary.

Hope you had a lovely night out last night Karen x
dinner was nice last night. we ordered meze for starter which is a selection of dishes to share.... the portions were tiny, which was good and it was all pretty healthy stuff. then i had vegetable moussaka for main which was served with rice and salad. i drank 1.5 litres of water over dinner aswell - i was stuffed and didn't order dessert which i'm now a little smug about :)

we went to a bar after which was full of rampant 40+ women ....so my boyfriend got the DJ to give a shout out to all the cougars in the house!!! i don't think the DJ even knew what he was saying! was a funny night and i'm knackered and planning on eating, sleeping and relaxing today.
saturday 24.04.10

BRUNCH: mmm sausage sandwiches! 4 x cauldron lincolnshire sausages (6 syns), w/m bread (hexb) and ketchup (1 syn)

DINNER: jacket potato with cheese (2 x hexa) and beans

SNACKS: makidos (8 syns)

SYNS: 15
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Oh yes, hop over to my diary Lou! Not much going on there so it wont take you long to catch up!!!

Karen, the cougar shout-out is so funny! Sounds like you had a great night
yeah good thanks lou - can't wait for the weekend already!!! lost my work mojo this morning! lol

yesterday was a right balls up! ate ok until the evening - we had a chinese and i ended up eating cookies after for no good reason so overdid it on the syns!!! grrrrr!

monday 26.04.10

BREAKFAST: honeydew melon with muesli yogurt (2.5 syns)

LUNCH: 4 x ryvita (hexb), dairylea triangles (hexa), lettuce, tomato and ryvita minis (hexb)

DINNER: pasta (6 syns) pesto with green beans and grated cheese (hexa)

SNACKS: curly wurly (5.5 syns)

SYNS: 14
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tuesday 27.04.10

BREAKFAST: banana and 2 satsumas

LUNCH: 4 x ryvita (hexb), dairylea triangles (hexa) and velvet crunch (4 syns)

DINNER: quorn fillet (3.5 syns), mushroom stuffed with leek and cheese (2 x hexa), fried sliced potatoes and extra light mayo (0.5 syn)

SNACKS: curly wurly (5.5 syns)

SYNS: 13.5
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wednesday 28.04.10

BREAKFAST: banana and 2 satsumas

LUNCH: 3 pagen rolls (hexb), dairylea triangles (hexa) and multigrain yogurt (1.5 syns)

DINNER: pasta with pesto (4 syns), cheese (hexa) and tomatoes

SNACKS: curly wurly (5.5 syns), french fries (4 syns)

SYNS: 15
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I think I must be greedy as your food diary would never fill me up, the multigrain yogurt sounds lovely, where do you get them? x
the yogurts are from aldi - they do strawberry (1.5 syns), muesli (2.5 syns) and some other flavours. lovely over chopped melon :) ...might need to double check the syns!

i know what you mean about my diary but i was late up this morning so ate the fruit in the car on the way to work and ate what i had in the fridge at work. some days i eat constantly and other days, like today, i'm not so hungry. it definately helps when work is busy as i don't think about food so much. i was offered an iced ring donut and didn't have one :)
Thursday 29.04.10

BREAKFAST: banana and 2 satsumas

LUNCH: pasta pesto leftovers (2 syns) and baby plum tomatoes

DINNER: SW chips, marrowfat peas, crispy quorn fillet (3.5 syns) and ketchup (1.5 syns)

SNACKS: satsuma, curly wurly (5.5 syns)

SYNS: 12.5
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Friday 30.04.10

BREAKFAST: melon covered with multigrain yogurt (2.5 syns)

LUNCH: 2 x ryvita (3 syns) with dairylea triangles (hexa)

DINNER: 4 x quorn burgers (2 syns), 2 w/m baps (2 hexb), cheese (hexa), ketchup (1.5 syns) with side salad of lettuce, tomato, cucumber, red onion, balsamic vinegar and extra light mayo (0.5 syn)

SNACKS: worcester sauce french fries (4 syns)

SYNS: 13.5
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